Friday, August 28, 2009

The right vitamins for you!

Before this, i never really bother about this till yesterday when i was at The Mall for lunch and i entered a pharmacy since they've got sale on some vitamins and supplements. While I was talking to the pharmacist about some vitamins she gave me a free scan where they scan your fingernail and from there they'll know what kinda supplements or vitamins you're lacking of.
As for me, i need to take more Selenium for anti-oksidant and calcium since i'm lacking of these two.

So, starting from next month, I'll make the effort to spend some on food supplements and vitamins cos it's very important especially nowadays when life evolves with facing the laptop, TV, college, work and there's no time to actually take care of ourselves. So, at least with the aid of vitamins and food supplements will keep you maintain a good health.

Of course, balanced- diet also play an important role in order to get the right amount of vitamin and supplement needed for the body.

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