Saturday, January 13, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging - Kitten time

Jamy, one week

The J-litter is now one week old! Time to show off these beauties - and they now have names, too. (Pretty much, anyway.) We went with a Shakespeare theme - Jupiter, Jamy, Juliet and Julius. (They might have some additions to their actual pedigree names, but we've not decided just yet.)

Jupiter, one week

Jamy, one week

Juliet, one week

Julius, one week

You can see more pictures in this Flickr Set.

For newcomers, these kittens are British Shorthair pedigree cats. We have one or two litters per year. And they are for sale.

Weekend Cat Blogging this week is hosted by What Did You Eat? Go visit for many more cute kitties.

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