Sunday, July 8, 2007

Strawberry Vanilla Sorbet with Lime


Sorbets don't photograph very well, but wow, they're so tasty and refreshing! This one was a particular winner for us - we had some leftover strawberries that were a bit too ripe to eat, but they were wonderful like this.

This is an entry for "Hay Hay it's Donna Summer Day!" - an event that I haven't managed to play in before, but as the theme is sorbet; well, perfect then. I'm a little late though - but for many other sorbet recipes, check out Eat, Drink, Live as I'm sure the round-up from this event will be up soon, and it should be great!

Leaving for Dalarna today, so I won't be around to answer any e-mails - but I'll have posts magically appear here, so you won't really notice that I'm gone. Hopefully.

Strawberry Vanilla Sorbet with Lime

400 g fresh strawberries
140 g home made vanilla sugar (just stick some vanilla beans in a jar of sugar and let it stand - it will be wonderful after a few weeks. Just add more sugar as you use it.)
1-2 tsp Rose's Lime Cordial

Slice the berries and mix in a large bowl with the sugar. Let it stand for about an hour until all the sugar is dissolved - stir every now and then.

Mix with a handheld mixer or in a blender, and add the lime. Cool the mixture completely - preferrably overnight - and then churn it in an ice cream machine for about 15-20 minutes.

Recipe in Swedish:
Jordgubbssorbet med vanilj och lime

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