Thursday, October 1, 2009

Perfect Hazelnut Cookies


These are quite popular in Sweden, often seen in bakeries and cafés. I've tried making my own before, but the recipes differ quite a bit, and I usually ended up with flat cookies - like this. I also tried a very different kind of Coffee Hazelnut cookies.

But this time, my cookies were perfect! I used a combination of almonds and hazelnuts, egg whites rather than whole eggs, a little bit of flour and baking powder. The coffee inclusion isn't traditional, and something I just decided on a whim, but I like it a lot. You have to grind your nuts for the best texture - a food processor would yield different results.

You can freeze the cookies, and they're great to nibble on frozen as well. (Well, yes, when the cookie craving sets in, you don't always have time to thaw...) I chose to make these quite large - about the size of a ping pong ball - and if you make yours smaller, remember to adjust the baking time.

Perfect Hazelnut Cookies
(printable recipe)
15-20 cookies

140 g hazelnuts
60 g almonds, blanched
190 g sugar
2 tsp ground coffee
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 egg whites (about 100 ml)
whole hazelnuts for decoration

Grind the hazelnuts and almonds in a nut mill. Mix with sugar, coffee, flour and baking powder.

Beat the egg whites until frothy, and mix with the other ingredients into a dough. Shape fairly large balls and flatten slightly on a lined baking sheet. Decorate with one whole hazelnut.

Bake at 175°C for about 15 minutes, watching carefully.

Recipe in Swedish:
Perfekta hasselnötskakor

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