Monday, January 14, 2008

Farmgirl's Fiesta Dip

fiesta dip

Here's something I made a long time ago (for a Tupperware party) but never got around to tell you about. I have a massive backlog that I'm working through. Sometimes people ask me if I'll run out of things to blog about. Simple answer: no. I really don't think so. Ever.

Anyway. This is a nice, healthy dip, a nice change from the much fattier ones like guacamole (although oooh, yummy!) and it's a definite winner from Farmgirl Fare. I've made a few small changes, so head over to her site for her original recipe, and her story about tortilla factory tours!

Farmgirl's Fiesta Dip

500 g cottage cheese (diet versions are totally ok)
4-5 large tomatoes, diced
2 large red or yellow peppers, diced
3-4 scallions, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 small fresh chilli, minced
1 bunch fresh coriander, shredded
1 tsp worcestershiresauce
1 tsp cumin

Mix everything, and ideally let it sit for a few hours before serving. It will probably be a little fluid at the bottom of the bowl, so carefully pour that out before serving. And while you could serve this with more vegetables, it was delicious with tortilla chips. Just so you know.

Recipe in Swedish:
Farmgirls Fiesta Dip

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