Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Red Espresso


I was approached a while ago by a salesman who wanted to send me a sample of a new product that's launching in Sweden this fall: red espresso. Huh? What's that? Well, it's tea. Roobios tea, red tea, that you make the same way you would espresso. (In an espresso machine, or possibly in a moka pot on the stove.) Interesting concept. I tried it this morning, in a moka pot. And my impressions? Well, I have to say, it does look sort of like espresso. (But red.) It's thicker and more viscous than regular tea. No crema, which I really didn't expect even though the website says you can get it, since I used a moka pot rather than my espresso machine. It smelled pretty bad - very strong and very bitter. I cautiously took a sip - and promptly added sweetener. Another sip, and hey - pretty good stuff! It still smells rather terrible, but the flavor was good. Very smooth and strong.

I'll try it in my espresso machine as well, with some foamed milk to make a tea latte, but I'm not sure it's something I'll love. Fun concept though!

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