Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pineapple Fried Rice


Not a recipe as much as an idea, but I hope it might provide some inspiration. I love fried rice - it's one of fairly few "leftover dishes" I really enjoy so I always try to cook too much rice. (But far from always succeed.) You can put pretty much anything in it, and it'll turn out nicely. You can add lightly beaten eggs to the frying pan, or as we did, fry the eggs separately and serve on top.


This particular batch had garlic, a little bit of zucchini, pineapple (from a small tin), roasted cashew nuts, some freshly grated ginger, some cooked ham in cubes, soy sauce and... rice, obviously. Just fry the garlic and zucchini i a bit of oil. Add the pineapple, nuts, ginger, ham and rice, and season with soy sauce. Serve with an egg, and some chili sauce if you want some heat, and with cilantro (fresh coriander) if you're an addict like me.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blood Orange Juice

This must be one of the best things about winter!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Roasted Jerusalem Artichokes


So easy it barely needs a recipe - but so good it deserves a post on its own. Almost all root vegetables are brilliant when roasted (hey, almost all vegetables are), and this is no exception. They *are* hard to peel - they're very knobbly and uneven - but do it anyway because they payoff is great. It's a perfect side dish - we had this with the 40-clove garlic chicken.

Roasted Jerusalem Artichokes

(printable recipe)
Serves 4

1 kg Jerusalem Artichokes
2 tbsp olive oil
flaky sea salt

Peel the chokes and cut them into smaller pieces - halves if they're small, quartered lengthwise for larger. Place in an oven-proof dish and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with a good pinch of sea salt and toss. Roast at 175°C for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe in Swedish:
Rostade jordärtskockor

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Food Comedy, Food Amazement

It's "Xtreme Wild Berry Jello" Hello Kitty! Made for a bento box!

Heehee! Original image from Flickr, here.

Salmon mousse with cukes! incredible! love it so much! from Flickr, here.

Eeeheehee! I can't get over how cute and cool this picture is!! Heehee!

this is PURE INSANITY. a Jello mold found at an Asian grocery store... pic from here.

Vanilla Bean Marshmallows


I'm still not well, but I thought I'd at least muster up the energy to share this delicious recipe with you. I'm always intrigued by making your own candy - it seems a little bit like magic to me. I've wanted to make marshmallows for years, but I didn't dare until I saw a great post about it on Ezra Pound Cake. This is the same recipe, but in different measurements. If you want US measures, try the original post.

I would NOT attempt this without a stand mixer. It's a massive job, and even my Kitchen-Aid was one, huge, sticky marshmallow mess towards the end. The end result was wonderful though - really great. I don't like marshmallows a whole lot, so I gave away most of them, which was very appriciated. (I did stick a few on forks and toasted them with a lighter - yum!)

And, I promise you - it's NOT difficult. Have fun!

Vanilla Bean Marshmallows
(printable recipe)
makes about 80

2 tbsp + 2,5 tsp powdered gelatine
125 ml cold water
125 ml warm water
125 ml white baking syrup (or corn syrup)
500 ml sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 egg whites
1 vanilla bean
200 ml powdered sugar

Prepare a tin - mine was about 24*30 cm - by greasing it with oil and sifting a thick layer of powdered sugar to cover the bottom and sides of the pan.

Pour the cold water in the bowl of your mixer, and sprinkle in the gelatine powder.

Mix warm water, white baking syrup, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Boil until the syrup is 116°C. Pour it over the gelatine (it's gping to bubble fiercely) and stir until combined. Beat the mixture on high speed until it's really thick, white and shiny. (5-6 minutes.)

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix those, and the seeds from the vanilla bean, into the marshmallow batter. Whisk until combined. Pour the batter into the prepared tin. Try to get a fairly even layer - it will be easier if you sift some powdered sugar on top, and press with the back of a wooden spoon. Sift an even layer of powdered sugar on top, and place the tin in the fridge for at least three hours.

Next, turn the marshmallow slab out onto a cutting board. Cut into large dice, and sift more powdered sugar so that every side is covered - if not, it will be very messy.

When you're done, keep at room temperature, in an air-tight jar.

Recipe in Swedish:
Marshmallows med vaniljstång

Art in China

Living in Istanbul, many of the more obvious foreigners I’d known—ruddy faced Brits, in particular—were marks for the small con. Prowling up and down the tourist crammed thoroughfares was always an assortment of well dressed, friendly, slick haired guys, all on vacation from, say, Cypress, all just wanting to know the time, all of whose initial queries led to small talk and an invite to some club they’d heard was good. The club’s prices, not touched on when ordering, always came as a shock to all. The foreigner, feeling sympathy for his newfound friends, would dutifully shell out serious cash and head back to his hostel feeling miffed at how they’d all been fooled.

Now, this never happed to me. Not because I blend in seamlessly to Turkish crowds, so much as I’m generally unfriendly and suspicious to any and all comers. The few times I’ve been in such situations, I’ve realized quickly or declined the offer to get a drink out of a pure, suspicion-free anti-sociality.

Well, my second day’s goal of museum going got sidetracked from the get-go by precisely this sort of business. Interestingly, while past examples of these cons had always come at me in the form of practiced suavité, the Shanghai version came in the form of two rather thread-bare students. Making my way toward the Museum of Chinese Art I was stopped by a brother and sister duo. The brother, Jerry, who did the stopping, asked me where I was from and how I liked the city. Honestly, this didn’t set off any alarm bells. (I’d already been stopped several times in these first few days—on several occasions, people had requested that I pose with them for a picture—so this was nothing new.) However, after ten minutes of chit chat, there was a lull, followed by the suggestion that we go to a tea tasting that was somehow, unclearly, tied to a Chinese minority people’s exposition that was taking place somewhere. They had, you see, been heading there when they met me. Would I like to come along?

Shanghai being a safe place—not the sort of burg were you walk down a back alley and find yourself kidnapped and shipped off to a faraway land—I decided to see where all this led. So we headed off in—though I chose not to point this out—the precise opposite direction from which they had been heading when we first met. After first heading down a main street we turned onto a major backstreet and headed into a shopping mall. This mall was nothing more than a few stores selling plasticy athletic shoe knock offs scattered amid an otherwise desolate environment of empty, dusty, unoccupied lots. We walked up to the third floor, past a nail salon and what appeared to be a pet store to a small office space converted into a pair of private tea rooms. I felt somewhat bad for Jerry and his largely silent sister at seeing the shabbiness of the con. They seemed nice and enough and his English was good enough. They really deserved a better infrastructure to back them up. Once I established that cups of tea were about ten dollars a pop, I politely said my goodbyes and made my way back down, past the empty glass shop fronts and scruffy howling dogs. . .

Yet if we’re speaking of deserving and getting the proper trappings, we must talk of the Shanghai Museum. The place was a knockout full of exactly the sort of high quality goods you imagine a society churning out over two thousand years of civilization. The imagery failed to pack the sheer hallucinatory punch that I remember feeling at the National Archeology Museum in Mexico City (There I remember looking at pieces of art and feeling as though I were seeing thoughts utterly alien represented. The stuff there seemed to have to referent in the western art tradition I’d grown up in. The animating minds behind those objects had journeyed down roads I’d never contemplated.) Here, though the motifs were more recognizable, it was the aesthetic experience that stuck.

About two years ago, making my way through Topkapi Palace Museum, I’d wandered into a room that displayed objects the Ottomans had received via the Silk Road trade. Prominent was a series of the most delicately painted china places, all of the most beautiful blue and white. Looking at those objects, I tried to imagine how the Ottomans must have thought of them, wondering if they sensed the Ming Dynasty to be some powerful force out there beyond their ken of which these perfect little objects was merely a mote in the eye. Did the Ottomans feel there were looking at the tip of an iceberg when they looked at these plates? Well, I when looking at them thought how marvelous a place must be that could produce such things. I thought to myself how fascinating it would be to live in such a place and breath a bit of that tradition.

And the Museum didn’t disappoint on these grounds. It had vast areas devoted to bronzes, jades, coins, and ceramics. These last were my favorite. Arranged chronologically, they moved from the most utilitarian-looking of clay containers to more finely crafted porcelains.

Initially, it was the statues that were most striking. Ducks and other animals, painted in fairly unremarkable shades, during the early Han dynasty (c.200 BC-200 AD) morphed into more odd imaginings—pots shaped like terraced houses packed with small carved figures looking off of balconies and musician figurines with smaller, assistant musicians springing of their chests and shoulders—during the subsequent Wu and Jin periods.

Then, with Tang dynasty (600-900 AD) came large, loving carved figures of camels and fierce statues of Buddhist heavenly guardians. These statues were all painted in vibrant, dripping browns, greens and oranges that seemed to fever-dreamishly melt into one another. Of all the earlier art on display these Tang pieces were the most sucessful in their ability to draw you into an utterly separate aesthetic world.

Whether the museum’s collection accurately reflected the culture’s output, I can’t say, but the sculptures definitely dropped off at this point and plates and vases took over. Initially, with the Song dynasty wares, this was not very noteworthy. The Song managed some gorgeous glazes, but that was about the whole of it. Once the Mongols (1100-1200 AD) came onto the scene, however, conquering in this direction and that, things became interesting. Persian and Islamic geometrical motifs started to appear alongside dragons. Plates started to look more like “china plates” with the soft white of the plate covered in dark-blue brush work. The Ming (1300-1600 AD) threw some red into the mix and took to painting women, families and little towns on riversides.

By the time the time the Qing entered the picture around 1600 it was clear that porcelain plates had become big business. The emperors were paying close attention to what was coming out of the kilns, appointing special envoys at the great pottery-works facilities across the empire. Since the early Qing emperors tended to live a long time and exerted such control, the ceramic designs feel as though they can truly be periodized. Each period seems to have produced something more magical than the next. The ones from the Kangxi reign take the motifs of the Ming and perfect them. Under his son, Yongzhen, there is a great deal more color thrown into the mix as well as an obsession with peaches and flowers.

The peak comes under Qianlong where each motif—be it dragons or fruit or old men carrying water buckets—achieves its perfect expression. Moreover, the colors and textures of the lacquer rise to new levels; there are imitations of marble, wood, and bamboo. New colors—pastels and subtle combinations of old choices—are introduced as well.

Ceramics aside, the most impressive display was the furniture exhibit full of richly carved sandalwood chairs, cabinets and room dividers. The rooms featuring jade and coins were also exemplary, but coming to them in the forth hour of my five hour tour, the shere abundance was daunting and too much to properly process.

The least impressive rooms were the painting and calligraphy galleries. In both cases I can only assume my boredom is largely a result of my unfamiliarity with the techniques involved. The paintings merely seemed a monotonous repetition of birds, trees, mountains, rivers and streams. Each artist’s title card would give his name, period and glaringly obvious specialty (ie. “mountains”). Occasionally an artist would paint something more interesting—demimonde paintings and parties—but no one seemed to have the eye of a Caravaggio or a Velasquez.

Now all this discussion of dinner plates, chairs and so forth might seem a bit boring and over-the-top until you start to consider the effort and skill that went into crafting these things, the lifetime of expertise that was built-up and brought to bear on these objects. To think about the attention that went into such objects is to come closer to the lives of the people who made them. To try and get near that beauty is as close as we can get to that time and that place. That’s why I have trouble with my inability to connect with any of the Chinese paintings. Here are objects that took long thought and skill to produce and I am unable to appreciate it.

This problem is even more unsettling in regards to modern Chinese art. The following day I headed to the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), a pretty little building in the middle of People’s Square, nestled between trees, guarded by two huge, golden, Koons-Murakami-style cartoon cat statues.

These cats are a pretty good indication of what’s on display inside. Whereas the first museum was guarded by recreations of palace beast sculptures, whose presence recalled memories of past Chinese accomplishments, these . . .well, these were just cartoons. Hell, inside everything was a cartoon. Currently on display was something called “The Animamix Biennial.”

Now, according to the New York Times, “Animamix” is a term that describes the current trend in Asian art. It’s “characteristics include the worship of youth and the pursuit of an idealized youthful beauty; strong narrative texts and images; and the use of vivid and colorful visuals derived from electronic media.” In practice this means large numbers of paintings where all the characters are drawn in cartoon form, characters recur, and everything looks like a Japanese comic book or as though it should be stitched onto the back of a child’s backpack.

The main name one associates with this sort of art is Takashi Murakami. Not only does his work feature a number of recurring characters and motifs, but Murakami goes the step further by selling his art in forms such as T-shirts and Loius Vuitton handbags. His stock characters tend to be Pokemonesque creatures whose cuteness seems always to be mutating into a fanged nightmarishness. At the Museum his influence could be seen in everything on display.

The MOCA is fairly small I spent around two confounding hours moving through it, trying to get a hold on what these artists were trying to say, trying to feel something in relation to these pieces. It was not a satisfying experience. Picture after picture and installation after installation seemed to be making the same point—namely that life has been turned into a cartoon, edges have been smoothed out, everything has been commercialized and yet, often, burbling beneath the surface of this exists an intense anger.

The best example of the overall aesthetic was a painting on the upper floor of the Seven Lucky Chinese Gods—each representing attribute, each with his own identifying item (eg a fish). This was a common motif in Chinese art and there had been several such representations at the Shanghai Museum the previous day. Here the Seven Gods were represented as manga-style characters. Now, on the one hand, there is something witty in the notion of adapting traditional motifs into modern settings, thereby questioning the relevance of their message and, equally, the certainties of a modernity that no longer admits them and can only approach such deep ideas through cartoon simulacra, but it doesn’t go beyond witty and I’m not certain it rises to the level of “art.” It seems mere kitsch. The idea is not new and the constant voicing of the same ideas by so many artists reduces its force.

The problem for me wasn’t the sentiment—in fact it’s very satisfying to know that there is a reaction to the crass commercialism that one sees everywhere in Asian media—it was the undifferentiated means of communicating this message. Even if all these artists felt the same fundamental discomfort, it seemed rather pathetic that they possessed such limited techniques for communicating it. (It’s the same reason I dislike an artist like Lichtenstien who seems to have only one idea and one way of expressing it. It’s the same reason that I only listen to the Sex Pistols once a year. It’s the reason I like artists like Bob Dylan who, finding themselves at festivals singing the same protest songs as everyone else and say, fuck it go electric.)

The sheer, tiring sameness of all this art bore down on me and I took to casting glances at other museum goers. I wondered how they felt about this and whether they were taking the same message from all this. Most of the others museum-goers were Chinese couples or groups of friends. Few seemed to be giving the pictures any sustained attention. Most strolled quickly past or took turns snapping photos of one another.

In my experience, modern art is usually intended to cause a reaction, connect you with a sensation, or intentionally avoid doing so in an attempt to criticize our modern world. Most of this art was squarely in the latter category. Whereas those ancient Chinese artists had tried to capture beauty, these artists seemed to be representing anger, despair and the need to present a plasticized front to the world. I glanced over at a nearby woman flashing a peace-sign, posing in front of a painting of a demon bear backgrounded by candy colored swirls and mulled whether she was as oblivious to the message as I was worn down by it. Though she seemed untouched by it, there was another possibility: To acknowledge and to remain indifferent. This last possibility was the more troubling.



...Lady Gaga's eyes in bad romance!...

I thought it was nearly impossible to create it..but i found THIS! and it just look exactly alike in the bath tube scene!

Look at the eyes! Look like one of those anime characters!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time out.

Sorry guys. I'm having a terrible week, involving stomach flu, a
husband away on a business trip (any readers in Owensboro, KY?) and a
baby with a cold. I can barely eat at all - toast and flat coke for
three days now - so writing about food? Sorry, no.

But I'll be back soon, promise.

Photos: Shanghai

Click HERE for photos of Shanghai.

Shanghai, Day One

I arrived in Shanghai late at night and got settled into my hostel later still. By the time I was squared away, the subways were already closed and, having no desire to deal with taxi drivers, I just made a circuit up and down the neighborhood’s main drag. It was dark, cold, and everything was closed. A few bicyclists and cars rolled along while street food vendors stood sentry on corners. And that was about it. From first impressions, Shanghai didn’t seem like much.

Morning changed this. I was up and out early. People, cars and bicyclists were everywhere and, in daylight, the first thing that hits you is the construction. It would be only minor polishing of the truth to say that, in every direction you looked, something was going up. Here a building encased in scaffolding and green tarp, there a hole in the ground where foundations are starting to take shape, and over there some ugly old building being ripped down in anticipation of a new apartment block. The sheer quantity of work going on—the manpower and material that must be brought to bare—gave me the sensation of standing at the center of an explosion, feeling the release of energy pass through me.

The negative, of course, is dust, noise and the smell of ozone. Think of the annoyance of a single project in your neighborhood. Remind yourself of the need to plug your ears, cover your nose, avoid flying welding sparks, wait for some vehicle to slowly back up across your path; now treble that.

Seeing all this makes running through the numbers inescapable. In a city of 16 million, even if every apartment housed a thousand, that still implies 16,000 blocks of apartments. So, I suppose, there was a market for all the new apartments. As to the office complexes, I was less certain. Across the Huangpu River, a vast area, only a decade removed from lying fallow, had been designated for commercial development; now it bristled with skyscrapers. Yet, no matter how much manufacturing was being done in China, and no matter how much this necessitated mustering and quartering an army of financiers, asset managers and so forth, I couldn’t see it requiring as much office space as was on offer. It was only a hunch, but a few stops into various little malls revealed swathes of unrented space. I suspected that many of those new office buildings were rising-up on faith and lacking in confirmed residents.

My first day’s goal was to go to the central People’s Square and the fashionable Xintiandi district south of there. Doing this necessitated subway navigation which led first to confusion and then to redirection by a friendly man who saw me staring dumbly at the subway map—literally everyone I have interacted with thus far has been helpful and friendly, not a single store owner, restaurateur or vendor (with the exception of those in the most heavily touristed areas) has quoted me an unreasonable price. Once reoriented, I discovered the ticket machines only accepted coins and so set off on a quest to break a large note. This took me into a series of back streets in search of a corner store. Instead I came across a sprawling marketplace.

Whereas markets in Istanbul had been rather dull affairs where every vendor seemed to have fairly similar items, and not a wide variety at that rate, this one was pleasantly varied. There were street vendors selling meat skewers, streamed dough balls filled with meat, sesame covered fried rice balls, potstickers, and a thin, flaky fried bread layered with green onion that I remembered gorging on during my last time in China.

Vegetable-wise all the usual suspects were present as well as the sort of things I’d only seen before as specially featured and highly marked up in Asian specialty markets—here it was all run of the mill. And then there were varieties of vegetable that were utterly new to me—troughs filled with things resembling, if not actually, seaweed.

Fruits and meat were fairly standard—although, as with Turkey, there were far more meat specimens on display (unlike Turkey, many of these were pork.) Chief among these were pig and chicken feet, the latter of which I have eaten and would discourage anyone who didn’t grow up enjoying them from bothering to sample.

Finally, there were the live animals; cages upon cages of live chickens and ducks, tanks full of snails, clams, eels and fish. I watched as fish were selected, snatched up flapping wildly, and unceremoniously chopped up then and there. A little ways towards the edges, where the vendors thinned out, one lady was selling giant frogs out of a burlap bag.

Now, maybe I’m just romanticizing the whole thing—perhaps its just some middle-class faux-anti-modernism that makes me love this sort of thing—but I fell such pleasure passing through markets of this nature where the blood and guts are right there to see and nothing feels hidden.

Once finished snacking and breaking bills at the market, I caught the subway down to the Xintiandi district. Emerging I was, naturally, confronted by a towering, half-constructed building encased in green tarp. Once I had turned to the left, however, I was met with a less expected sight. A long street of newly constructed, one and two story buildings all with beautiful redbrick facades. Each store housed either name-brand clothing or the sort of upper middle class boutique one might find scattered through any rich city’s more upscale neighborhoods. None of these stores had Chinese prominent and every street sign on this and surrounding streets was bilingual. I had expected Shanghai to be a fancier affair than any part of China I might have seen five years earlier, but I had not expected to be plopped down into Park Slope, Brooklyn.

I walked widely around the neighborhood, feeling extra out of place surrounded by well dressed Chinese in a pair of jeans and a worn-out Carhart jacket. The area contained such sights as the Shanghai Music conservatory—the only place I’ve ever been where good classical music cds can be bought out of street vendors’ cardboard boxes—and a wonderful park where I watched children and old men flying kites. The sky above—the whole sky, the entire time I was in the city—was a murky grey which I first took to be intense pollution, but gradually realized to be a perpetual haze of fog. The fog was so thick that, walking down a wide city street, I could not see more than four blocks on several occasions. I can only imagine the city in summer to be a nightmare of humidity.

On my way through the neighborhood, I came across a sight, utterly banal, but shocking in so far as it juxtaposed itself with the day’s earlier visions: A larger, chain-style supermarket across from which were, set up in the same red-brick-façade-style buildings, a series of food vendors hawking the same snacks I’d seen earlier. Yet, instead of operating out of carts and crumbling little holes-in-the-wall, they were ensconced in this fancy permanence. Here I could see an anthropologist’s wet dream—“the cooption of traditional market practices into new economic matrices” or some-such. Point of fact, though, it was a surprise to see what I had earlier gloried in experiencing, here reproduced in a manner more reflective of a mall food court.

I hiked north from Xintiandi to the People’s Square—not a square so much as a vast park peppered with museums, concert halls, rides, cafes, little lakes, benches for game playing, and paths for strolling. Over my time in the city I witnessed all those typical activities as well as a lone teenager practicing judo on a helpless tree and a crowd of several dozen older people, signs hung all about them, trying to find marriage partners for their unmarried children—this latter affair being, apparently, a weekly event.

The north side of the park is bounded by Nanjing Road. This is the main pedestrian street of the city and it should be ranked among the wonders of the urban world. It hits you in an explosion of neon light. Throngs upon throngs move up and down it, in and out of thousands of shops. Stores burst with customers. Snaking off it are shadowy backstreets lined with restaurants, spilling over with customers. In front of these are vendors selling food off carts.

Back on Nanjing Road the crowds continue to surge up to the park and its surrounding attractions and down toward the Bund, the embankment along the Huangpu River upon which all the old European-style commercial buildings are set. Normally pedestrians can walk along it, taking in views of the gloriously colorful skyscrapers across the way (among which is a space-ship-looking beast of a building which puts the Space Needle to shame.) At the moment, however, the entire embankment was under construction. As a result the sea of people making their way down Nanjing Road bottlenecked on the final street corner and took their pictures from there. And I, not having brought my camera along, simply stood looking out across the water thinking how ephemeral my once secure American world now felt. In all the smiling faces I saw up and down that road I felt as though I were seeing the future. I wasn’t sure I saw myself reflected.


Somewhere, buried deep within a behemoth copy of Mote’s Imperial China, 900-1800, I remember coming across the most romantic of ideas. The historian was describing the activities of some barbarian king out on the periphery of the Chinese empire. While the Chinese themselves were busy knuckling down into one of their declinatory phases, this particular king was vigorously building his own little empire. He was importing scholars, offering pay at good rates, as well as constructing a city for his once nomadic people. He was out there in the wilderness, striving, creating a new world out of thin air. I forget his name, I forget the year, all I remember is the beauty of the idea. How must it have felt for that king to have watched a new world rise up around him?

I wonder if a Chinese—at least one living in a major city—feels something approaching those same feelings. To be living in the country at the moment is to see a new world springing up at every turn.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bed & Breakfast in Sweden


Are you travelling to Sweden, but don't want to stay in a hotel? I often get questions from people wanting to vacation in Sweden, so I thought I'd introduce a good friend of mine to you. Kråke Lithander runs an Agency called Days in Sweden - I'll let her introduce it to you herself.

"Days in Sweden is a bed and breakfast agency with the ambition to offer its guests a genuine Swedish experience. You can go Swedish all the way and stay with a Swedish family, an experience that will introduce you to Swedish customs, food and living. It will also help you to make your stay as interesting as possible.


If you prefer to get a place of your own we have a number of lovely apartments and houses for rent. We have some rare objects that guarantees to give you an unusual experience - how about staying in a 17th century cottage in the centre of Stockholm? A 17th century wooden castle, 2 hour south of Stockholm, is a travel in time and a historical journey. Do you fancy going off the grid? Well, take a rowboat to a small island where you'll find a lovely fairytale cottage with no electricity or running water but still everything you'll need including the gear to catch your own fish for dinner. Or do you prefer an ultra-modern apartment? Small as well as big, we have that too.

Do you play golf? We have lovely places around Sweden close to golf courses. Do you want to learn to cook Swedish food, take a sauna and go skinny-dipping in the frozen sea, or experience how to pick crawfish, of course with the party and all the trimmings to go, Days in Sweden will help you out. If you have a special interest for your stay in Sweden don´t hesitate to ask and we´ll do our best to help you out. Rest assured you will have a memorable stay!"


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Some of the best things in life are also some of the simple ones. Such as a pickle spear, a boiled egg, or proverbial PBJ. In the world of Mexican food, that simple pleasure is the burro, a flour tortilla wrapped around your favorite filler.
Santiagos gives you a choice of shredded beef or chicken, sauteed with white onions, tomato and poblano chili's wrapped in a soft flour tortilla and topped with red and green sauce and melted cheese. All of this served with two of your choice sides.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep well, Hamlet


I'm so sorry to have to write this post, but our beloved Hamlet passed away today. He turned nine in September, and as he's always been very healthy, we were expecting to have him with us for many more years. I hadn't really noticed anything wrong - except that he had been throwing up more than the usual hairballs, for a few days.

hamlet 071010

Late last night, he started to wobble. We immediately took him to the animal hospital, where he was also showing signs of liver failure. They took him in, and this morning, did an ultrasound. It showed something in the liver - they couldn't say for sure, but it was quite possibly a tumor. At this time, he couldn't support himself at all, and was just laying down. Needless to say, we decided to let him go straight away, and not put him through any more tests. It was clearly the right thing.

hamlet 061112

So. Heaven has another kitty tonight. I know Hamlet is meeting his girlfriend Ywette again, their daugther Edith, and many other beloved pets. And I bet he'll get all the shrimp and smoked ham he could ever want.


Hamlet was always the first - and usually the only - cat to greet us and all visitors at the door. That was clearly his job.

per hamlet 070203

He adored Per, and was really his cat much more than mine.

Goodnight Hamlet. We love you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic


Garlic was on sale in my store - six or seven whole bulbs for very little. I knew I wanted to make chicken with lots of garlic - there are many different recipes, but this one is based on Ina Garten's, The Barefoot Contessa. It's ridiculously rich, so you want to serve a light starter and a very light dessert, if it's part of a three-course meal. You also don't need a whole lot of carbs with it - I had some roasted artichokes and steamed snow peas, and I ate some crusty bread with the leftovers.

If you think it's hard work to peel garlic - I know I did - blanching them really, really works. It makes it so much easier, and when the garlic is roasted like this, the flavor isn't compromised at all.

The hardest part of this recipe is breaking down the chicken. Sorry, I can't help with that, as I completely suck at it. I need much more practise... or someone else to do it for me. It's good to learn though, as whole chickens are much more economical than buying the individual parts.

Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic

(printable recipe)

1 chicken, cut into 8 pieces
salt pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
3 whole garlics - about 40 cloves
400 ml dry white wine
3 tbsp cognac
2-3 tbsp flour
50-100 ml cream (full-fat)
salt, pepper, sugar

Bring a small pot of water to the boil. Add all the garlic cloves and blanch for one minute. Drain and let them cool - they will now be super easy to peel, which is your next step.

Dry the chicken with paper towels, and season with salt and pepper. Heat butter and oil in a heavy pot, and brown the chicke. Start with the skin-side down, and keep the heat fairly high. When the chicken is nicely browned on both sides, set it aside. You have to work in batches, or the chicken won't brown. When all the chicken pieces are done (and set aside), add the peeled garlic cloves to the pot and fry for about ten minutes on medium high heat. They should be golden, but they can burn easily so watch them!

Add the wine and two tablespoons of the cognac. Bring to a boil, add the chicken and cover with a lid. Lower the heat, and cok on low heat for about 30 minutes. Test to see that the chicken is done, and if it is, remove it to a serving bowl and cover with foil to keep it warm.

Scoop out about 100 ml of sauce and mix with the flour. Add it back to the pot along with the last tablespoon of cognac, and 50 ml of the cream. Bring to a boil and cook for a few minutes. Add more cream if it seems too thick. Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar if the wine you're using is very acidic. Pour the sauce, with all the garlic in it, over the chicken and serve.

Recipe i Swedish:
Kyckling med 40 vitlöksklyftor

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Ooh. Ooh. Sorry for the crap photo, but Darling P just came home from a business trip in Belgium bearing gifts! Macarons and chocolates, from Marc Ducobu!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Cat Cakes

Oh, the comedy and the hilarity of cat themed cakes. There's some crazy ones out there! I made this one a while back, Harold the cat...

Harold The Cat Cake!!

my little buddy Harold the cat, based on a real cat...

Separated At Birth?

Separated at birth! Or separated by a computer printer!

This little black and white kitty cracks me up so hard... Great cake and great cat...

This is soooo grody too yet fascinating: THE CAT LITTER CAKE. Made from cake, tootsie rolls, crunched up crackery things... ugh so sick. Here is a link to the recipe and how-to. In case you want to gross yourself out super hard by eating "cake" out of a litter box.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Patagonian scallops


My store was all out of fresh scallops when I needed them, so I went over to the deep-freeze and got a packet of Patagonian Scallops just in case. Turned out the next store I went to had regular, fresh scallops, so I stashed these in my freezer for another time.

As you can see, they're absolutely tiny. One packet was 250 g, which was enough for two. They tasted sweet and fresh - and very much like regular scallops. Being frozen, they need to be thawed before you sear them. I did it by placing them on coarse salt, which in hindsight turned out to be pretty stupid. They did thaw nicely, as all the moisture was drawn into the salt, but the salt also stuck to the little rounds, and I ended up having to rinse them. Which obviously made them wet, again. Oh well.

I didn't get a photo of the finished dish, nor did I measure anything, but it was basically a matter of searing the scallops and setting them aside, pouring some marsala and some cream into the saucepan to deglaze it, and then pour this over the scallops. I fried some red onion and some garlic in olive oil, added halved cherry tomatoes, and then tossed this along with the saucy scallops with freshly cooked spaghetti. Pretty yummy!

I think I'll pick up another package when I run across them again - however, they're almost as expensive as fresh scallops, so it's not a very thrifty option. Still, nice to have at hand!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Toasted Coconut Macarons


This is my submission for this month's MacAttack, by the girls over at MacTweets. We were asked to try something new, and well, at least this was indeed new!

I really want to learn how to make a nut-free macaron. That's quite a challenge, since a macaron basically is an almond meringue cookie. I found a recipe that used coconut instead of almonds, which many people with nut allergies can eat, over at Baking Obsession, but as you can see from my photos, it didn't work out all that well.

Let me put it this way: it's an awesome coconut cookie. It's not a macaron. I think part of the problem was the ratio between nuts and sugar - next time, I'll try my regular recipe, just swapping coconut for almonds. And hope for feet - the little ruffled edges that is the mark of a true macaron. These sadly never got any.

I made two delicious fillings - both went beautifully with the toasted coconut: salted caramel and dark chocolate ganache. I have both stashed in my freezer, for lucky guests over the next few weeks...

Coconut Macarons with two fillings

(printable recipe)

Toasted Coconut Macarons:
5 egg whites
3 tbsp sugar
190 g coconut (dried coconut flakes, not the sweetened kind)
225 g confectioner's sugar

Heat the oven to 100°C, and toast your coconut for 5-8 minutes. It should be lightly golden and fragrant. Let it cool completely. Then mix it with half the confectioner's sugar and grind in a food processor for a few minutes. Sift through a fairly fine sieve, and mix whatever didn't go through with the rest of the confectioner's sugar in the food processor for another few minutes. Either sieve it again, or, like me, trust that it's ground fine enough.

Beat the egg whites with the sugar to a stiff, shiny meringue. Add the coconut and carefully stir into a thick, even batter. Pipe round, small cookies onto lined baking sheets. Top with some more coconut if you'd like.

Leave at room temperature for an hour, so that the cookies develop skins. Bake in the oven at 150°C for 15 minutes.

Cool, then fill cookies. Freeze the shells you won't use right away.


Salted Caramel:
235 g sugar
85 g salted butter
125 ml cream (full fat)
pinch of salt (optional)

Measure butter and cream and leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours before starting. Melt the sugar in a heavy pan (preferrably one with a light interior so that you can see what you're doing) and place over medium high heat. When all the sugar is melted and golden brown, add the butter and stir. It will bubble and spit, so be careful. Then add the cream, and stir until smooth. If some of the sugar seizes and crystallizes, just heat it gently again and stir until it's all smooth. Add some more salt if you'd like.

Let it cool to room temperature, then chill. It needs to be completely cold to be thick enough to use for the cookies.

Dark Chocolate Ganache:
80 g dark chocolate, finely choped
50 ml cream (full fat)

Place the chocolate in a small bowl. Heat the cream until boiling. Then pour it over the chocolate and stir until smooth. Chill it in the fridge for a few minutes so that it thickens, then fill the cookies.

Recept på svenska:
Kokoskakor med salt kolafyllning och chokladganache

Friday, January 15, 2010

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies


I know I teased you last night by showing a photo of a wonderful cookie - that was actually from my breakfast yesterday. I've been in the mood for chewy chocolate chip cookies for a while, but I only got around to making them yesterday morning. And I don't know why I put it off because it seriously didn't take more than 20 minutes. At the most. It's easy - real easy.

And, obviously, delicious.

Recipe is adapted from Smitten Kitchen, and she uses US measurements so use that one if you're not fond of measuring by weight.

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

(printable recipe)

170 g unsalted butter
300 g flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
210 g brown sugar
100 g sugar
1 egg yolk
1 egg
1 tbsp vanilla extract
170 g dark chocolate chips

Melt the butter. Mix flour with baking soda and salt in a bowl. Stir together both sugars with the melted butter. Beat in the egg, the egg yolk and the vanilla extract, until the mixture turns light and fluffy. Stir in the flour mixture, and finally the chocolate.

Scoop cookies onto a lined baking sheet, and leave plenty of space for them to spread out. (I could fit about 9 per full-size baking sheet.) Bake at 165°C for 10-12 minutes. Adjust if you make very small or very large cookies, but do not overbake them!

If you don't want to bake all the cookies at once, you can freeze scoops of cookie dough individually, and when they're frozen through, just place them in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Get them out as you're ready to bake, and either thaw for a little while or add a few minutes to the baking time.

Recipe in Swedish:
Sega Chocolate Chip Cookies

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I made really good cookies this morning. Really, really good. I'll
tell you all about them tomorrow, ok?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Scallops with Cauliflower Purée & Crumbly Bacon


Another dish from our 13-course dinner! It's something I dreamed up a few days before, when P said that he'd really like to have scallops soon. I love the way the crispy surface of the scallops give way to the chewiness, and it's perfect with a smooth, creamy purée. Try it even if you're not a huge fan of cauliflower - the flavors work really well together, and with the bacon and garlic... ah. (This is again proof that bacon really should be thought of as a spice - it adds such wonderful flavor.) Really . do try it!

It's easy to scale this up or down, and it's actually easy to cook for quite a crowd too, but you can't really make the scallops in advance. The purée and the bacon crumble can definitely be made beforehand, just heat the purée before plating. (No need to heat the bacon bits.)

Scallops with Cauliflower Purée & Crumbly Bacon

(printable recipe)
Serves 4

Cauliflower Purée:
150 g cauliflower
50 ml milk (full-fat)
50 ml cream (full-fat)

4 scallops
olive oil

70 g bacon
1-2 garlic cloves
1 tsp olive oil (use one infused with chili if you happen to have it)

Cut the cauliflower into small florets and place in a saucepan with cream and milk. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook on low heat until the cauliflower is completely soft. It takes about ten minutes. Mix it in a blender or with an immersion blender, season with salt, and set aside. (Keep on low heat if you're about to eat, otherwise reheat just before serving.)

Cut the bacon into very small dice, and finely mince the garlic. Heat the oil in a frying pan, and fry the bacon until very crispy. Add the garlic for about a minute, but it burns easily so be careful. Set aside.

Cut the scallops in half along the middle, so you end up with two "coins" from each scallop. Dry the surfaces with a paper towel, and salt lightly. Fry in olive oil on medium heat for about one minute per side, until nicely colored and crispy.

To plate, place a dab of purée on each plate. Add two scallops and top with the bacon crumble.

Recipe in Swedish:
Pilgrimsmussla med blomkålspuré och baconsmul

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blood Orange Vanilla Sorbet


This might turn out as an actual sorbet, or it might turn out as a granita. It's hard to predict, as it will really depend on how sweet your oranges are. Although, to be on the safe side, you can add more sugar syrup, as that will make it freeze softer. I didn't want this to be very sweet, so I was fine with an icier texture - I served it as part of our huge 13-course meal and it was the perfect palate cleanser.

Blood Orange Vanilla Sorbet

(printable recipe)

300 ml blood orange juice (from about 5 oranges)
100 ml vanilla simple syrup

Juice your oranges and mix with simple syrup. Add a little at a time to get it as sweet as you'd like. Place in the fridge until very cold, and then run it in an ice cream machine for 15-20 minutes.

Vanilla Simple Syrup
500 ml sugar
500 ml water
2 vanilla beans

Mix water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Make sure all the sugar has dissolved. Score the vanilla beans and scrape ut the seeds, add them and the beans to the syrup. Pour in a bottle, keep in the fridge for a few months.

Recipe in Swedish:
Blodapelsinsorbet med vanilj

Monday, January 11, 2010


Finally, time to announce the winners of my recent giveaways!

The Krusell cases go to Gabriela (green), Julie (red) and Catarina (beige). The sour rats go to Shirley!

Congratulations all!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pierre Marcolini


Just a note. If you're in Brussels, there's chocolate, everywhere. The best one, however, is made by Pierre Marcolini and it's absolutely great. I always force my friends who go to Brussels to bring me back a box - it's horribly expensive, but still worth it. However, I think you have to go to one of the actual shops, i don't think it's available at the airport. (Or is it? Does anyone know?)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Take-home sushi


I've promised it several years now, but still haven't gotten around to it - making sushi, that is. And you know what? I don't think I will. I really doubt it's worth the trouble - it's too hard to get the good ingredients and they cost a lot, so I think I'll stick to buying my sushi when the craving hits. I'm picky though - but luckily, I rather like the sushi nearest to me, Neko Sushi. It's a chain, and they're not remarkable, but they're definitely fresh, clean and well, good enough. I really don't like nori at all, so I never order any rolls. (If I liked rolls, it would definitely be worth making them at home, but alas, I don't.) My favorite is salmon, and sometimes shrimp. I only like tuna if it's REALLY good, and the one at Neko isn't. Avocado is ok once in a while, but I have to remove the strip of nori first.

What are your sushi habits? Do you eat it often? Make it yourself? Favorite pieces? Discuss!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chocolate Coffee Ice Cream Sandwiches


I never was much fond of ice cream sandwiches, but they're my husband's absolute fave, and he'll go for them every time we get ice cream. So, for our 13-course dinner, I thought it would be fun to make some myself. Remember, you *could* make these with store-bought ice cream, and cookies too - or use any cookie, and any ice cream. Go ahead and experiment!

Chocolate Coffee Ice Cream Sandwiches

(printable recipe)

The cookies are from Fanny at Foodbeam, and the ice cream from David Lebovitz.

Chocolate Cookies:
180 g flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt

200 g dark chocolate
30 g unsalted butter

2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract
150 g brown sugar

Mix flour with baking powder and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, melt chocolate and butter. (In the microwave, or over a waterbath.)

Beat eggs and brown sugar until fluffy. Add vanilla extract and the melted chocolate-buttermix. Finally stir in the dry ingredients. Drop round cookies onto a lined baking sheet - leave some room, but they won't spread a lot.

Bake at 175°C for 6-8 minutes. If the cookies are still mounds rather than flat when they come out (mine did), use a small ball of aluminum foil and press them flat. Let them cool completely, then freeze.

Coffee Icecream:
250 ml cream (35-40% fat), divided
375 ml milk (full-fat)
pinch of salt
150 g sugar (I used homemade vanilla sugar, a jar of regular sugar with a few vanilla beans)
125 coffee beans (whole)
5 egg yolks
pinch of ground coffee

Mix together 125 ml of the cream with milk, sugar, salt and coffee beans in a saucepan. Heat until boiling, then cover with a lid and remove from heat. Let it steep for one hour.

Whisk the egg yolks in a bowl. Add the warm cream mixture while beating, and then scrape the whole thing back into the saucepan. Heat gently while stirring all the time, until the mixture thickens and coats the spoon. Pour through a sieve into a clean bowl, and add the remaining 125 ml of cream along with a pinch of ground coffee. Stir over an ice bath until cool, then leave in the fridge overnight. Freeze in an ice cream maker.

Let the ice cream freeze for a few hours to firm up. Assemble the sandwiches, and let them freeze in a baking sheet or a cutting board until really firm. Then wrap them in plastic or keep in a tight-lidded box.

Recipe in Swedish:
Chokladsandwich med kaffeglass

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thirteen courses on Twelvth Night, 2010


For the fifth year in a row, we had our annual Twelvth Night (Eve of Epiphany) dinner two days ago. We did it the same way as always - invited friends, and let them do some of the cooking. This year, we were only three couples, so each couple made four dishes each. (I made five.) My recipes will be up shortly, and Dagmar will probably blog about hers, too. Anna, I don't know if you'll turn your or Martin's blog into a food blog!

FIrst off, drinks and a nibble. Anna & Martin were in charge, and made Berry Cider Mojitos, with olive nachos. A great start!

Dagmar and Fredrik taught us how to make Vietnamese spring rolls with basil, cilantro, pickled carrots, mango, cucumbers and lettuce. They were served with Nuoc Nam dipping sauce.

Titus had some mango.

I made sautéed scallops on cauliflower purée, with crispy bacon & garlic crumbles.

Next came something that might sound very exotic to some of you - smoked moose heart, with horseradish cream and sweet rye bread. Really very tasty!

I didn't manage to photograph my own dish that came next - a simple grilled cheese sandwich with caramelized onions and grated gruyère cheese. It was devoured before I had a chance to get out the camera. (We were still pretty hungry at this point, believe it or not.)

Next, venison! Wonderfully tender, served with cheesey potatoes and a delicious but potentially dangerous sauce of false morels. (It was very carefully prepared, as false morels contain a certain poison that's removed by blanching it, several times.) Think of it as the blowfish of the forest!

I made a blood orange sorbet or really more of a granita since it didn't become very smooth. Very light and refreshing!

Dagmar and Fredrik served pretty little galettes filled with roquefort cream and beef. They were so tasty everyone went for seconds!

Next, I made my first recipe from the Momofuku cookbook: ginger scallion noodles. I used soba noodles and topped them with pickled cucumbers and lamb ribs that had been slathered in hoisin sauce.

And then, the first of the desserts. Anna surprised us all by serving sweet olives, but along with other berries, lime sugar and vanilla mascarpone, they tasted great!

Dagmar served some exotic fruit with a spicy dipping sauce - golden kiwi fruit, mangosteen, rambutan, mango and rose apple!

I made ice cream sandwiches, with chocolate cookies and coffee ice cream.

And finally, Dagmar made beautiful heart-shaped cherry pies, with locally picked cherries. The perfect conclusion to a wonderful meal!

Want to see what we've had the other years?