Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Breakfast Rolls


Getting this recipe was a slight disappointment for me. See, I first tasted these rolls at Vigdis, a lovely cat breeder friend. Vigdis has lead a very exciting life, living all over the world, having done tons of different things. She made these great rolls, and I don't know, I sort of expected a story there. For some reason. Anyway, I asked her for the recipe, and she happily complied. And handed over a recipe card, the kind you get from those recipe clubs that were so popular in the 80:s.

So, while not the result of any wonderful journeys, these rolls are really, really good. And they're incredibly easy to make. If you've not used to yeasted dough - here's one for you to try. I doubt this can fail.

Vigdis added raisins to her bread. I didn't this time - didn't have any at home - but I did sprinkle half of them with poppy seeds and sea salt. They're fine plain too though. And whatever variety you choose, they freeze very well.

Breakfast Rolls
makes about 24

50 g fresh yeast
50 g butter
500 ml milk
2 tsp salt
775 g flour (regular, white)

To glaze:
1 egg
poppy seeds (optional)

Melt the butter and add the milk. Heat this mixture until tepid. (About the same temperature as your finger.) Crumble the yeast into a bowl, and add some of the liquid. Stir until yeast is dissolved, then add the rest of the liquid, the salt and the flour.

Work until you have a smooth dough that doesn't stick to the bowl. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.

Divide the dough into equal sized pieces - I weighed mine, and found 50 g to be about the right size. Roll each piece into a smooth ball. Cut a cross in the top of each one, and place on a lined baking sheet. Cover with a towel and leave to rise for about an hour.

Preheat the oven to 250°C. To glaze, beat an egg with a few drops of water, and brush the buns, using care so they don't deflate. Top with poppy seeds and sea salt if you want to. Bake for 7-8 minutes, until just lightly golden.

Recipe in Swedish:

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