Monday, November 30, 2009
And the winners are...
This giveaway thing is fun, isn't it? Luckily, I have another one in the works... Check back in a few days!
Italian Lentil Soup
Frankly, I don't know what's Italian about this soup, but that's the name of it. And let me tell you, it's a great, great soup. Per often votes against soup for dinner, claiming it won't be enough food, or just not good enough. But this one? Oh, this one got slurped up, and with a surprised look he exclaimed that it was delicious! And filling, too! It will definitely be a staple here - not only is it quick and easy to make, it has basic ingredients that I often have at hand.
I got it from an online friend who has a great foodblog! in Swedish - I've changed the quantities a bit, but it's basically the same.
My veggies were all small-medium - if yours are huge, use fewer than the recipe specifies.
Italian Lentil Soup
(printable recipe)
Serves 3-4
1 onion
1 garlic clove
2-3 carrots
2 parsnips
3 potatoes
100 ml red lentils
70 g bacon
800 ml water or vegetable stock
1 tbsp concentrated vegetable stock (if using water) or stock cube
200 ml milk
100 ml cream
1 tsp dried thyme
2 bay leaves
salt, pepper
Chop onion and garlic. Peel the carrots, parsnips and potatoes, and cut into coins and dice, respectively. Cut the bacon into strips.
Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan until it's lightly browned. Add some butter and the onions, garlic, carrots and parsnips. Fry for five minutes, then add lentils and potatoes. Fry for a few more minutes, then add water, stock, thyme and bay leaves.
Cover and cook for about 20 minutes, until all the vegetables are soft. Add milk and cream, and season with salt and pepper.
Recipe in Swedish:
Italiensk linssoppa
Sunday, November 29, 2009
First Sunday of advent
ready for the first Julvört bread of the year, with some aged cheese
from Allerum.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Film 2012
2012 adalah sebuah film bencana tahun 2009 yang disutradarai Roland Emmerich. Film ini memiliki ensemble cast, termasuk John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, dan Woody Harrelson. Film ini akan didistribusikan oleh Columbia Pictures. Syuting dimulai bulan Agustus 2008 di Vancouver.
Film ini terinspirasi oleh ide peristiwa hari kiamat global yang bersamaan dengan akhir putaran Kalender Hitungan Panjang Maya pada atau sekitar 12 Desember 2012 (titik balik matahari musim dingin belahan Bumi utara).
Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) adalah seorang ayah yang telah bercerai yang bekerja sampingan sebagai supir limousin dan penulis, sementara bekas istrinya (Amanda Peet) dan anak-anaknya tinggal bersama dengan pacar barunya, Gordon (Thomas McCarthy).
Di kota Tikal suku Maya di Guatemala, korban bunuh diri massal tampaknya mempercayai kalender Maya, yang meramalkan akhir dunia yang bersamaan dengan Kesejajaran Galaktik, yang terjadi pada 21 Desember 2012, tanggal terjadinya titik balik matahari musim dingin di belahan Bumi utara. IHC (Institute for Human Continuity), sebuah organisasi rahasia, menyadari situasi ini dan mulai membangun bahtera besar di bawah Pegunungan Himalaya yang dirancang untuk menghadapi banyak bencana alam untuk menyelamatkan manusia, spesies tertentu, dan harta manusia yang paling berharga ketika kiamat akhirnya terjadi. Ada perdebatan tentang bagaimana dan kapan pemerintah dunia akan memberitahu warga mereka, dan cara memilih orang-orang yang akan diselamatkan dari kiamat ini. Sementara itu, ketika sedang dalam perjalanan siang menuju Yellowstone dengan dua anaknya, Jackson bertemu Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), yang membawakan acara radionya sendiri tentang prediksi suku Maya terhadap 21 Desember 2012.
Retakan besar terbentuk di Patahan San Andreas, California, dan meskipun pemerintah meyakinkan segalanya aman, Jackson tidak yakin. Menyewa pesawat pribadi dan memperoleh barang-barang darurat, ia pergi ke rumah Kate di L.A. untuk menyelamatkan keluarganya dan Gordon dari gempa bumi karena perpindahan kulit Bumi. Jackson dengan cepat mengumpulkan keluarganya, dan setelah perjalanan yang panjang dan berbahaya dengan jalan-jalan yang runtuh menuju Bandar Udara Santa Monica, pacar baru Amanda, Gordon menggunakan kemampuan terbangnya untuk menyelamatkan keluarga ini. Seluruh kota Los Angeles yang runtuh mulai tenggelam ke Samudera Pasifik. Ketika pesawat semakin kekurangan bahan bakar, kelompok ini melihat kemungkinan mendarat di Wyoming. Jackson memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk bertemu Charlie. Menentang keinginan Kate, Jackson dan Lily pergi mencari Charlie, meskipun menemukan mobil van-nya kosong. Melalui radio, Charlie memberitahukan pendengarnya bahwa ia telah pergi ke pegunungan untuk menyaksikan kiamat. Jackson mengemudikan van tersebut untuk menemukan dan menyelamatkan Charlie, tapi Charlie menolak pergi. Ketika Jackson dan Lily melarikan diri dari gunung api yang meletus, Charlie menyebutkan sebuah peta di van yang akan memperlihatkan rute lari. Jackson dan Lily pergi kembali ke pesawat melewati hujan batu lava. Setelah tiba, Lily lari ke pesawat, tapi Jackson tetap di van untuk mencari peta tersebut, dan itu terlalu lama. Ketika tanah terbuka, van itu jatuh ke sebuah celah. Keluarga Jackson ketakutan, tapi harus pergi. Jackson memegang pinggiran, dan berlari ke pesawat ketika tanah di belakangnya terus runtuh. Ia cukup cepat memasuki pesawat.
Semakin jelas bahwa tidak hanya California yang mengalami bencana: Gunung Api Super Yellowstone meletus; gempa besar terjadi di Amerika Selatan; Washington, D.C. dibanjiri oleh tsunami dan USS John F. Kennedy menghancurkan Gedung Putih; dan St. Peter's Basilica di Roma runtuh, menewaskan ribuan orang. Tsunami lain menghantam New York City, menenggelamkan Patung Liberty. Pemerintah AS akhirnya mengumumkan akhir dunia. Jackson dan keluarganya harus mencari jalan ke Cina untuk menaiki kapal besar, karena pesawat kecil mereka tak mampu melakukan perjalanan ini. Ketika mereka mencari pesawat baru, semuanya dipenuhi penumpang. Tetapi, Gordon bergantung pada salah satu klien lamanya, Tamara (Beatrice Rosen). Ia bersama dengan milyuner Rusia, Yuri Karpov (Zlatko Buric). Keluarga ini mengetahui bahwa Yuri telah membawa pesawat untuk kabur ke Cina. Jackson meminta untuk memperbolehkan keluarganya, tapi Yuri menolak. Tetapi, pilotnya, Sasha (Johann Urb) memberitahu bahwa ia membutuhkan seorang kopilotdan Jackson mengatakan Gordon adalah pilot terlatih. Sehingga, kelompok ini akhirnya menaiki pesawat tersebut sementara bandara hancur oleh gempa bumi.
Ketika mereka ada di udara, Sasha sadar bahwa pesawat ini tidak memiliki bahan bakar cukup untuk terbang ke Cina. Ia memberitahu Gordon, dan mereka setuju untuk mendarat di air. Sasha kemudian mengetahui bahwa mereka tidak lagi di atas lautan: kulit Bumi telah berpindah ribuan mil dan mereka mengarah ke Pegunungan Himalaya. Mengetahui resiko mendaratkan pesawat di atas salju, Sasha mengatakan pada penumpang untuk pergi ke penyimpanan kargo dan banyak mobil disimpan di sana, sementara ia dan Gordon mempertahankan kontrol dan membuka pintu kargo dari kokpit. Rencana mereka ialah mengeluarkan mobil tersebut dari penyimpanan kargo. Gordon harus meninggalkan Sasha dan berlari ke mobil tepat waktunya. Sasha mendaratkan pesawat di sebuah jurang, yang kemudian runtuh. Anggota kelompok lainnya mendarat selamat. Tamara menangis dan meminta agar mereka kembali untuk mencari Sasha. Sebelum mereka bertindak, helikopter Cina yang mengangkut hewan besar terbang di atas mereka. Satu helikopter mendarat, meskipun kelompok ini tahu bahwa mereka harus bayar untuk menaikinya. Yuri membayar untuk dirinya dan putranya, tapi menolak membayar untuk orang lain. Sebelum masuk helikopter, ia berkata pada Tamara bahwa ia tahu hubungannya dengan Sasha.
Kelompok ini tak memiliki pilihan kecuali jalan melintasi pegunungan untuk mencari kelompok lain. Sebuah mobil lewat, Jackson melempar batu ke arahnya. Mobil berbalik dan penumpang membolehkan mereka naik. Di dalamnya terdapat seorang biarawan Buddha, Nima (Osric Chau), dan neneknya (Lisa Lu). Mereka pergi untuk bertemu dengan saudara Nima, Tenzin (Chin Han), yang punya rencana untuk menyelinap ke kapal besar itu.
Setelah tiba, Tenzin marah. Ia mengatakan pada Nima bahwa rencananya tidak dapat melibatkan banyak orang, dan orang lain tidak bisa diikutkan bergabung. Jackson dan Kate memaksa pada Tenzin bahwa mereka membawa anak-anak. Setelah perdebatan panjang, Tenzin membolehkan seluruh kelompok bergabung.
Jackson dan keluarganya berusaha menyelinap ke kapal itu dengan bantuan Tenzin. Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt), Kepala Staf Presiden kemudian memerintahkan agar gerbang kapal ditutup, sementara suplai belum cukup. Ketika gerbang ditutup, kaki Tenzin hancur dan Gordon tewas. Dr.Adrian Helmsley,penasihat ilmiah Presiden (Chiwetel Ejiofor), kaget dan memutuskan gerbang dibuka untuk korban selamat yang tersisa. Roda sebuah gerbang di kapal tersebut macet dan tak mau menutup, sehingga gerbang setengah terbuka. Mesin kapal tak bisa dinyalakan kecuali gerbang ditutup. Ketika tsunami menghantam kapal, sebuah struktur penopang utama patah, dan kapal mengapung menuju Gunung Everest. Jackson dan Noah berusaha memperbaiki roda kapal dan gerbang pun tertutup. Mesin dinyalakan kembali untuk menghindari tabrakan dengan gunung. Kapal menabrak Gunung Everest, tapi mengalami sedikit kerusakan. Ketika banjir menyurut, kapten kapal memutuskan Tanjung Harapan Baik di Afrika Selatan sebagai tanah baru yang cocok bagi korban selamat.

Fenomena 2012 adalah serangkaian kepercayaan dan rencana yang menyebutkan bahwa peristiwa bencana atau transofrmatif akan terjadi di tahun 2012.[1][2] Perkiraan ini didasarkan pada apa yang diklaim sebagai tanggal akhir dari kalender Hitungan Panjang Maya, yang merentang selama 5.125 tahun dan berakhir pada 21 atau 23 Desember 2012. Pendapat yang mendukung penanggalan ini berasal dari arkeoastronomi amatir, penerjemahan alternatif mitologi, konstruksi numerologi, dan ramalan dari makhluk ekstraterestrial.
Penerjemahan Zaman Baru terhadap perpindahan ini menunjukkan bahwa, selama ini, planet ini dan penghuninya sedang mengalami transformasi fisik atau spiritual secara positif, dan bahwa 2012 dapat menandakan awal era baru.[3] Sebaliknya, sejumlah orang percaya bahwa tanggal pada tahun 2012 menandakan awal kiamat. Kedua ide ini telah diterbitkan dalam berbagai buku dan dokumenter TV, dan telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia melalui situs web dan grup diskusi.
Cendekiawan Mayanis mengatakan bahwa ide mengenai kalender Hitungan Panjang yang "berakhir" tahun 2012 tidak mewakili sejarah Maya.[2][4] Di masa Maya modern, 2012 sangat tidak relevan, dan sumber Maya klasik mengenai fenomena ini sudah langka dan bertentangan, menyatakan bahwa ada kemungkinan kecil tanggal ini diakui secara universal.[5]
Klaim yang terus muncul oleh orang-orang yang memperkirakan akhir dunia di tahun 2012 (sejajar dengan lubang hitam, tabrakan dengan planet bebas, perpindahan kutub) telah ditolak sebagai pseudoilmiah oleh komunitas ilmiah. Banyak klaim ini melanggar hukum fisika, atau bertentangan dengan observasi sederhana.
Sebuah film berjudul 2012, yang disutradarai Roland Emmerich, telah menggunakan kampanye pemasaran viral mengenai kekhawatiran kiamat di tahun tersebut. Kampanye ini, yang berupa video kesadaran publik dari organisasi fiksi "Institute for Human Continuity", telah dikritik karena berkontribusi pada ketakutan umum mengenai masalah ini.
Suku Maya tentang 2012
Suku Maya saat ini, secara keseluruhan, tidak menaruh ketertarikan apapun pada 2012. Meskipun perputaran kalender masih digunakan oleh sejumlah suku Maya di dataran tinggi Guatemala, Hitungan Panjang masih diberlakukan oleh suku Maya klasik, dan baru-baru ini ditemukan kembali oleh para arkeolog.[19] Tetua Maya, Apolinario Chile Pixtun dan arkelolog Meksiko, Guillermo Bernal, keduanya mencatat bahwa "kiamat" adalah konsep Barat yang tidak memiliki kesamaan dengan kepercayaan Maya. Bernal percaya bahwa ide seperti itu telah disisipkan pada suku Maya oleh bangsa Barat karena mitos mereka sendiri "lenyap".[20][21] Arkeolog Maya, Jose Huchm mengeluh bahwa, "Bila aku pergi ke komunitas penutur bahasa Maya dan menanyakan orang-orang apa yang akan terjadi pada 2012, mereka tak tahu apa-apa. Apakah dunia ini segera berakhir? Mereka takkan mempercayaimu. Kami sangat mempermasalahkan hal ini, layaknya hujan."[20]
Kesamaan yang diberikan suku Maya klasik tentang tanggal 2012 belum jelas. Kebanyakan prasasti Maya klasik masih bersejarah dan tidak membuat pernyataan ramalan apapun.[22] Dua benda dalam sisa sejarah Maya menyebutkan akhir baktun ke-13: Tortuguero Monument 6 dan, kemungkinan Chilam Balam.
1. nulis kata disingkat, seperti “lagi apa?” gi pha?? atau bosen banget jadi “bsen bgd nh”
2. memakai simbol tambahan. “p@ k@bar L0e??” atau “~hha..~ y nh.. lg bosen~”
3. menggunakan huruf Z dibelakang kata. “mlz bgtz!” atau “gurunya malezin yh”
4. comment orang dengan minta balasan kaya “repp iah!” / “blz dum” / “reply dsini iiaaa”
5. layoutnya yang super rame bahkan berfotmat gif (gerak) dengan warna ngejrenk pinkk fontnya yang anehlah
1. aboutme panjaaaang banget dengan gambar dari myspace yang gajelas pake isi gr-gr an kaya “aq tuh…. cntik…. lucu…. punya cowo ganteng…” zzz dan sebagainyalah lo tau kan
2. penggantian kata! gue / gw / gua = w, lo / lu = lw / loe. dong = dumzz / dwunhh
3. foto serba diediiiiit abis apalagi yang editnya emo emo pake tulisan gothic gitu
4. mediabox dipenuhin dengan gambarrrrrr
1. mamerin kebisaan dishotout, misalnya “eh w kan menang track motor lohh..” atau “eh w les nyetir dong..” dan yang lebih oon nya “eh w makin oke dan top ya tiap hari” (halah)
2. rusuhin comment foto. misalnya cuma dicomment “cantik deh/ganteng deh” balesnya “emg gw gnteng gtuu… y krna trlahir dh ganteng kli ya?? hha. dan kyanya……….blabalabla”
3. nickname digabung sama nama org yang disuka dengan cara gajelas. misalnya (kalo namanya sama maaf ya) “delita saiianks si luthuu..” atau “delita cinta dya” gitulah ya aezzz…
4. bikin album yang isinya artis favorit mereka. contoh “kangen band khuzuz loh!!” apalagi albumnya pake dikunci, yah capedeh!!
1. barang abal yang dipamerin ketemen terus dia ngaku beli di singapore. amrik . dan sbgainya. “eh liat nih gue beli gelang dijerman gituloh asli kalo ga salah sih dirupiahin 500 ribu ya.” padahal dia beli di itc aja!! yang 10 ribu 5 hahaha.
2. tulisan gede-kecil. “aLoW kLiAnZ hArUz ADd GwE YaH!!” atau dengan angggka “K4Ng3nZ dWEcChh” NNNNNZZZZZ
3. minta di add di shotout, “j9n lupa ett ghw”
4. gaya dengan bibir monyong, telunjuk nempel bibir, gaya tangan dengan oke dipinggir kepala dan foto dari atas
5. nge post bulbo cuma buat kasih tau dia lagi online & minta comment
=> apa anda termasuk kedalamnya ??
hahahaaa =)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Some of you might know that I sometimes create tiny jewelry from fimo (a sort of polymer) clay. I haven't done much since before Titus was born, but I recently got going again, which means I have some new ones to share with you. And I do mean share, because I'd love to give away two sets of earrings - each featuring Swedish "lussekatter" or Lucia Buns.
And if you win, you have to promise to wear them on Lucia Day, which is December 13th! I wish I could send you actual Lucia Buns as well, but since they dry out extremely fast they don't travel very well. Sorry! (But I do have a recipe, of course.)
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and don't forget to leave your e-mail or some way to contact you. The giveaway is open until Sunday, Nov 29.
This also means I have some mini cupcakes (and some more lucia buns, and one pair of Princess Cake earrings) for sale. They can be made into earrings, or as pendants with lobster clasps. Check out the Flickr Set - anything that says "available" is still for sale. (Basically, start at the bottom - that's where the new stuff is.) E-mail me for prices. All hardware is sterling silver.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Cookbook Watch: A little bit of this, a little bit of that...
Portugal has a pretty bad food rap, at least here in Sweden. My friends went there on vacation and came back and really ranted about the bad food. With this in mind, I was wary when I received David Leite's book "The New Portuguese Table". I have to say, I've really changed my mind now - this food is anything but boring and repetitive, and it looks very fresh and flavorful. Leite has a Portuguese heritage, and many of the recipes were favorites as he grew up and have a very comfortable, homey feel. Others are modern and exciting, and something I really want to try is the milk-based "mayonnaise" which seems very intriguing. The book as a whole is really nice if you want to learn more about a new cuisine - the recipes are well-written, the photos are beautiful, and it makes me want to get in the kitchen. (Or really, on a plane, but I'll have to settle for the kitchen.)
Mitt Nära Kök ("My Close Kitchen" - not available in English) is written by Henrik Norström who runs one of Stockholm's fanciest resturants, Lux. (Where I'd love to go, by the way - Per has been there several times and loved it, but I haven't had the chance yet. It's the sort of place you'd pick if someone else is paying, to put it mildly - not in my maternity leave price range, that's for sure.) I was really excited to get this book, as it's something akin to getting a book by Heston Blumenthal, or even Ferran Adría. (Well, maybe with slightly more traditional techniques.) However, it's about as approachable, too. The recipes are short, and they sound SO simple. However, I look at the photos (which are beautiful!!) and just go "huh?". They look WAY more complicated than what I can accomplish at home, and that really turns me off, in a way. So, this is a book that I love to look at and leaf through, but for actually cooking, I'll choose something else.
Klara Desser has written a lot of books about eating according to the GI - Glycemic Index - method, and her new book, Klaras hälsomat ("Klara's Health food" - not available in English) has the same approach but is even more basic. It doesn't specifically talk about GI, but lists five steps to a healthier way of life - eating more lentils and veggies, eating less sugar and quick carbs, choosing healthy fats, saving indulgences for the weekends and getting more exercise. Makes sense, no? As a health book, this is really nice for those who need inspiration to make a change. As a cookbook, it's not bad - the recipes follow the rules above, and many of them sound very tasty. Or how about roast veal with root vegetables and apple chutney? Or chicken in tomato sauce with almonds and capers? Sounds good to me.
And finally, a much awaited book by the cake-guru Rose Levy Berenbaum. I have, and adore, her Cake Bible, and this new book is just as good. Rose's Heavenly Cakes has tons of cakes, helpful hints, and detailed recipes for success. She doesn't leave anything to chance - this is not for those of you who won't follow recipes, because these recipes are meant to be followed. And if you do, deliciousness will follow! I like this book slightly more than the old Cake Bible because of one particular feature: photos. This has full color photos of everything, which is also something I desire in a cookbook. So far, I've tried some Vanilla Bean cupcakes and those were most definitely amazing - all about those some other time...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
tips pacaran islami =)

1. Jangan berduaan dengan pacar di tempat sepi, kecuali ditemani mahram dari sang wanita (jadi bertiga)
“Janganlah seorang laki-laki berkholwat (berduaan) dengan seorang wanita kecuali bersama mahromnya…”[HR Bukhori: 3006,523, Muslim 1341, Lihat Mausu’ah Al Manahi Asy Syari’ah 2/102]
“Tidaklah seorang lelaki bersepi-sepian (berduaan) dengan seorang perempuan melainkan setan yang ketiganya“ (HSR.Tirmidzi)
2. Jangan pergi dengan pacar lebih dari sehari semalam kecuali si wanita ditemani mahramnya
“Tidak halal bagi wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir untuk bepergian sehari semalam tidak bersama mahromnya.” [HR Bukhori: 1088, Muslim 1339]
3. Jangan berjalan-jalan dengan pacar ke tempat yang jauh kecuali si wanita ditemani mahramnya
“…..jangan bepergian dengan wanita kecuali bersama mahromnya….”[HR Bukhori: 3006,523, Muslim 1341]
4. Jangan bersentuhan dengan pacar, jangan berpelukan, jangan meraba, jangan mencium, bahkan berjabat tangan juga tidak boleh, apalagi yang lebih dari sekedar jabat tangan
”Seandainya kepala seseorang di tusuk dengan jarum dari besi itu lebih baik dari pada menyentuh wanita yang tidak halal baginya.” (Hadits hasan riwayat Thobroni dalam Al-Mu’jam Kabir 20/174/386 dan Rauyani dalam Musnad: 1283, lihat Ash Shohihah 1/447/226)
Bersabda Rasulullahi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassallam: “Sesungguhnya saya tidak berjabat tangan dengan wanita.” [HR Malik 2/982, Nasa’i 7/149, Tirmidzi 1597, Ibnu Majah 2874, ahmad 6/357, dll]
5. Jangan memandang aurat pacar, masing-masing harus memakai pakaian yang menutupi auratnya
“Katakanlah kepada orang-orang beriman laki-laki hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya ” (Al Qur’an Surat An Nur ayat 30)
“…zina kedua matanya adalah memandang….” (H.R. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud dan Nasa’i)
6. Jangan membicarakan/melakukan hal-hal yang membuat terjerumus kedalam zina
“Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang jelek” (Al Qur’an Surat Al Isra 32)
“Kedua tangan berzina dan zinanya adalah meraba, kedua kaki berzina dan zinanya adalah melangkah, dan mulut berzina dan zinanya adalah mencium.” (H.R. Muslim dan Abu Dawud)
7. Jangan menunda-nunda menikah jika sudah saling merasa cocok
“Yang paling banyak menjerumuskan manusia ke-dalam neraka adalah mulut.” (H.R. Turmudzi dan dia berkata hadits ini shahih.)

Ayah ingin anak-anaknya punya lebih banyak kesempatan daripada dirinya, menghadapi lebih sedikit kesulitan, lebih tidak tergantung pada siapapun – dan (tapi) selalu membutuhkan kehadirannya.
Ayah hanya menyuruhmu mengerjakan pekerjaan yang kamu sukai.
Ayah membiarkan kamu menang dalam permainan ketika kamu masih kecil, tapi dia tidak ingin kamu membiarkannya menang ketika kamu sudah besar.
Ayah tidak ada di album foto keluarga, karena dia yang selalu memotret.
Ayah selalu sedikit sedih ketika melihat anak-anaknya pergi bermain dengan teman-teman mereka.karena dia sadar itu adalah akhir masa kecil mereka.
Ayah mulai merencanakan hidupmu ketika tahu bahwa ibumu hamil (mengandungmu), tapi begitu kamu lahir, ia mulai membuat revisi.
Ayah membantu membuat impianmu jadi kenyataan bahkan diapun bisa meyakinkanmu untuk melakukan hal-hal yang mustahil, seperti mengapung di atas air setelah ia melepaskanya.
Ayah mungkin tidak tahu jawaban segala sesuatu, tapi ia membantu kamu mencarinya.
Ayah mungkin tampak galak di matamu, tetapi di mata teman-temanmu dia tampak lucu dan menyayangi.
Ayah selalu senang membantumu menyelesaikan PR, kecuali PR matematika terbaru.
Ayah lambat mendapat teman, tapi dia bersahabat seumur hidup.
Ayah benar-benar senang membantu seseorang… tapi ia sukar meminta bantuan.
Ayah terlalu lama menunda untuk membawa mobil ke bengkel, karena ia merasa dapat memperbaiki sendiri segalanya.
Ayah mungkin tidak pernah menyentuh sapu ketika masih muda, tapi ia bisa belajar dengan cepat.
Ayah sangat senang kalau seluruh keluarga berkumpul untuk makan malam…walaupun harus makan dalam remangnya lilin karena lampu mati.
Ayah paling tahu bagaimana mendorong ayunan cukup tinggi untuk membuatmu senang tapi tidak takut.
Ayah akan memberimu tempat duduk terbaik dengan mengangkatmu dibahunya, ketika pawai lewat.
Ayah tidak akan memanjakanmu ketika kamu sakit, tapi ia tidak akan tidur semalaman. Siapa tahu kamu membutuhkannya.
Ayah menganggap orang itu harus berdiri sendiri, jadi dia tidak mau memberitahumu apa yang harus kamu lakukan, tapi ia akan menyatakan rasa tidak setujunya.
Ayah percaya orang harus tepat waktu. karena itu dia selalu lebih awal menunggumu di depan rumah dengan sepeda tuanya, untuk mengantarkanmu dihari pertama masuk sekolah
AYAH ITU MURAH HATI….. Ia akan melupakan apa yang ia inginkan, agar bisa memberikan apa yang
kamu butuhkan…. .
Ia membelikanmu lollipop merk baru yang kamu inginkan, dan ia akan menghabiskannya kalau kamu tidak suka…..
Ia menghentikan apasaja yang sedang dikerjakannya, kalau kamu ingin bicara…
Ia selalu berfikir dan bekerja keras untuk membayar spp mu tiap semester, meskipun kamu tidak pernah membantunya menghitung berapa banyak kerutan di dahinya….
Bahkan dia akan senang hati mendengarkan nasehatmu untuk menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya.. ..
Ayah mengangkat beban berat dari bahumu dengan merengkuhkan tangannya disekeliling beban itu….
Ayah akan berkata “tanyakan saja pada ibumu” ketika ia ingin berkata “tidak”.
Ayah tidak pernah marah, tetapi mukanya akan sangat merah padam ketika anak gadisnya menginap di rumah teman tanpa izin
Dan diapun hampir tidak pernah marah, kecuali ketika anak lelakinya kepregok menghisap rokok dikamar mandi.
Ayah mengatakan “tidak apa-apa mengambil sedikit resiko asal kamu sanggup kehilangan apa yang kamu harapkan”
Pujian terbaik bagi seorang ayah adalah ketika dia melihatmu melakukan sesuatu persis seperti caranya….
Ayah lebih bangga pada prestasimu, daripada prestasinya sendiri….
Ayah hanya akan menyalamimu ketika pertama kali kamu pergi merantau meningalkan rumah, karena kalau dia sampai memeluk mungkin ia tidak akan pernah bisa melepaskannya.
Ayah tidak suka meneteskan air mata …. ketika kamu lahir dan dia mendengar kamu menangis untuk pertama kalinya, dia sangat senang sampai-sampai keluar air dari matanya (ssst..tapi sekali lagi ini bukan menangis). Ketika kamu masih kecil, ia bisa memelukmu untuk mengusir rasa takutmu…ketika kau mimpi akan dibunuh monster… tapi…..ternyata dia bisa menangis dan tidak bisa tidur sepanjang malam, ketika anak gadis kesayangannya di rantau tak memberi kabar selama hampir satu bulan.
Untuk masadepan anak lelakinya Ayah berpesan: “jadilah lebih kuat dan tegar daripadaku, pilihlah ibu untuk anak-anakmu kelak wanita yang lebih baik dari ibumu , berikan yang lebih baik untuk menantu dan cucu-cucuku, daripada apa yang yang telah ku beri padamu”
Dan Untuk masadepan anak gadisnya ayah berpesan: “jangan cengeng meski kau seorang wanita, jadilah selalu bidadari kecilku dan bidadari terbaik untuk ayah anak-anakmu kelak! laki-laki yang lebih bisa melindungimu melebihi perlindungan Ayah, tapi jangan pernah kau gantikan posisi Ayah di hatimu”
Ayah bersikeras,bahwa anak-anakmu kelak harus bersikap lebih baik daripada kamu dulu….
Ayah bisa membuatmu percaya diri… karena ia percaya padamu…
Ayah tidak mencoba menjadi yang terbaik, tapi dia hanya mencoba melakukan yang terbaik….
Dan terpenting adalah… Ayah tidak pernah menghalangimu untuk mencintai Tuhan, bahkan dia akan membentangkan seribu jalan agar kau dapat menggapai cintaNya, karena diapun mencintaimu karena cintaNya.
Dan untuk semua yang sedang merindukan Ayah,
- sayangi ayahmu yaaaaaa . . . . . . . . . . .

Apple Cornmeal Muffins
I made this version of my blueberry cornmeal muffins for a brunch - they turned out just as delicious. They're not overly sweet, so perfect for brunch!
Apple Cornmeal Muffins
(printable recipe)
makes 15
250 ml all-purpose flour
250 ml cornmeal
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp cinnamon
110 g butter, melted
1 egg
3-4 tbsp honey
75 g sugar
180 ml milk
2-3 apples, peeled and finely diced
Mix flour, cornmeal, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. In another bowl, beat the egg with the butter, honey, sugar and milk. Add this to the dry ingredients, and stir as little as possible to just combine the ingredients.
Fold in the apples. Divide into normal-sized muffin cups, and bake at 200°C for 15-18 minutes. They should look golden, and feel springy to the touch. If you insert a toothpick into the middle of one, it should come out mostly clean. Cool on a rack, and enjoy!
Recept på engelska:
Äppelmuffins med majsgryn
Thanksgiving Memories
I've been thinking a lot about tradition in the last few weeks. What are the things in my life--and especially my childhood--that happened every year that I really treasure? There are many, but at the very top of my list is Thanksgiving.
What do I love about Thanksgiving? Well, first and foremost, The Parade. Oh, yes. That tasty bit of commercialism put on by Macy's. When I was a little girl--as young as three and maybe even two--my Grandpa would take me into NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade every year. He would drive us into the city--an adrenaline-inducing experience once I was old enough to understand the rules of the road--and we would get out somewhere near Central Park. Then, we'd walk what seemed like 10 exhilarating miles to my little feet. Finally, we'd find our place on the sidewalk, Central Park to our back, posh houses (including Billy Joel's, one year!) across the street, and very very cold concrete under our bums (we put blankets down, but they only did so much).
I cannot express to you the wonder of The Parade up close--especially when I was so small. The marching bands going by. The huge balloons, and wondering if they could navigate this building corner, or that tree. The ornate floats. The clowns that actually perform for you whenever the parade has to stop and march in place for a "commercial break." It was all mesmerizing and fantastical.
There are definite Parade Memory Highlights. There was the year that Superman's balloon hand get severed and fell just a little down the road from us. The crazy thrill of seeing the ACTUAL New Kids on the Block waving from their float (OMG, OMG, OMG!!! That's really them!!!!). The year when my brother was just old enough to really enjoy the parade--he had a thing for clowns and tried to run out and join them (Mom had him on a kind of "leash" made with telephone cord, so he didn't get far. The policeman told her she was the smartest lady in the crowd that day).
And, always, intrinsic to all of these memories, my Grandpa. My Grandpa standing behind me, and shouting, "Look, Allie! It's Bull Moose!!!" (It was Bullwinkle.) And, believe me, my Grandpa was loud, so the whole block heard. My Grandpa edging my brother and me closer to the barricade, so that we were practically directly under it, so that we could have the best view. My Grandpa, hooting louder than all of us when we walked through the echoing tunnel that lead us to and from our far-away parked car. My Grandpa, parallel parking the last year we went to The Parade (I was in my early teenage years), and telling my Grandma that "Rhoda, we'll get into this space just fine," even after he had been trying for at least ten reverses, while my brother and I sat in the backseat with our eyes tightly clamped shut.My Grandpa, getting us back to Long Island just in time to turn the television on and see The Parade broadcast, while we "ooohed" and "aaaahed" over the performances the people on the float gave to the cameras, and how well (or, more thrillingly, not-so-well) each balloon fared for the rest of the walk down The Parade Route.
In two years, I'm hoping to go back to The Parade with my own child (named after my Grandpa, who is no longer with us), and with my child's "Grandpa." The experience will undoubtedly be very different--for starters, my child's Grandpa will be a quiet man, reserved--not at all inclined to yell about Bull Moose for all to hear. But, I'm hoping the memories will be just as warm, the place and the event just as magical.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with traditions, old and new, and memories of family that last a lifetime.
Thanksgiving Memories
I've been thinking a lot about tradition in the last few weeks. What are the things in my life--and especially my childhood--that happened every year that I really treasure? There are many, but at the very top of my list is Thanksgiving.
What do I love about Thanksgiving? Well, first and foremost, The Parade. Oh, yes. That tasty bit of commercialism put on by Macy's. When I was a little girl--as young as three and maybe even two--my Grandpa would take me into NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade every year. He would drive us into the city--an adrenaline-inducing experience once I was old enough to understand the rules of the road--and we would get out somewhere near Central Park. Then, we'd walk what seemed like 10 exhilarating miles to my little feet. Finally, we'd find our place on the sidewalk, Central Park to our back, posh houses (including Billy Joel's, one year!) across the street, and very very cold concrete under our bums (we put blankets down, but they only did so much).
I cannot express to you the wonder of The Parade up close--especially when I was so small. The marching bands going by. The huge balloons, and wondering if they could navigate this building corner, or that tree. The ornate floats. The clowns that actually perform for you whenever the parade has to stop and march in place for a "commercial break." It was all mesmerizing and fantastical.
There are definite Parade Memory Highlights. There was the year that Superman's balloon hand get severed and fell just a little down the road from us. The crazy thrill of seeing the ACTUAL New Kids on the Block waving from their float (OMG, OMG, OMG!!! That's really them!!!!). The year when my brother was just old enough to really enjoy the parade--he had a thing for clowns and tried to run out and join them (Mom had him on a kind of "leash" made with telephone cord, so he didn't get far. The policeman told her she was the smartest lady in the crowd that day).
And, always, intrinsic to all of these memories, my Grandpa. My Grandpa standing behind me, and shouting, "Look, Allie! It's Bull Moose!!!" (It was Bullwinkle.) And, believe me, my Grandpa was loud, so the whole block heard. My Grandpa edging my brother and me closer to the barricade, so that we were practically directly under it, so that we could have the best view. My Grandpa, hooting louder than all of us when we walked through the echoing tunnel that lead us to and from our far-away parked car. My Grandpa, parallel parking the last year we went to The Parade (I was in my early teenage years), and telling my Grandma that "Rhoda, we'll get into this space just fine," even after he had been trying for at least ten reverses, while my brother and I sat in the backseat with our eyes tightly clamped shut.My Grandpa, getting us back to Long Island just in time to turn the television on and see The Parade broadcast, while we "ooohed" and "aaaahed" over the performances the people on the float gave to the cameras, and how well (or, more thrillingly, not-so-well) each balloon fared for the rest of the walk down The Parade Route.
In two years, I'm hoping to go back to The Parade with my own child (named after my Grandpa, who is no longer with us), and with my child's "Grandpa." The experience will undoubtedly be very different--for starters, my child's Grandpa will be a quiet man, reserved--not at all inclined to yell about Bull Moose for all to hear. But, I'm hoping the memories will be just as warm, the place and the event just as magical.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with traditions, old and new, and memories of family that last a lifetime.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Closed for Thanksgiving

Monday, November 23, 2009
And the apron winner is...
Kimberly Pye! (of Kimberblog)
Congratulations - I used to draw the winner, but I wish I could send something to all of you guys!
And a huge thank you to PhaseThree, for this fun opportunity!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Beautiful Chocolate: Mast Brothers!




Let me explain further.. we live in CANADA, see! No Mast Brothers chocolate here! And they only just began to provide an online ordering service, but at $100 for 10 bars, a leeeetle bit pricey... but Miko's friend Alia, who lives in Brooklyn, helped out in buying the bar for Miko to give to me!
The bar I received was dark chocolate, almonds, sea salt and olive oil, 72% Madagascar cacao! The Mast Brothers make each bar by hand... with lovely ingredients. I can relate to the painstaking process of making each piece by hand from scratch! I just think their packaging and design is just so perfect and nice. Here is a link to view more of their beautiful packaging!!
Wouldn't it be fun to have your very own chocolate factory? A mini chocolate factory in a tiny, beautiful, well-lit with natural light kitchen?
DREAMY. PS... a Willy Wonka link for you too!
Apple Walnut Sourdough
For some reasons, I find bread the hardest to blog about, in the sense that I usually put it off for a very, very, very long time. Maybe because the recipes are so involved? Because lets face it, most bread *does* take a little bit of time and some extra love and handling. Not much skill though - I'm a firm believer that anyone can produce great bread, especially with just a little bit of practise. And a good machine to knead it - unless you have some good arm muscles.
Anyway. I bake a lot of bread, and I have *so* many recipes to share with you. This one is from a Swedish bread blog that is very popular, and he's even written a wonderful book that I talked about a while ago. I've modified it a bit, but go to the blog for his original. (In Swedish, though.)
It's an all sourdough recipe, so you have to have a strong, lively starter.
Apple Walnut Sourdough
(printable recipe)
2 loaves
The night before:
100 g rye sourdough starter
300 g tepid water
180 g rye flour, fine (rather than coarse)
500 g peeled apples
50 g brown sugar
200 g crushed wheat or like me, a mixture of crushed rye, wheat, barley and oats
300 g boiling water
In one bowl, combine the sourdough starter with water and flour. Cover with plastic and leave at room temperature.
In your food processor, mix apples and sugar. Place in the fridge overnight.
Mix the crushed seeds with boiling water. Cover with plastic and leave at room temperature.
Next morning:
500 g bread flour (preferably a strong, high-protein one)
150 g rye flour, fine rather than coarse
250 g walnuts
20 g salt
Mix everything - the sourdough, the apple mix, the seeds from last night, and both flours, walnuts and salt. Work in a machine for about 10 minutes (twice that time if you're doing it by hand.) It will be quite sticky, because of the rye. Cover with plastic and leave to rise until it's doubled in size. (Mine rose for 3-4 hours.)
Grease two bread tins with butter and divide the dough. Sprinkle some additional rye flour on top if you want to. Cover with a tea towel or with plastic wrap, and leave to rise for 1-2 hours - the dough should rise to the edge of the tin.
Preheat the oven to 250°C. When it's hot, place the bread tins in the oven and lower the temperature to 200°C. Bake for about an hour - check with a thermometer, they should have a core temperature of 98°C.
Recipe in Swedish:
Surdegsbröd med äpple och valnöt
Monday Night Football at Santiagos

- Is it Monday Yet?
- Are you ready for some football?
- "I'm thinkin' about Monday"
- "Monday can't come soon enough"
Monday Night Football has enjoyed success throughout its 40-year run. The weekly game is popular not only with fans, but with players, as it guarantees a full national telecast of the game and puts both teams in the spotlight. Teams are selected for MNF games based partially on their success during the previous season, rewarding the best teams and biggest stars.
And at Santiagos, you have been selected to be our biggest star, and join us for half priced Margaritas and a full plate of chicken wings to munch on, as you watch Monday Night Football along with us. We have 50 brands of tequila to choose from, and several styles of Margaritas made by one of our most valuable players: the bartender. Couple that with our cooks signature BBQ sauce on chicken wings, and you will be ready for some football.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
bread. It's definitely an indulgence for us, and a delightful one. We
buy bread for our breakfast, and sometimes a pastry. Then we come back
home, make coffee and always some soft-boiled eggs, too. That's our
weekend breakfast routine - what's yours?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Spicy Pork Wraps
Spicy Pork Wraps
(printable recipe)
1 pork tenderloin
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp paprika (the spicy, smokey kind - Pimentón de la Vera)
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp ancho chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
salt, black pepper
Mix all the spices. Dice the pork and place in a plastic bag with all the spices - shake it to make sure it's well distributed. Leave the bag in the fridge for at least two hours.
Fry the pork in some oil until cooked through. Serve with tortillas, tomatoes, onions, fresh coriander, grated cheese and some avocado mashed with garlic. Yum, yum, yum!
Recipe in Swedish:
Kryddiga fläskfiléwraps
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Quick and late dinner.
We pan-fried salmon fillets, and served with bulgur mixed with fried
bacon, edamame, leeks, fennel and a handful of cherry tomatoes. For
sauce, some greek yogurt stirred through with dijon mustard and chili
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My First Bread Baking Day, Their 24th (BBD #24)

My First Bread Baking Day, Their 24th (BBD #24)

Rum Raisin Muffins

To my dismay, almost every recipe called for dairy--milk, or sour cream, or buttermilk. I do not keep such things in the house regularly--they usually just end up going bad if I haven't bought them for a specific recipe. But, alas, I did not want to leave, due to the snow situation. Finally, I found the one recipe in the book that used only ingredients in the house--Rum Raisin Muffins.
This was the first recipe I ever made out of this cookbook, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It's a quirky book, at best, written in what I take to be a grandmother's Southern accent, with lots of apostrophes where g's should be, and lots of funky little words. Take, for instance, this sentence from the head notes of the Rum Raisin Muffins: "It's because they're fixin' all the goodies for the homecomin' picnic tomorrow." So, with the all the cutesy intros, I was a little worried about the quality of the recipes. I didn't need to be.
These turned out wonderful. I don't know what you say about a household that doesn't have milk available on a Sunday morning, but has no trouble finding the dark rum. But, I can tell you that these muffins were worth it. They made the house smell incredible, and had just a little hint of that special holiday-season feel to them.
I made them again last Saturday. Again, I chose these muffins because I didn't have milk in the house to make any others. I also wanted the taste of the dark rum, without consuming the alcohol. I used up almost all of the Black Seal we had in the house (which wasn't much--trust me). I've told Kurt that he will have to go alone to replenish. Can't imagine waiting in line at a liquor store with a bottle of Black Seal in my hand, while nine months pregnant. Don't really want the angry glares.
Without further ado, here is the recipe for the Rum Raisin Muffins (colloquialisms and apostrophes removed):
1 cup raisins
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup dark rum
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup butter, melted
Pour boiling water over raisins. Add rum and let sit about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Stir together flour and next three ingredients. Stir in the raisin mixture, liquid included, egg, and butter, just until moistened. Fill paper-lined muffin cups full, and bake approximately 20 minutes. Makes a dozen muffins.
Rum Raisin Muffins

To my dismay, almost every recipe called for dairy--milk, or sour cream, or buttermilk. I do not keep such things in the house regularly--they usually just end up going bad if I haven't bought them for a specific recipe. But, alas, I did not want to leave, due to the snow situation. Finally, I found the one recipe in the book that used only ingredients in the house--Rum Raisin Muffins.
This was the first recipe I ever made out of this cookbook, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It's a quirky book, at best, written in what I take to be a grandmother's Southern accent, with lots of apostrophes where g's should be, and lots of funky little words. Take, for instance, this sentence from the head notes of the Rum Raisin Muffins: "It's because they're fixin' all the goodies for the homecomin' picnic tomorrow." So, with the all the cutesy intros, I was a little worried about the quality of the recipes. I didn't need to be.
These turned out wonderful. I don't know what you say about a household that doesn't have milk available on a Sunday morning, but has no trouble finding the dark rum. But, I can tell you that these muffins were worth it. They made the house smell incredible, and had just a little hint of that special holiday-season feel to them.
I made them again last Saturday. Again, I chose these muffins because I didn't have milk in the house to make any others. I also wanted the taste of the dark rum, without consuming the alcohol. I used up almost all of the Black Seal we had in the house (which wasn't much--trust me). I've told Kurt that he will have to go alone to replenish. Can't imagine waiting in line at a liquor store with a bottle of Black Seal in my hand, while nine months pregnant. Don't really want the angry glares.
Without further ado, here is the recipe for the Rum Raisin Muffins (colloquialisms and apostrophes removed):
1 cup raisins
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup dark rum
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup butter, melted
Pour boiling water over raisins. Add rum and let sit about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Stir together flour and next three ingredients. Stir in the raisin mixture, liquid included, egg, and butter, just until moistened. Fill paper-lined muffin cups full, and bake approximately 20 minutes. Makes a dozen muffins.
Mango Chicken
I'm really excited about all the interest on the apron giveaway - yeay! Still a couple of days left, so don't forget to enter the drawing if you haven't already! I have another little giveaway coming up soon, too - featuring homemade fimo jewelry, shaped like baked goods. Very cute and I hope you'll like it.
Now, something I should have posted about months ago, but I was reluctant because of the lousy photo. So, never mind that - it *does* come out rather brown and boring, like most stews, but the flavor is great. Do what I did and serve it with a colorful medley of veggies - I used various peppers and carrots, and dressed them up with a little bit of butter and cumin.
Mango Chicken
(printable recipe)
Serves 4
2 chicken breasts
2 chicken thighs, boneless
1 red chili, finely chopped
100 water
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 leek, finely sliced
200 ml crème fraîche, full fat or diet, as you prefer
4 tbsp mango chutney
100 g diced mango
corn starch to thicken, optional
Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, and fry in butter until lightly golden. Fry in a pot or a deep pan. Add the chili and leeks, soy sauce and water, and cook until the chicken is cooked through and the water has mostly reduced. Add the mango chutney and crème fraîche, and let it cook for about five minutes. Add water if it's too thick, and some corn starch if it's too runny. Fold in the mango dice.
Serve with rice.
Recipe in Swedish:
Monday, November 16, 2009

So it was my birthday once again (you know how that thing happens? Once a year it seems to occur?) on November 15th and I had another "theme" party of sorts... "FOODIE!" My cousin-in-law and I are deeply obsessed with the television program Top Chef--so much so that I bought her a subscription to Food & Wine mag for her birthday, and one for myself too... and now a foodie themed birthday. The request: that guests bring a "foodie"-ish item. I was also told that I WAS NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE A DESSERT because I am always the dessert maker at parties-- I love making them and admittedly I was in PAIN AND CONFUSION because I was like, "Uh oh. I gotta make a savoury? What the H am I gonna make??"
So... I flipped through some varying recipe books of mine... and found the perfect mix of comedy and (hopefully)... deliciousness... the TERRINE!
I had seen the terrine be prepared many times on Top Chef. Okay, so it looks like it's a bunch of things packed tightly into a stainless steel mold, then chilled, upturned and cut into fancy slices that can be laid atop crostini or plopped (placed?) in the middle of a plate. Usually made with venison, or head cheese (yum!) or tongue, I've been told... since I have become a vegetarian of late (since starting to read Eating Animals... though reading this has since been interrupted by Barney's Version)... so I made mine with fresh goat cheese, asparagus, roasted portobello and sweet red pepper and wrapped it in blanched leek leaves.
So here is my documentation of "My First Terrine" !!! Enjoy! Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart's Hors d'Oeuvres cookbook...







