Saturday, August 7, 2010

I was sooo tired this morning. I slept around 4'ish,
and i stood up around 7'ish.

Missed my freaking bus @ 8'ish.
- for saturday school -

Had to wait for like, 30 minutes for the next one.

I totaly looked like a zombie, but i couldn't care less = D

I couldn't kept my eyes open in the bus, so i took a nap ~

I almost missed my stop, so i stressed the "Shit"
out of myself ~

I pressed the "Stop" button, I stood up and waved the
bus driver "Good-bye"

What i didn`t knew was;
my "Shoe-laces" were loose !

Before i knew it, i stood on my "Shoe-laces",

and as the door opens,
I freaking, "Fell" out the door -.-'

The whole bus laughed @ me, which i don't "Care" at all.

But that was suchaa 'FAIL'
  X ]

But still,
Meh = Hungry <3

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