Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two years

That's how long I've been married to the person I kept calling Da Ge (Big Brother) since we met each other online. Even now, this habit won't change, and I know how people look at us when they hear the way I call him the first time. :P But then, isn't it common for Malay to call their husbands "Abang"? I'm just adapting that tiny culture.

Years back, never in my wildest imagination that I would have known my lifelong half through the so call unsafest place to meet someone, internet.

For a person who is a bigger risk taker than her own look (I can look pretty nerdy), there are many things in life that I've done, regretted some, but this is the one I cherish.

Two years is just a short time. And there will be many more years to come. But when I think of how I can depend on him when I have to, I'm not afraid to walk through the unknown path lay ahead of me.

I know, he will be walking together by my side.

Dear Da Ge, aishiteru!

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