Monday, January 23, 2006

Foodie Gifts: Citrus Reamer

I first saw a device like this in one of Nigella's books, I think. I looked everywhere for it. And I do mean everywhere - including Spain and France. I asked friends and family to help. And then, suddenly.. I was visiting a friend, who was absent-mindedly using one to muddle her drink. Huh! I shriked with excitement and asked where she had bought it. She replied "Oh, this old thing? Ikea, I think." Off to Ikea. No luck. At all.

A few weeks later, I finally found one - at Debenhams, which had just opened in Stockholm. Joyous day! A day after that, I was given a second one, by my friend. So, I had two.. I quickly decided I should have one at my parents' house, for when I cook there. It's one of my favorite little gadgets - so very useful for quickly juicing a lemon or a lime, and so much easier to clean than a full on citrus press.

While out shopping with my mom a few days ago, we came across this one - in steel, as opposed to the usual wooden ones. I fell in love instantly, and my mom bought it for me. God, I love it. Isn't it pretty? And now my spare wooden one will move up to our summer cottage in Dalarna, so I always have one handy...

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