Sunday, January 28, 2007

Creamy Carrot Slaw

Here's another recipe that I originally found in a BBC Good Food magazine (where it was, if I recall correctly, called Indian Summer Salad, though what's Indian about this, I have no idea), which incidentally is one of my absolute favorite food mags and the only one I currently subscribe to. I don't have any BBC channels (oops, Per informs me that we do indeed get BBC Prime & World) but I really wish I had BBC Food.

Still cold and snowy, but this salad is not too summery. It' s great alongside a steak.

I've spent the day baking, so there'll be plenty of cookie recipes coming later on! With the kittens, we also get a lot more visitors than usually, so I like to keep the freezer well stocked with goodies!

Creamy Carrot Slaw

3 carrots
handful of radishes
1 small zucchini
1/2 red onion
fresh mint leaves
1 tbsp white wine vinegar (balsamic if you got it)
1-2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1-2 tbsp olive oil

Grate the carrots coarsely, or cut them julienne on a mandolin. (Or by hand, if you're very bored.) Slice the radishes and the zucchini and chop the onion. Mix all the veggies in a bowl, and tear over a few mint leaves if you'd like. Mix the dressing, whisking vigorously to incorporate everything, and toss with the salad.

Recipe in Swedish:
Krämig Morotssallad

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