Sunday, March 13, 2011

New stage

Hello~~~ it's been a long long time. I'm sorry my dear little blog, the little space that I used to come and write something on you daily, I've been ignoring you.

It has been a very fast moving 4-month for me. I attained the 2 things I wanted the most, after so long. Going so smooth I am still scared that they are only dreams.

I've moved out of California. Don't worry, the Hubby and I are perfectly ok in term of relationship. But we will be in LDR again.

My new stage will start in the windy city. I just arrived last night. Tomorrow, I'll be starting my new challenge. It's a quite dramatic and unexpected turn for me, but I'm glad it is leading me to the right direction.

Life is a very very strange thing. The Chinese idiom, "山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。" aptly described things that happened to me.

I'm going to be writing more from now on. A promised I made myself for my Da Ge, Nya~ Nya~. ^_^

I'm so Lucky.

Thank you for loving me, and giving a life that I am loving. ^_^

XOXO, Blessed fish fish

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