Saturday, September 22, 2007

SHF #35 - Caramelized Figs with Spicy Yogurt

caramelized fig

This month's Sugar High Friday is hosted by Ivonne at Creampuffs in Venice - a fellow Daring Baker! She has chosen a really interesting theme: figs. Now, I had to rack my brains a bit, because my loving husband does in fact not love figs. At all. And I had to work around that. In the end, I decided that he'd get someting else, and I got the figs all to myself. Easy. (He got nectarines, prepared in the same way. Nice.)

I didn't want to do something elaborate, because I'm not completely at ease with figs myself. (But very much looking forward to the round-up!) I think simple dishes are better, and roasting figs with a little bit of butter and sugar not only brings out the flavor, it also creates the most delicious syrup!

You could serve these with ice cream, or whipped cream, but I served them with a spicy yogurt instead. I used my homemade spice sugar - it's very nice to have a jar at hand.

Caramelized Figs
Serves 2

2 fresh figs
muscovado or demerara sugar

Halve the figs. Dot with a tiny amount of butter, and sprinkle with some sugar. Caramelize in the oven at 225°C for about 10 minutes.

Spicy Yogurt
Serves 2

100 ml thick yogurt (Turkish or Greek style)
1 tsk homemade vanilla sugar (that'd be vanilla beans in a jar of sugar - very simple)
1-2 tsk homemade spice sugar
1 tsk lemon zest

Simply mix together, and chill before serving to let it thicken up a bit.

Recipe in Swedish:
Karamelliserade fikon med kryddig yogurt

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