Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wheat Berry Salad


Here's one of my very favorite lunches - something I'd often make when I was at university. It's very portable, and as it doesn't need to be heated, it's just perfect for hot summer days. I mostly make it for myself, so this recipe is one, pretty big portion. Feel free to scale it as you see fit.

And it can be varied in so many ways. My only real constants are wheat berries, red onion, apple and crème fraîche, but I often switch around the proteins.

Wheat Berry Salad
serves 1 - if you're hungry

75 ml (about 5 tbsp) wheat berries
1 very small red onion
handful diced strong cheese (I suggest Västerbotten, Comté or Gruyère)
1 Granny Smith apple, finely diced
2-3 slices of serrano ham or parma ham, in thin strips
1 handful alfalfa sprouts
5-6 cherry tomatoes, halved
50-100 ml crème fraîche, depending on how wet you like your salad
cayenne pepper
dried coriander

Boil the berries according to the packet instructions. Dice the onion, apple and cheese, halve the tomatoes and cut the ham into thin strips. Mix everything together, and season with salt, cayenne pepper, cumin and coriander. Enjoy!

Recipe in Swedish:

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