Thursday, May 25, 2006

Espresso with Honey

One of my birthday presents was a long-wanted cookbook, which my inlaws sent me. It's "Största Möjliga Njutning" by Henry Bronett, who is not just a cookbook authour, but also a circus director! (And he blogs, in Swedish, here.) The book is filled with stories of his life at the circus, and dotted with great recipes. Everything sounds delicious - and since it's a manageable amount of recipes, I think this might actually be a book I'll try everything from. (Ok, maybe I'll allow one or two outs - the "Swedish Sushi" didn't really appeal to me all that much.)

The first thing I had to try was an espresso with honey. Using honey as a sweetener instead of sugar (or fake sugar, which is my usual choice) - I would have never thought of it. But I have to say it was pretty spectacular. It brought out new nuances in the coffee and brought a silkier, softer feel. Next step will be to try it in a latte - it's definitely worth trying!

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