Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spaghetti Squash

What is spaghetti squash?  Well, to start, the spaghetti squash is an oval shaped, yellow-colored vegetable.  When cooked, the inner flesh of the squash can be scrapped away to stringy spaghetti-liked strands.  Hence the name "Spaghetti Squash!."

There's many ways to cook the spaghetti squash, from baking, steaming, boiling, to microwaving.  The easiest way would be to microwave the squash.  The best way (in my opinion) is to bake the squash.

The way I like to eat spaghetti squash is with a tomato-based pasta sauce.  In my sauce I use sautéed onions,  crushed tomatoes, chopped up chicken, olives, bay-leaves and red wine.  For the garnish I used basil and feta cheese.

This is a good low calorie, low carb, gluten-free alternative to the traditional pasta and tomato sauce.  :)

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