Sunday, March 27, 2011

To do list

Moving to a new city, even for only one person, is not as easy as I thought.

Emotionally, I have to prepare for everything new and unfamiliar. Which is not too bad.

Job load keeps getting more and more. Which is not too bad too, if I get to finish them faster. I do know, next week I'll need to do a lot of OT at home.

These two days, have been very busy days for me to do shopping for things I need, since I'll be moving into my apartment next Saturday. I just got the key this afternoon. Yeah!

Have been looking at all the furniture, and make note of every single one that I want, but I'll wait until when the hubby comes, to decide if those are the good choice.

Today, I went to buy my bicycle and mattress. Also, yesterday night I signed up for my internet and TV services. These three things will enable me to go to work with no problem, sleep very soundly at night and connecting with my loved ones at home early morning and late night.

Yes, I opted for riding a bicycle to work for the two weeks while waiting for my own car to finally arrive, because I figure renting a car for another two weeks really not economically wise. My apartment is just 1.1 mile away from my work place, and riding a bicycle will be a piece of cake for me. I can even walk to work during a good weather day. So yes, once I return my car this Saturday, I'll start my 2 weeks commute to work on my beautiful white and olive bicycle, which I paid $513. My most expensive investment on a bicycle to date. Hah!! Well, if compared to my extremist friend who spend thousands on a bike, my case is considered mild. :P

Another very heavy investment, my lovely bed! Oolala~~~ My most expensive mattress to date! But I want a good bed, so that I get very good sleep and well rested for the next day. No head board.

The Hubby complained I put too much investment on these two items, but hey, I depend on them for my work efficiency and performance, definitely a worthwhile investment for me.

Signed up with AT&T for my internet and TV. But I'll stick with my prepaid phone for now. I rather put my $85 per month on saving and car payment.

Oh yes, my car, that will be my most expensive investment among all the new things I have bought or going to buy. The reveal shall leave until it is delivered to me. I am sooooo excited even thinking about it.

What else? We have fitness center in the company, so I can scratch my expenditure on that every month. I got a Sony MP3 with 8 GB from Amazon, only $60, I consider it a smart investment.

Ah... I feel really good planning for my finance plan now. Once everything is settled down, I'll be my own accountant and try to maximize my monthly saving if possible. It is never too early to save more for your old days.

Hehe... that's my report about my to do list.

Till next time. I hope can show you guys my new apartment soon!

XOXO, Fish Fish

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