Tuesday, October 19, 2010

$150 Challenge: Day 19

Just came back from work. Slow day again. Rainy day makes Southern California more lazy to go out, I suppose.

The Hubby is working late again tonight. Decided to ditch my gym tonight, just want to relax and cook some dinner at home, watching my favorite TV program, and getting ready for another long day at work tomorrow.

Promise myself to submit at least two new job applications this Friday. *crosses my fingers*

Anyway, I spent a lot of money today! Oh gosh, our fund is getting less so much in a single day. But it is for good reason, to fill up my gasoline. The gasoline today's is 20 cents more expensive per gallon than the last time I refilled it. Ended up paying $36.91 for almost 12 gallons gasoline. I used it for work and 2 short-distance outings. So in average, I sepnd about $3.50 per day to go to work. Not too bad, but I hope I don't have to take over someone's else half-day again, it is just not worth it, rather do the whole day shifts.

Also, the Hubby spent $1 on buying breakfast today, while I stock up another whole wheat bread ($2) and margarine ($0.99).

So, here is the remaining fund we have, not much remaining. But the big spender (our gasoline) have been settled, so we are pretty confidence to be able to make it until end of this month. In fact, I am hoping we can have at least $20 remaining by the end of the challenge. ;)

Here is the update (retyped some of the amount for past few days as I missed out an expense).
Day start: $70.01
Day end: $29.11
Money spent: $40.90

Ok, no more spending for the next four days!

XOXO, Fish Fish

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