Monday, June 28, 2010

POR FAVOR warm up Peru

Por favor, calientáte, Perú. Please, warm up, Peru.

When I signed up to visit Peru, I, like Miss Leer and Miss Watts, was very excited to be near a beach. I imagined sun, sand, surf...all that.


Oh, there is plenty of sand and more than enough surf. Mr. Sun, however, has yet to "shine down on me" for more than a few minutes. In fact, Mr. Sun only visits Lima for four months out of the year. That would be January thru April. I get to spend my summer in Lima's winter--which is overcast, cold, humid, and it drizzles (not rains---drizzles) pretty much the majority of the time. The kind of precipitation that doesn't warrant an umbrella (which I'm pretty sure they don't sell in Lima) but that is just enough to make you uncomfortably damp all day.

Doesn't bother the Limeños a bit. My compañeros de oficina are always complaining, "Hace frío! Hace frío!" Then they open a window. I am forever saying, "¿Se importan si cierro la ventana?" "Claro que no," they respond. Twenty minutes later it is open again.

They tell me always to "Abrigáte." (Cover yourself). But I am "abrigáte...d" thank you very much. It does not help that I really like skirts (In fact, I did not bring much else), and I am wearing holes in my black tights (which they do not sell here). Go figure.

Cuando visito Lima otra vez (si no está enero), voy a abrigarme mejor. (When I come back (if it is not January), I am bringing warmer clothes.)

En fin. The End.

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