Thursday, July 9, 2009

Better Scones


I'm always searching for the perfect scone. It needs to be light and fluffy, but not too crumbly so you can't put butter on them... these ones are better than the recipe I've been using, but not perfect. Do you have a great recipe? Please - do share!

Better Scones
(Printable recipe)
8-10 small scones

225 g flour
50 g butter
1 tbsp baking powder
pinch of salt
25 g sugar
150 ml milk

Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl. Add the cold butter in small dice and work into the flour mixture until it's all been properly distributed throughout. Add the milk and work quickly into a soft dough. Shape into scones, or if you're feeling adventurous, roll it out and use a cutter to make neat shapes. (I always feel that the dough is too sticky for this.)

Bake at 225° for 10-12 minutes.

Recipe in Swedish:
Bättre scones

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