Monday, July 28, 2008

Ratatouille, my way


There are many, many ways to make ratatouille. Most of them include eggplant. Not my favorite vegetable by any means, so I never eat it. I do however like fennel, and definitely want some of that in my ratatouille. And most of all, I want peppers. I use bell peppers of different colors - red, green and yellow - and to tell you the honest truth, for this I simply used frozen, already cut up strips. See, I stumbled upon a huge bag of frozen peppers a while ago - a LOT cheaper than buying them fresh, and with no additives, so I picked them up. Hence the weird measurement in the recipe - if using fresh, I'd say you'd need at least four or five.

I loved this with some grilled salmon and cooked bulgur, and stay tuned to hear what I did with the leftovers!

Ratatouille, my way
Serves 4

1 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 zucchini
1 small fennel bulb
700 ml - a little less than three cups - of bell peppers cut into strips, different colors
3 tomatoes
1/2-1 tsp chilli powder
1/2-1 tsp cumin
1/2-1 tsp coriander
1/2-1 tsp thyme, dried
1/2-1 tsp oregano, dried
olive oil

Chop the onion and garlic coarsely. Cut lengthwise down the zucchini, about 1 cm thick, so that you only get the outer parts. Discard the middle section, and dice the rest. Cut the fennel into thin slices.

Dunk the tomatoes into boiling water and peel them. Cut into wedges, discard the seeds.

Heat a little olive oil in a pot or deep frying pan, and fry onion and garlic on low heat until softened. Add all the other veggies, and all the spices. Leave on low heat, covered, for about half an hour or until everything has softened nicely. Taste to see if you like the seasoning, and adjust.

Recipe in Swedish:
Min ratatouille

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