Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Let's Talk About Food: Postres, Pan, Papas, Pato, Pescado, Pollo...in Peru

One of the most important parts of going abroad (besides helping people and changing the world): the food. While it hurts my heart that some of my classmates are eating less than desirable food (sorry Val), Peru has the best food I have ever eaten in my entire life. Yes, Peru is beating Spain, Italy, Portugal, and France in the World Cup of GastronomĂ­a (cause Peru sure as heck would not go anywhere in the actual World Cup).

Menu from "The Enchanted Garden," a traditional Peruvian restaurant in Ica, Peru
From Food in Peru

Okay, let's start with appetizers.

From Food in Peru

The above pic is of a very popular dish all over Peru, Salchipapas. French fries and hot dog. Papas=potatos. Salchicha=special type of spicy hot dog. Peruvians love, love, love salchipapas with mayonnaise. I prefer my salchipapas smothered in Ketchup.

From Food in Peru

Fruit is a really big deal in Peru. Peru has some of the world's best fruit. They frequently mix pineapple, papaya, grapes, apples, mandarines, etc. and cover them with peach yogurt and little rice puffs. Notice the drink: Lemonada Frozen. Big favorite.

From Food in Peru

The above is a plate of pata (duck) con arroz (rice) which is a pretty standard Peruvian entree. More importantly is the yellow and white mass on the left. That is what is left of "Causa," two thick layers of potato with chicken salad sandwiched in between. It sounds weird, but it is delicious. How many times can I say "delicious"?

The above is "choclo." Peruvian corn eaten since the time of the Incas. The kernels are huge and really good when served with white cheese!

Ok, let's move on to the main course.

From Food in Peru

The lovely Annie is eating a triple for lunch. This is a popular sandwich of bread + cheese + bread + meat + bread. Here it is grilled and covered with cheesy white sauce.

Lomo saltado: Sauteed beef, onions and peppers on rice. Don't forget to mix in the French Fries? They sell this everywhere....cause it's delicious. Even in McDonalds.

Ceviche: Raw sea fish marinated in lemon and covered in raw onions. Not my favorite, but the Peruvians rave about it!

Anticucho: Deliciousness on a stick. I'll spare you the rest.

My mother told me not to play with my food.

Dessert, anyone?

There are two desserts that are the greatest creations on Earth.

Suspiro a la limena. Caramel pudding with whipped egg and cinnamon on top. Served as early as colonial Spanish times. Greatest creation on Earth. Did I mention it was good?

And I couldn't miss Tres Leches, the cake made of three kinds of milk (condensed, evaporated, and milk with water). Throw in some caramel and whipped cream icing...yum.

From Food in Peru

Other desserts: homemade chocolate covered marshmellows that you can buy on the street.

From Food in Peru

Also, there are lots of these stands around selling gumdrops, gummy strawberry slices, and trail mix.

Finally, drinks.

From Food in Peru

Fresh squeezed fruit juice.

From Food in Peru

Chica morada. Boil purple corn, add sugar. It's actually pretty good.

From Food in Peru

Pisco Sour (the one closest), specifically Peruvian drink with lemon mix and whipped egg. Frothy deliciousness.

From Food in Peru

Straight up Pisco in a...well, I wonder how that shot glass ended up in the Peruvian desert.

Hopefully, there will be more food to write about! I will not be one of those to lose weight on their IPSP.

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