Friday, October 22, 2010

$150 Challenge: Day 21

Another day without sun. Cold. Making ones lazy to go out.

Made a lentil soup and chicken with asparagus tonight. Roti canai was our carb. With guilt, I just had to fry some spring rolls and keropok to heal my crave for some sinful munching.

Then, in the middle of the night, the Hubby just popped out of the bedroom munching on a Vietnamese sandwich. -_-""" Sometimes I think I am married to a Peter Pan, seriously.

Glad that this is another day without expenditure.

Day starts: $29.11
Day ends: $29.11
Dinner for tonight: Pureed soup with lentil, tomatoes, zucchini and onion powder, seasoned with paprika powder and tumeric powder. Used some light soysauce and 1/4 cube of chicken cube for create the savoriness. Stir fried asparagus with chicken, flavored with wine. Pan fried two frozen roti canai for the Hubby while 1/2 piece for myself only, as I think I consumed too much carb earlier.

We are running out of peanut butter. Gosh! Didn't even know that we finished that quite fast. I think I am also addictive to milk tea lately.

XOXO, Fish Fish

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