Friday, August 3, 2007

A disappointing dinner


It happens to me, and I'm sure it's happened to you too. Sometimes, the recipe that sounds so good on paper, just doesn't work at all. We recently had such a dinner, where all three new recipes turned out to be.. so-so. Or outright bad. Above, a salad of caramelized pears, walnuts and endives. Sounds good, yeah? Well, it was horrible. The endive was way too bitter (how on earth do you eat this stuff?) and the pears couldn't make up for it. The nuts didn't help. A strong vinaigrette or a smattering of blue cheese might have helped, though, but that wasn't in the recipe.


We served that (thankfully just for the two of us) with grilled lamb. Usually a winner, but this one was rather boring. The marinade sounded good, but it wasn't very exciting at all. And the meat was really tough and stringy - can't fault the recipe there, though.


It was served with a chili-aïoli that also sounded incredibly good, but was just bitter and nasty. Sigh. Huge disappointment, that one! Needless to say, you're not getting the recipes. Be thankful.

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