Monday, October 26, 2009

And the winners are...


The results of the superfood sandwich contest are in! A great big thank you to all who participated and help spread the word - it was a lot of fun! Sandwiches are somewhat a "superfood" in itself - in that it's so easy and quick to make - and combined with actual superfoods, it can also be really healthy and good for you. I thought all entries were excellent, and thus I decided on a random drawing of the winners.

Top prize, a six month supply of Fazer Frökusar bread, goes to Laura! You can see her sandwich above - it has a spread made from edamame, avocado, coriander, garlic, lime juice, and greek yogurt. That sounds absolutely brilliant - and when it's combined with some red pepper, even better. Definitely something I will be trying out soon!


The runners-up are Clarissa and Kari and they both win a three month supply of bread. Clarissa's sandwich has, intriguingly, SPAM on it! Now, that's something I wouldn't have tried on my own - but combined like this, with hard-boiled eggs, homemade mayo, alfalfa sprouts and cheese, I'm sure it's delicious.


Kari (who lovingly calls himself and his family for the Family Crocodile Butt - I had to include that!) went for a hearty sandwich on homemade sunflower-linseed bread, with butter, alfalfa sprouts, grated carrots and a homemade hamburger. Yummy! Those of you who read Swedish should check out his great blog, by the way!


In the international category, the winner of the book "In Grandma's Arbor" is Virginie! (She's Canadian, her husband is Finnish, and they live in Norway - quite a mix!) Just look at that gorgeous sandwich! It has red bell peppers, grated carrots, ground flax seeds, Dijon mustard, a fried egg, greens and the magical ingredient - bacon. Sounds like heaven indeed!

Congratulations to all the winners, and a big thanks to Fazer for helping me host this fun contest! I have a very different giveaway/contest coming up in a few days, so check back soon!

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