Friday, May 30, 2008

Saffron White Chocolate Truffles


I have some hesitations about posting this right smack in the middle of summer, since saffron is so very much a christmas spice here in Sweden, but really, don't let that deter you from making these delicious truffles. I also know that many people aren't very fond of white chocolate. Well, I'm not one of them, and apparently, neither are any of the girls here at work because they scarfed these down like crazy when I brought them in for our morning coffee. I don't think I've ever had so many beg me for a recipe!

So - I'm pretty confident about these. They really are easy to make, and they're totally delicious. Even in the summer.

Saffron White Chocolate Truffles
makes 30

200 g white chocolate
100 ml cream (full-fat)
0,5 g saffron
1 tbsp honey
powdered sugar

Finely chop the chocolate and place in a bowl. Mix cream, honey and saffron and bring to a boil. Add this to the chocolate and stir well until it's melted. Place in the fridge to cool and to firm up. It needs to be pretty stiff before you can roll it. Shape small balls and roll them in powdered sugar. I then placed mine on a baking sheet and froze them for a few minutes, and then I just kept them in a bowl in the fridge. They kept very well!

Recipe in Swedish:
Saffrans- och vitchokladtryffel

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