Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My sister Ehva's kitchen

I visited my oldest sister, Ehva, a few weeks ago. She lives up north, and I don't get to see her very often. She's very crafty and full of great ideas, and I thought I'd show some pictures from her kitchen. I love her open cupboards - her kitchen is small, but this is a great way to have everything handy. And everything is kept in pretty jars, instead of in boring cardboard packages.

This is such a great idea. She's taken a simple wooden plank, and added hangers for her cups. All cups are unique, and her guests get to choose their favorite when it's time for coffee.

No kitchen is complete without a pestle and mortar. This one is absolutely massive.

Those of you who read Swedish can check out Ehva's blog here! Or my sister Åsa's blog, here!

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