Thursday, March 31, 2011

A sunny cold day

Looking at the sunny photo alone in this suburb of Chicago, you will be deceived how good weather it is. So sunny, yet the temperature is freezing cold.

I was talking to a staff in the hotel I'm staying, he told me I should try the cold in upstate NY. Military in Alaska go their to have extreme coldness training. He was trained in the military at -40 degree F. One night, his friend was trying to pour hot coffee on him, but the coffee turned into beautiful black flakes befor they even hit him. They decided to make a few more cup of flakes. Maybe I should try that next time.

I did something great just now. I actually ate a whole golden fresh apple without my teeth feeling horrible. This is the first for many many years. I might try to buy these golden apples in the future if I want the good taste of apple.

Still, my dislike towards cilantro, century, colored contact lense, unfriendly people and boastful men still remain the same.

I am so grateful with my life now. Yes, the Hubby is 2000 miles away from me, but we can always be connected easily with a 4 hr non-stop fly. He will be coming here in two weeks time.

Work is coming to the end of 3rd week. Busy tend to make time goes by fast. Sooner, it will be September. Ah... the lovely September. A beautiful start of a fall season that will make little kitty feels so at ease. Great season to enjoy delicious mutton and yummy fish. With a nice glass of wine. Laying warmly on my heated floor. Pure bliss.

Home is 8500 miles away, but Skype has been able to connect hearts that are far far away, amazing isn't it? Mom had her birthday on March 30. All I need to do is to dial my Skype, and there she was at the other end, sounding as though just beside me, hearing me saying to her with a smile, "Happy birthday, mommy!" I was grateful for the warm and kind-hearted one to send my birthday cake to her.

Last year, she told me nobody gave her a birthday cake. It made me sad to hear that. It's ok if she has more than one birthday cake this year, I just want to give her mine. ^_^ In exchange, KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Deal?

Okay, I hope my post is not too confusing. Winter is still around, my mind needs spring to wake me up.

XOXO, Fish Fish

Travel Photo of the Day: Temple Prayers and Offerings, Bangkok, Thailand

In Feb. 2004, I visited Thailand for the first time and was blown away by the beauty, the history, the scents (a mix of jasmine, incense and spice), the delicious food, the kind and friendly people, the incredible sights and the underlying sense of serenity, even in a frenetic city like Bangkok. The temples are a perfect example of this interesting mix. Filled with curious tourists, bustling tour guides and frantically snapping cameras, the temples are also a haven for the devoted Buddhists of the city, who seem not to be disturbed in their prayers by the buzz of activity that surrounds them.

Wat Pho (pronounced what-po; "wat" is Thai for "temple"), is the largest temple in Bangkok and the most visited as it houses the largest reclining Buddha in the world (46 meters or 150 feet in length and covered completely in gold leaf) as well as a popular Thai massage school, where students practice their skills on tired, grateful travelers at a reduced rate; massage classes are also offered to foreigners. The temple is vast and filled with breathtaking religious art and sculptures and can be overwhelming, but English-speaking guides are available and well worth the small fee. There are also palm readers, astrologers and Buddhist monks, who for a small donation, will provide a blessing for safe travel and a happy life.    

Travel Photo of the Day: Temple Prayers and Offerings, Bangkok, Thailand

In Feb. 2004, I visited Thailand for the first time and was blown away by the beauty, the history, the scents (a mix of jasmine, incense and spice), the delicious food, the kind and friendly people, the incredible sights and the underlying sense of serenity, even in a frenetic city like Bangkok. The temples are a perfect example of this interesting mix. Filled with curious tourists, bustling tour guides and frantically snapping cameras, the temples are also a haven for the devoted Buddhists of the city, who seem not to be disturbed in their prayers by the buzz of activity that surrounds them.

Wat Pho (pronounced what-po; "wat" is Thai for "temple"), is the largest temple in Bangkok and the most visited as it houses the largest reclining Buddha in the world (46 meters or 150 feet in length and covered completely in gold leaf) as well as a popular Thai massage school, where students practice their skills on tired, grateful travelers at a reduced rate; massage classes are also offered to foreigners. The temple is vast and filled with breathtaking religious art and sculptures and can be overwhelming, but English-speaking guides are available and well worth the small fee. There are also palm readers, astrologers and Buddhist monks, who for a small donation, will provide a blessing for safe travel and a happy life.    

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Somehow I started reading about Royal Wedding food themes. The L.A. Times Daily Dish blog reports that 10,000 canapes will be served, and offers recipes in case you want to have a party to celebrate the wedding. Their recipes are amazing -- flavors from many, many cultures. Probably better than the real thing. Making all 22 of them would require a nearly regal kitchen brigade, I bet, though a few of them could make a nice party.

CNN has a general report on wedding events and trends, such as the Dunkin Donuts limited-edition Royal Wedding donut available only from April 24-29. Also a description of the "groom's cake" to be served alongside the couple's official wedding cake. This will be made from McVittie's Rich Tea biscuits. And for a complete discussion and history of Rich Tea biscuits -- "invented in the 17th century for the upper classes as light snack between meals and impregnating the scullery maids" -- see this at the Guardian.

What a coincidence: I have been eating Rich Tea biscuits (though the wrong brand) for a couple of weeks -- I bought them at a grocery store when we were in Ireland. In fact, in Northern Ireland, so they really came from the English realm! I can report that they are not as sweet as American cookies -- in fact, a little tasteless compared to say, Girl Scout cookies. But there you are. The Royal Groom's Cake will contain 1700 of them, as attested by this photo, supposedly:

The best Royal Wedding Kitchen Item is a Royal Wedding Refrigerator (it's a joke from here: What’s not to like?):

The Royal Wedding

Somehow I started reading about Royal Wedding food themes. The L.A. Times Daily Dish blog reports that 10,000 canapes will be served, and offers recipes in case you want to have a party to celebrate the wedding. Their recipes are amazing -- flavors from many, many cultures. Probably better than the real thing. Making all 22 of them would require a nearly regal kitchen brigade, I bet, though a few of them could make a nice party.

CNN has a general report on wedding events and trends, such as the Dunkin Donuts limited-edition Royal Wedding donut available only from April 24-29. Also a description of the "groom's cake" to be served alongside the couple's official wedding cake. This will be made from McVittie's Rich Tea biscuits. And for a complete discussion and history of Rich Tea biscuits -- "invented in the 17th century for the upper classes as light snack between meals and impregnating the scullery maids" -- see this at the Guardian.

What a coincidence: I have been eating Rich Tea biscuits (though the wrong brand) for a couple of weeks -- I bought them at a grocery store when we were in Ireland. In fact, in Northern Ireland, so they really came from the English realm! I can report that they are not as sweet as American cookies -- in fact, a little tasteless compared to say, Girl Scout cookies. But there you are. The Royal Groom's Cake will contain 1700 of them, as attested by this photo, supposedly:

The best Royal Wedding Kitchen Item is a Royal Wedding Refrigerator (it's a joke from here: What’s not to like?):

The Royal Wedding

Somehow I started reading about Royal Wedding food themes. The L.A. Times Daily Dish blog reports that 10,000 canapes will be served, and offers recipes in case you want to have a party to celebrate the wedding. Their recipes are amazing -- flavors from many, many cultures. Probably better than the real thing. Making all 22 of them would require a nearly regal kitchen brigade, I bet, though a few of them could make a nice party.

CNN has a general report on wedding events and trends, such as the Dunkin Donuts limited-edition Royal Wedding donut available only from April 24-29. Also a description of the "groom's cake" to be served alongside the couple's official wedding cake. This will be made from McVittie's Rich Tea biscuits. And for a complete discussion and history of Rich Tea biscuits -- "invented in the 17th century for the upper classes as light snack between meals and impregnating the scullery maids" -- see this at the Guardian.

What a coincidence: I have been eating Rich Tea biscuits (though the wrong brand) for a couple of weeks -- I bought them at a grocery store when we were in Ireland. In fact, in Northern Ireland, so they really came from the English realm! I can report that they are not as sweet as American cookies -- in fact, a little tasteless compared to say, Girl Scout cookies. But there you are. The Royal Groom's Cake will contain 1700 of them, as attested by this photo, supposedly:

The best Royal Wedding Kitchen Item is a Royal Wedding Refrigerator (it's a joke from here: What’s not to like?):

Roasted Garlic Hummus

I made homemade roasted garlic hummus.  It's really easy to prepare and make.  Now I don't have to buy hummus anymore!
Ingredients:  Roasted Garlic, Chickpeas, Lemon, Tahini, Olive Oil, Salt, Paprika

Served with Savory Mini Edamame Crackers from Trader Joe's.

Roasted Garlic Hummus

I made homemade roasted garlic hummus.  It's really easy to prepare and make.  Now I don't have to buy hummus anymore!
Ingredients:  Roasted Garlic, Chickpeas, Lemon, Tahini, Olive Oil, Salt, Paprika

Served with Savory Mini Edamame Crackers from Trader Joe's.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To do list

Moving to a new city, even for only one person, is not as easy as I thought.

Emotionally, I have to prepare for everything new and unfamiliar. Which is not too bad.

Job load keeps getting more and more. Which is not too bad too, if I get to finish them faster. I do know, next week I'll need to do a lot of OT at home.

These two days, have been very busy days for me to do shopping for things I need, since I'll be moving into my apartment next Saturday. I just got the key this afternoon. Yeah!

Have been looking at all the furniture, and make note of every single one that I want, but I'll wait until when the hubby comes, to decide if those are the good choice.

Today, I went to buy my bicycle and mattress. Also, yesterday night I signed up for my internet and TV services. These three things will enable me to go to work with no problem, sleep very soundly at night and connecting with my loved ones at home early morning and late night.

Yes, I opted for riding a bicycle to work for the two weeks while waiting for my own car to finally arrive, because I figure renting a car for another two weeks really not economically wise. My apartment is just 1.1 mile away from my work place, and riding a bicycle will be a piece of cake for me. I can even walk to work during a good weather day. So yes, once I return my car this Saturday, I'll start my 2 weeks commute to work on my beautiful white and olive bicycle, which I paid $513. My most expensive investment on a bicycle to date. Hah!! Well, if compared to my extremist friend who spend thousands on a bike, my case is considered mild. :P

Another very heavy investment, my lovely bed! Oolala~~~ My most expensive mattress to date! But I want a good bed, so that I get very good sleep and well rested for the next day. No head board.

The Hubby complained I put too much investment on these two items, but hey, I depend on them for my work efficiency and performance, definitely a worthwhile investment for me.

Signed up with AT&T for my internet and TV. But I'll stick with my prepaid phone for now. I rather put my $85 per month on saving and car payment.

Oh yes, my car, that will be my most expensive investment among all the new things I have bought or going to buy. The reveal shall leave until it is delivered to me. I am sooooo excited even thinking about it.

What else? We have fitness center in the company, so I can scratch my expenditure on that every month. I got a Sony MP3 with 8 GB from Amazon, only $60, I consider it a smart investment.

Ah... I feel really good planning for my finance plan now. Once everything is settled down, I'll be my own accountant and try to maximize my monthly saving if possible. It is never too early to save more for your old days.

Hehe... that's my report about my to do list.

Till next time. I hope can show you guys my new apartment soon!

XOXO, Fish Fish

E-Yah, the Hungry Spirit

Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts we encountered E-yah, the spirit of gluttony. E-yah, an insatiably hungry spirit, appears as a tiny head on enormous wooden bowls like the two in the photos we took. These bowls were filled to the brim with food and offered up at feasts held by "an elite group of spiritual leaders of the Yankton Sioux nation in South Dakota." Ability to eat enormous quantities of food indicated a sign of spiritual power, according to the documentation (which you can see by clicking on the image).

I searched for more legends of this god and found a tale about a man on a journey who returned "looking like a specter. ... The poor fellow, delirious with hunger, fancied himself engaged in mortal combat with Eyah, the god of famine, who has a mouth extending from ear to ear. Wherever he goes there is famine, for he swallows all that he sees, even whole nations! The legend has it that Eyah fears nothing but the jingling of metal." From Old Indian Days by Charles Alexander Eastman.

A god of gluttony or famine who presides over feasts and swallows whole nations? Fascinating. Obviously the product of a very different set of experiences than that of us modern feast-or-diet humans.

E-Yah, the Hungry Spirit

Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts we encountered E-yah, the spirit of gluttony. E-yah, an insatiably hungry spirit, appears as a tiny head on enormous wooden bowls like the two in the photos we took. These bowls were filled to the brim with food and offered up at feasts held by "an elite group of spiritual leaders of the Yankton Sioux nation in South Dakota." Ability to eat enormous quantities of food indicated a sign of spiritual power, according to the documentation (which you can see by clicking on the image).

I searched for more legends of this god and found a tale about a man on a journey who returned "looking like a specter. ... The poor fellow, delirious with hunger, fancied himself engaged in mortal combat with Eyah, the god of famine, who has a mouth extending from ear to ear. Wherever he goes there is famine, for he swallows all that he sees, even whole nations! The legend has it that Eyah fears nothing but the jingling of metal." From Old Indian Days by Charles Alexander Eastman.

A god of gluttony or famine who presides over feasts and swallows whole nations? Fascinating. Obviously the product of a very different set of experiences than that of us modern feast-or-diet humans.

E-Yah, the Hungry Spirit

Today at the Detroit Institute of Arts we encountered E-yah, the spirit of gluttony. E-yah, an insatiably hungry spirit, appears as a tiny head on enormous wooden bowls like the two in the photos we took. These bowls were filled to the brim with food and offered up at feasts held by "an elite group of spiritual leaders of the Yankton Sioux nation in South Dakota." Ability to eat enormous quantities of food indicated a sign of spiritual power, according to the documentation (which you can see by clicking on the image).

I searched for more legends of this god and found a tale about a man on a journey who returned "looking like a specter. ... The poor fellow, delirious with hunger, fancied himself engaged in mortal combat with Eyah, the god of famine, who has a mouth extending from ear to ear. Wherever he goes there is famine, for he swallows all that he sees, even whole nations! The legend has it that Eyah fears nothing but the jingling of metal." From Old Indian Days by Charles Alexander Eastman.

A god of gluttony or famine who presides over feasts and swallows whole nations? Fascinating. Obviously the product of a very different set of experiences than that of us modern feast-or-diet humans.

Deal of the Day! Fairmont Afternoon Tea

Fantastic Deal of the Day!   $72 voucher for $36 for Afternoon Tea at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.

Usually I find that high tea is very expensive, but when you find a deal that is two for one, how can you pass it up? You just can't!

I went last time, and it was fantastic.  The scones were served warm and fresh, they tasted great with jam and devonshire creme.  The tea I had was delicious as well.  It was a lavender + earl grey combination, I forgot the name of the tea, and the flavors of the tea's slowly fading away from my memory.  I must go back soon and I will!

I will post pics after my visit!


Deal of the Day! Fairmont Afternoon Tea

Fantastic Deal of the Day!   $72 voucher for $36 for Afternoon Tea at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.

Usually I find that high tea is very expensive, but when you find a deal that is two for one, how can you pass it up? You just can't!

I went last time, and it was fantastic.  The scones were served warm and fresh, they tasted great with jam and devonshire creme.  The tea I had was delicious as well.  It was a lavender + earl grey combination, I forgot the name of the tea, and the flavors of the tea's slowly fading away from my memory.  I must go back soon and I will!

I will post pics after my visit!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Travel Photo of the Day: Colorful Flags, Ubud, Bali

In January 2004, I stopped over in Bali, en route from Thailand to Australia. Bali is the only Hindu island of Indonesia (92.3% of the island's residents follow Hinuduism, as opposed to the rest of Indonesia, which is primarily Muslim). Bali is famous for its arts, its beaches, its lush rice paddies and its music and culture. Not being much of a beach bunny, I decided to stay in the center of the island in Ubud, the artist's colony of Bali. Ubud is very different than the packed party beaches of Kuta and Legian. The atmosphere is more tranquil, the scenery greener and the people much more laid back. Several times a day, the Balinese place small woven baskets filled with leaves and flowers such as jasmine and frangipani on the sidewalk or steps of their homes and businesses. The baskets are meant as offerings to Hindu gods and ancestors and are constantly refreshed; as a result, the air is always filled with a beautiful floral scent. 

The name Ubud comes from the Balinese word for medicine "ubad" since the town was originally a source of medicinal herbs and plants. Most of the ancient health and healing arts are still practiced today and are a mixture of religion and traditional medicine. When Europeans started to arrive, the town developed a thriving artist community which continues today. Ubud is also home to the famous Ubud Monkey Forest with its Hindu temple, where 340 Crab-eating Macaques live freely. Take care when visiting the reserve though; the monkeys are incorrigible thieves (their favorite items are tourists' sunglasses and hats) and trouble-makers who like to frighten visitors by baring their teeth, yelling at the top of their lungs and jumping on people from trees.        


Travel Photo of the Day: Colorful Flags, Ubud, Bali

In January 2004, I stopped over in Bali, en route from Thailand to Australia. Bali is the only Hindu island of Indonesia (92.3% of the island's residents follow Hinuduism, as opposed to the rest of Indonesia, which is primarily Muslim). Bali is famous for its arts, its beaches, its lush rice paddies and its music and culture. Not being much of a beach bunny, I decided to stay in the center of the island in Ubud, the artist's colony of Bali. Ubud is very different than the packed party beaches of Kuta and Legian. The atmosphere is more tranquil, the scenery greener and the people much more laid back. Several times a day, the Balinese place small woven baskets filled with leaves and flowers such as jasmine and frangipani on the sidewalk or steps of their homes and businesses. The baskets are meant as offerings to Hindu gods and ancestors and are constantly refreshed; as a result, the air is always filled with a beautiful floral scent. 

The name Ubud comes from the Balinese word for medicine "ubad" since the town was originally a source of medicinal herbs and plants. Most of the ancient health and healing arts are still practiced today and are a mixture of religion and traditional medicine. When Europeans started to arrive, the town developed a thriving artist community which continues today. Ubud is also home to the famous Ubud Monkey Forest with its Hindu temple, where 340 Crab-eating Macaques live freely. Take care when visiting the reserve though; the monkeys are incorrigible thieves (their favorite items are tourists' sunglasses and hats) and trouble-makers who like to frighten visitors by baring their teeth, yelling at the top of their lungs and jumping on people from trees.        


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quinoa with Kale

Decided to cook some Quinoa because I felt like eating something healthy.  Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein! So if you wanted to give meat a break, you can just snack on some Quinoa.  
To cook the Quinoa you need to wash the dried Quinoa, to remove the bitter-tasting saponins.  
Quinoa and Kale (reddish-green kale)

I decided to make some Quinoa with Sauteed onions and Kale.  I cooked the Quinoa (1 cup of Quinoa with 2 cups of water).  Then I sauteed the onions till they were well cooked, then sauteed the kale.     Afterwards I mixed the cooked Quinoa with the Kale and Onion, and drizzled some olive oil.  I added some salt and pepper for taste.  Oh, I threw in some cilantro's too.

Go ahead, try cooking some Quinoa!

Quinoa with Kale

Decided to cook some Quinoa because I felt like eating something healthy.  Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein! So if you wanted to give meat a break, you can just snack on some Quinoa.  
To cook the Quinoa you need to wash the dried Quinoa, to remove the bitter-tasting saponins.  
Quinoa and Kale (reddish-green kale)

I decided to make some Quinoa with Sauteed onions and Kale.  I cooked the Quinoa (1 cup of Quinoa with 2 cups of water).  Then I sauteed the onions till they were well cooked, then sauteed the kale.     Afterwards I mixed the cooked Quinoa with the Kale and Onion, and drizzled some olive oil.  I added some salt and pepper for taste.  Oh, I threw in some cilantro's too.

Go ahead, try cooking some Quinoa!

New Recipe for Frittata

For 2 to 4 servings, depending on what else you are eating:

3 or 4 eggs
1 or 2 egg whites
1 to 2 cups chopped cooked broccoli
2 roasted peppers from a jar, cut in dice
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. smoked Spanish paprika or other paprika
1 Tb. butter
4 to 6 slices ham (one oz. slices), cut up
3 to 4 oz shredded cheese (like KerryGold Irish cheese or cheddar)

Beat eggs with salt & paprika; add broccoli and peppers. Melt butter in large oven-proof frying pan and add ham; cook briefly on high. Add egg mixture, turn heat to low, cover, and cook 5 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the broiler.

After the eggs are cooked but not entirely set, sprinkle with the cheese (which can be mixed with another 1/4 tsp. of paprika). Place under broiler as illustrated above, and cook until cheese is brown and bubbly. Watch carefully so it doesn't burn -- it takes around 5 minutes.

Allow the fritatta to set for a few minutes, cut in quarters, and serve:

New Recipe for Frittata

For 2 to 4 servings, depending on what else you are eating:

3 or 4 eggs
1 or 2 egg whites
1 to 2 cups chopped cooked broccoli
2 roasted peppers from a jar, cut in dice
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. smoked Spanish paprika or other paprika
1 Tb. butter
4 to 6 slices ham (one oz. slices), cut up
3 to 4 oz shredded cheese (like KerryGold Irish cheese or cheddar)

Beat eggs with salt & paprika; add broccoli and peppers. Melt butter in large oven-proof frying pan and add ham; cook briefly on high. Add egg mixture, turn heat to low, cover, and cook 5 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the broiler.

After the eggs are cooked but not entirely set, sprinkle with the cheese (which can be mixed with another 1/4 tsp. of paprika). Place under broiler as illustrated above, and cook until cheese is brown and bubbly. Watch carefully so it doesn't burn -- it takes around 5 minutes.

Allow the fritatta to set for a few minutes, cut in quarters, and serve:

New Recipe for Frittata

For 2 to 4 servings, depending on what else you are eating:

3 or 4 eggs
1 or 2 egg whites
1 to 2 cups chopped cooked broccoli
2 roasted peppers from a jar, cut in dice
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. smoked Spanish paprika or other paprika
1 Tb. butter
4 to 6 slices ham (one oz. slices), cut up
3 to 4 oz shredded cheese (like KerryGold Irish cheese or cheddar)

Beat eggs with salt & paprika; add broccoli and peppers. Melt butter in large oven-proof frying pan and add ham; cook briefly on high. Add egg mixture, turn heat to low, cover, and cook 5 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the broiler.

After the eggs are cooked but not entirely set, sprinkle with the cheese (which can be mixed with another 1/4 tsp. of paprika). Place under broiler as illustrated above, and cook until cheese is brown and bubbly. Watch carefully so it doesn't burn -- it takes around 5 minutes.

Allow the fritatta to set for a few minutes, cut in quarters, and serve:

Santiagos Bloody Mary

At Santiagos, we offer an impressive menu listing of imported beers, select wines that complement our menu dishes, and a drink list to satisfy the thirst of the most diverse of tastes.

Of those is our Bloody Mary, a lovely pick me up after walking the art galleries and shops here in 'Ol Bisbee. So the next time you visit us, ask for it by name.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Beautiful Plate

Evelyn made me this beautiful ceramic plate, which I am using for the first time. The salad is apples, fennel, walnuts, and lemon vinaigrette, inspired by an item on the menu where we ate tapas. (We didn't order this one, I was inspired by the description only.)

Another view of the plate, this time with cheese-filled (though leaking) meatballs:

A Beautiful Plate

Evelyn made me this beautiful ceramic plate, which I am using for the first time. The salad is apples, fennel, walnuts, and lemon vinaigrette, inspired by an item on the menu where we ate tapas. (We didn't order this one, I was inspired by the description only.)

Another view of the plate, this time with cheese-filled (though leaking) meatballs:

A Beautiful Plate

Evelyn made me this beautiful ceramic plate, which I am using for the first time. The salad is apples, fennel, walnuts, and lemon vinaigrette, inspired by an item on the menu where we ate tapas. (We didn't order this one, I was inspired by the description only.)

Another view of the plate, this time with cheese-filled (though leaking) meatballs:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



What a warm-up win for India! Chasing 215 runs for victory, Australia were bundled out for 176. For latest, stay tuned with


So finally, Indian spinners got the better of Australian batsmen and ensured that Men in Blue start the ICC Cricket World Cup campaign in style.

Over 34.4: Smart work by MS Dhoni as Ricky Ponting fails to get his back-foot back in time. Harbhajan Singh finally won the little battle.

Over 30.4: Chawla dismisses Callum Fergusson. Shane Warne kind of delivery! Slip coming into operation as Kohli completes the formality.

Piyush Chawla is living a dream spell. A huge blow for Australia as they have now lost 7 wickets for 148 runs with Ricky Ponting playing on 51.

Over 28.2: Huge wicket! David Hussey gets a stunner on the very first ball he faces as MS Dhoni rattles the stump.

Over 28.1: Piyush Chawla induces a false shot Cameron White lofts, only to perish at mid-on.

Over 21.5: Yuvraj Singh has struck for India as Tim Paine's lofted shot lands staright in Munaf Patel's hand. Great running catch from Munaf.

Over 20.2: Oh! hoo! A spectators catch by Sreesanth in the deep on a top edge of Harbhajan Singh's ball just made Indian fans interested. A contest you would not like to miss. For the moment - Aussie skipper survives.

Harbhajan Singh gets the ball and bowls a tight over. But what India desperately need at this moment is wickets and that too in bunch.

Over 18: Chasing 215 for victory, Australia found themselves cruising along with 103/1.

Shane Watson led Ausssie chase in style as he carted Indian pacers all-aroun the park. Kangaroos would take huge confidence if at all they win the current match as lot of pre-match talks centered around how the visitors would fare on a slow pitch. India Innings: 214/10

An impressive Brett Lee produced a fast and furious second spell to skittle out India for a modest 214 in their first warm-up match ahead of the ICC Cricket World Cup.

Lee (3/35) accounted for three Indian wickets in his second spell of five overs, giving away just 12 runs. He was ably supported by John Hastings who returned with figures of two for 24 from his six overs.

David Hussey also picked up two wickets during the fag end of the Indian innings with the part-time off-spinner giving away 25 runs.

Opting to bat, India produced a listless batting display as they lost wickets at intervals to be eventually bundled out under 250 in 44.3 overs.

(Can Sachin Tendulkar really change India's fortunes? We would value your comments!)

Virender Sehwag was the top-scorer for India with a 56-ball 54 while Yusuf Pathan took his time to the open up during his 32 that came off 39 balls and was studded with two towering sixes.

Apart from Sehwag, the Indian batters were found wanting from the onset against Australia's lethal pace battery. Virat Kohli (21), skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni (11) and Suresh Raina (12) all got starts but gave away their wickets when the team needed them.

India's agony in the batting department can be gauged from the fact that they failed to notch up a single 50-run partnership, the highest being the 49-run ninth wicket stand between Pathan and R Ashwin (25 not out).

Gautam Gambhir never looked in his comfort zone from the very first ball. He was circumspect throughout his 15-ball stay, which included a maiden first over from Brett Lee.

His agony finally came to an end in the fourth over when he edged a Doug Bollinger delivery to Cameron White at the second slip.

Virat Kohli (21) looked in supreme confidence from the time he arrived at the crease and hit a boundary both of Lee and Bollinger in consecutive overs to continue his impressive run of form that was visible in the five-match ODI series in South Africa.

Sehwag, on the other hand, patiently waited for the bad deliveries to hit and brought up India's 50 in style in the 10th over, clobbering John Hastings to the cover boundary.

But just when it seemed Kohli is in for a big innings the right-hander slashed a full length Hastings' delivery to David Hussey at point.

After just two overs spell, Ponting replaced Hastings and introduced spin in the form of Jason Krejza, but it was left-arm pacer Mitchell Johnson who struck the third blow for Australia. Yuvraj Singh's awful form continued as he looked completely out of sorts from the time of arriving at the crease. He scored just one run of seven balls before edging an accurate Johnson bouncer to Tim Paine behind the stumps.

The bowling powerplay worked wonders for Australia as they conceded just 12 runs, picking up two vital wickets in those five overs.

India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni too did little justice to his reputation as he contributed just 11 runs before edging a Hastings delivery on to the stumps to cut short his stay at the crease with the India scoreboard reading 101 for four.

Sehwag, however, was at his full display at the Chinnaswamy Stadium as he took Krezja for special treatment before the off-spinner picked up his man.

After a sedate start, Sehwag opened up and struck as many as eight boundaries and a six during his 56-ball innings before giving away his wicket after doing all the hard work.

Sehwag raised his half-century in ominous fashion sending Krejza over the long-off fence. But the off-spinner took his revenge in the very next ball when he bowled the Indian opener as he went for a cut only to get an inside on to the stumps.

With two new batsmen out on the pitch in the form of Suresh Raina and Yusuf Pathan, Ponting gave the ball back to his strike bowler Lee and the right-arm pacer did not disappoint, striking twin blows in the 28th over.

Raina, who is struggling to find a place in the playing eleven, did little help to his cause and was Lee's first victim. Going for his trademark on-the-up cover drive off good length delivery the left-hander gave a simple catch to Paine behind the wicket.

As if that was not enough, a ball later Lee castled through the defence of Harbhajan Singh with a full length fast delivery to leave India tottering at 136 for seven after 28 overs.

Lee was unlucky not to have picked up his third wicket in the next over when Paine dropped dangerman Pathan. But the Australian pacer was not to be denied as two balls later he sent Piyush Chawla packing for a duck.

Pathan got another life when he was on 13. Going for a big swing over the off-side off a Johnson delivery he got a thick edge, which flew fast to Watson at the first slip but the Australian opener failed to latch on to the chance.

Ponting was bang on target with his bowling changes today. He brought David Hussey on to the attack in the 39th over and the part-time spinner did not disappoint his captain.

Inspite of being hit for two huge sixes by Pathan soon after his arrival, Hussey did not lose his cool and got the big-hitting right-hander in the same over as he went for one too many.

India managed to cross the 200-mark thanks mainly to Ashwin and Ashish Nehra (19), who stitched 27 runs together for the last wicket.

Ponting: Nice to get back to playing cricket and atmosphere is just huge. Not sure about the pitch at Bengaluru so we will concentrate on making inroads.

MS Dhoni: Not a bad start, especially when you are used to losing tosses. Sachin and Zaheer won't play today. Others will get a chance to feature and get some practice. It is very important to concentrate on basics, it will be good to play in front of a packed home crowd.

Pitch News: Ian Chappell says there is a bit of even grass and a couple of cracks ahead of the good length spot. Harbhajan Singh will fancy it.


Australia (Playing XV): Shane Watson, Brad Haddin(w), Ricky Ponting(c), Michael Clarke, Cameron White, David Hussey, Steven Smith, Mitchell Johnson, Brett Lee, Jason Krejza, Doug Bollinger, John Hastings, Tim Paine, Shaun Tait, Callum Ferguson

India (Playing XIII): Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Virat Kohli, Yuvraj Singh, MS Dhoni(w/c), Yusuf Pathan, Harbhajan Singh, Ashish Nehra, Munaf Patel, Suresh Raina, Ravichandran Ashwin, Piyush Chawla, S Sreesanth
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West Indies Cricket
West Indies related Cricket News

* West Indies Cricket matches not involving India & other tournaments
* West Indies in World Twenty20 2009
* International Cricket Series

This site exclusively covers all matches involving India and West Indies..

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka
ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 Quarter Finals- Latest News
Cricket World Cup
ICC World Cup 4th Quarter Final, Sri Lanka v England (Match D) -
Mar 26, 2011
09:00 GMT | 14:30 local | 05:00 EDT

* 4th Quarter Final Sri Lanka v England (Match D) in Colombo

ICC World Cup 3rd Quarter Final, New Zealand v South Africa (Match F) -
Mar 25, 2011
08:30 GMT | 14:30 local | 04:30 EDT

* 3rd Quarter Final New Zealand v South Africa (Match F) in Mirpur

ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter Final, India v Australia (Match E) -
Mar 24, 2011
09:00 GMT | 14:30 local | 05:00 EDT

* India Cricket Team For World Cup 2011
* 2nd Quarter Final India v Australia (Match E) in Ahmedabad

ICC World Cup 1st Quarter Final, Pakistan v West Indies (Match C) -
Mar 23, 2011
08:30 GMT | 14:30 local | 04:30 EDT

* 1st Quarter Final Pakistan v West Indies (Match C) in Mirpur

ICC World Cup Cricket Quarter Finals
Date Start Time Match Venue
Wed Mar 23 08:30 GMT | 14:30 local | 04:30 EDT 1st Quarter Final
Pakistan v West Indies
(Match C) Mirpur
Thu Mar 24 09:00 GMT | 14:30 local | 05:00 EDT 2nd Quarter Final
India v Australia
(Match E) Ahmedabad
Fri Mar 25 08:30 GMT | 14:30 local | 04:30 EDT 3rd Quarter Final
New Zealand v South Africa
(Match F) Mirpur
Sat Mar 26 09:00 GMT | 14:30 local | 05:00 EDT 4th Quarter Final
Sri Lanka v England
(Match D) Colombo

ICC World Cup Cricket Group A
Teams Mat Won Lost Tied N/R Pts
Pakistan 6 5 1 0 0 10
Sri Lanka 6 4 1 0 1 9
Australia 6 4 1 0 1 9
New Zealand 6 4 2 0 0 8
Zimbabwe 6 2 4 0 0 4
Canada 6 1 5 0 0 2
Kenya 6 0 6 0 0 0

ICC World Cup Cricket Group B
Teams Mat Won Lost Tied N/R Pts
South Africa 6 5 1 0 0 10
India 6 4 1 1 0 9
England 6 3 2 1 0 7
West Indies 6 3 3 0 0 6
Bangladesh 6 3 3 0 0 6
Ireland 6 2 4 0 0 4
Netherlands 6 0 6 0 0 0

ICC World Cup 42nd Match, India v West Indies, Group B - India win sets up Aussie showdown
Mar 20, 2011
India set up a World Cup quarter-final against holders Australia with a 80-run victory over West Indies, who face Pakistan in the last eight. West Indies paceman Ravi Rampaul took 5-51 on his World Cup debut including the wicket of Sachin Tendulkar for two.

Yuvraj Singh, who was dropped twice, hit 113 and shared a third wicket stand of 122 with Virat Kohli (59) before India collapsed from 218-3 to 268. Devon Smith hit 81 but West Indies lost eight wickets for 34 to finish on 188.
India 268 (Yuvraj 113, Kohli 59, Rampaul 5-51) beat West Indies 188 (Smith 81, Sarwan 39, Zaheer 3-26) by 60 runs

* World Cup Cricket Group B Matches
* India v West Indies Group B Match 42

* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 in India, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Schedule
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Group A Matches
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Group B Matches
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Quarter Finals
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi Finals
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Final
* ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 in India, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh
* Indian Cricket Site | Board of Control for Cricket in India BCCI

India vs West Indies Cricket News
India in West Indies 2009
4th ODI washed out, India win series (IND 2:1|4)
July 5, 2009
MS Dhoni's team won the fifth consecutive ODI series since the defeat in the Asia Cup final at the hands of Sri Lanka last year.

Dhoni won the fourth straight toss in the morning and asked West Indies to bat for the second time in the series, and West Indies suffered an early set back as Ishant Sharma removed Chris Gayle in the very first over for a duck. The hosts who went into the game 2-1 down in the best-of-four contest saw their hopes destroyed by the weather.
When the home side was on 27 for one after 7.3 overs a heavy downpour saw the contest called off.

MS Dhoni is the Man of the Series.
Fourth ODI, St Lucia: West Indies 27/1 (Ishant 1-17) vs India - Match abandoned

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, Fourth One Day International

India win 3rd ODI by six wickets to lead series (IND 2:1|4)
July 3, 2009
India won the third ODI with West Indies on Friday in a rain-shortened encounter at St Lucia by six wickets. Rain delayed the start and interrupted play no fewer than four times leading the umpires to shorten the innings and revise the target couple of times.

Dhoni won the third straight toss in the morning and asked West Indies to bat for the first time in the series. Ramnaresh Sarwan, with 62 off 59, top-scored as the hosts made 186-7 from 27 overs.

Set 159 to win from 22 overs, openers Dinesh Karthik (47) and Gautam Gambhir (44) added 84 for the first wicket. Then, skipper Mahendra Dhoni (46 not out off 34 balls) saw India home with one ball remaining.
Third ODI, St Lucia: India 159/4 (Karthik 47, Dhoni 46*, Gambhir 44) beat West Indies 185/7 (Sarwan 62, Nehra 3-21) by six wickets (D/L method)

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, Third One Day International

West Indies thrash India in Kingston, level series (IND 1:1|4)
June 28, 2009
West Indies beat India by eight wickets in the second cricket international at Sabina Park. Chasing 189 to win, Chris Gayle (64) and Renako Morton (85) shared 101 as West Indies won with 15.5 overs to spare.

India won the toss in the morning and batted but they were reduced to 7-3 and 82-8, before Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit a patient 95 and shared a record 101-run ninth wicket parternership with RP Singh, who made 23 off 75 balls, to help India score a modest 188 all out in 48.2 overs.
Ravi Rampaul had career-best figures of 4 for 37 and Denesh Ramdin took five catches.

The third one-day international will be played in St Lucia on Friday.
Second ODI, Kingston, Jamaica: West Indies 192/2 (Morton 85*, Gayle 62) beat India 188/8 (Dhoni 95, Rampaul 4-37, Taylor 3-35, Bravo 3-26) by eight wickets

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, Second One Day International

India win high-scoring thriller in Kingston (IND 1:0|4)
June 26, 2009
A 131 in 102 balls with 10 fours and 7 sixes from Yuvraj Singh helped India amass 339 for six in Jamaica on Friday in their first of a four-match series of one-dayers, but the determined hosts ran them close to be bowled out for 319 in the 49th over. India's total was the second highest one-day international score at Sabina Park.

Chris Gayle (37) and Runako Morton (42) put on 65 inside 10 overs for the opening stand before Ramnaresh Sarwan (45) and an aggressive Shivnarine Chanderpaul (63) kept West Indies up with the run-rate. They needed 25 to win off the last three overs with two wickets remaining but Rudra Pratap Singh bowled Sulieman Benn for seven in the 48th over, and then wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin, who had kept the score ticking with a smart 29 off 26 balls, was caught by Harbhajan Singh off Ashish Nehra's first ball of the 49th over.

Earlier, deciding to bat first, India lost Gautam Gambhir and Rohit Sharma cheaply, but Karthik (67) and Yuvraj set them on their way to the big total. Mahendra Singh Dhoni (41 of 46 balls), Yusuf Pathan (40 not out off 38) and Harbhajan Singh (21 not out off 13) chipped in with useful contributions.
First ODI, Kingston, Jamaica: India 339/6 (Yuvraj 131, Karthik 67) beat West Indies 319 (Chanderpaul 63, Ashish Nehra 3-49, Yusuf Pathan 3-56) by 20 runs

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, First One Day International

India seek redemption in the Caribbeans
June 25, 2009
India will meet West Indies in the first game of their four-match ODI series at Kingston, Jamaica on Friday.
India is looking to restore pride after a horrendous performance at the Twenty20 World Cup in England, where they crashed out after losing to West Indies and then England. It was, in fact, India's seven-wicket loss to the West Indies in the first Super Eights game that started their losing streak in England.
Apart from restoring pride, this is India's opportunity to leapfrog Australia, and target chart-toppers South Africa in the ODI rankings. A four-nil victory will take the team, now placed third, to the lead.
West Indies Squad (from): Gayle (Capt), Ramdin, Baker, Bravo, Dwayne Bravo, Benn, Bernard Jr, Chanderpaul, Deonarine, Morton, Rampaul, Sarwan, Taylor.
India Squad (from): MS Dhoni (Capt), Yuvraj, Gambhir, Rohit, Harbhajan, Ojha, Yusuf, Vijay, Badrinath, RP Singh, Praveen Kumar, Ishant, Nayar, Nehra, Jadeja, Karthik.

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, First One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Second One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Third One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Fourth One Day International

Tendulkar and Zaheer rested for West Indies tour, Irfan axed!
June 17, 2009
BCCI Secretary N Srinivasan announced a depleted Indian squad for the one-day tour of West Indies starting later this month, just days after the holders were knocked out of the Twenty20 World Cup.
The squad will be captained by Mahendra Singh Dhoni with Yuvraj Singh as his deputy. The team was selected in London after a teleconference between Chairman of the committee Krishnamachari Srikkanth, East Zone selector Raja Venkat, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and coach Gary Kirsten (in London) and three selectors — Yashpal Sharma, Surendhra Bhave and Narendra Hirwani - in Mumbai.

While Sachin Tendulkar opted out, Zaheer Khan, Virender Sehwag and Suresh Raina are out because of injuries, while Munaf Patel and Irfan Pathan were dropped for unknown reasons. Delhi left-arm seamer Ashish Nehra (who has played 72 ODI matches, taking 92 wickets) is back in the team after a long gap of four years - his last match was in in September 2005, while 25-year-old Mumbai all rounder Abhishek Nayar, RP Singh, all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja, Tamil Nadu opener Murali Vijay (who has played one Test against Australia) and middle order batsman Subramaniam Badrinath (who has played three one-day internationals against Sri Lanka) also found place in the squad based on their superb performance in the IPL.
The four matches against West Indies will be played from June 26 to July 5 in Jamaica and St. Lucia.

India Team for West Indies: MS Dhoni (captain/wicketkeeper), Yuvraj Singh (vicecaptain), Gautam Gambhir (specialist opener), Rohit Sharma, Harbhajan Singh, Pragyan Ojha, Yusuf Pathan, M Vijay (specialist opener), S Badrinath, RP Singh, Praveen Kumar, Ishant Sharma, Abhishek Nayar, Ashish Nehra, Ravindra Jadeja, Dinesh Karthik.

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home

Indian Tour of West Indies, 2009
May 14, 2009
After the completion of 2nd edition twenty20 World Cup in England, Indian team will tour Caribbean for four match ODI series against the West Indies.

India will play their first one day international on 26th June 2009. And the rest of three one day internationals will be played on 28th June, 3rd July and 5th July 2009. Probable venues included in the schedule.
Schedule Match Venue
Fri 26 Jun
10:30 EDT/14:30 GMT/15:30 BST/20:00 IST 1st ODI – India v West Indies Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica
Sun 28 Jun
10:30 EDT/14:30 GMT/15:30 BST/20:00 IST 2nd ODI – India v West Indies Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica
Fri 3 July
09:30 EDT/13:30 GMT/14:30 BST/19:00 IST 3rd ODI – India v West Indies Beausejour Stadium, Gros Islet, St Lucia
Sun 5 July
09:30 EDT/13:30 GMT/14:30 BST/19:00 IST 4th ODI – India v West Indies Beausejour Stadium, Gros Islet, St Lucia

* Indian tour of West Indies, 2009 home
* India vs West Indies, First One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Second One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Third One Day International
* India vs West Indies, Fourth One Day International

India vs West Indies, World Twenty20 2009
Bravo magic sinks defending champions
June 12, 2009
West Indies Cricket team India Cricket team West Indies beat India by seven wickets in a thrilling run chase at the Twenty20 World Cup at Lord's on Friday. After winning the toss and electing to bat first, India lost quick wickets at the top with Rohit Sharma the first to go for 5, caught by Simmons off Edwards in the second over. Suresh Raina was next for 5, giving a catch behind to Denesh Ramdin off Edwards. Simmons then brilliantly caught opener Gautam Gambhir, taking a superb catch running back as Gambhir miscued a Bravo delivery. Dhoni made a painful 11 before he was out caught on the boundary by Andre Fletcher off Bravo as he tried to force a sixer.
Yuvraj Singh (67) and Yusuf Pathan (31) gave something to the packed Indian crowd to cheer on, and they looked they were taking the match away from the West Indians, but an ill-timed shot by Yuvraj again gave the momentum back to the Caribbeans. Harbhajan hit three fours off the last three balls to give India a defendable target of 153-7.
India celebrated with early wicket of Fletcher for nought, and later when dangerman Gayle was out on 22, but Simmons and Bravo put on 50 from 35 balls, and shifted the momentum decisively in West Indies' favour. Dwayne Bravo who had taken four wickets to keep India down earlier, went on to score a 66 not out and ended up with the Man of the Match award.
2009 ICC World Twenty20 Match 16: IND vs WIN, Group E, June 12: West Indies 156 for 3 (Bravo 66*, Simmons 44) beat India 153 for 7 (Yuvraj 67, Yusuf 31, Bravo 4-38, Edwards 3-24) by seven wickets

Saina Nehwal

Saina Nehwal (born March 17, 1990) is an Indian Khel Ratna winning badminton player currently ranked number 4 in the world by Badminton World Federation.[4] Saina is the first Indian woman to reach the singles quarterfinals at the Olympics and the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships. Saina Nehwal made history on June 21, 2009, becoming the first Indian to win a Super Series tournament, by clinching the Indonesia Open with a stunning victory over higher-ranked Chinese Wang Lin in Jakarta. (The Super Series tournament is roughly equivalent to a Grand Slam in tennis).

Saina won her second career Super Series title by winning the Singapore Open title on June 20, 2010. She completed a hat-trick in the same year by winning the Indonesian Open on June 27, 2010. This win resulted in her rise to 3rd ranking and subsequently to No. 2. Later in the same year she also won Hong Kong Super Series on December 12, 2010.

Previously coached by S. M. Arif, a Dronacharya Award winner, Saina is the reigning Indian national junior champion and is currently coached by Indonesian badminton legend Atik Jauhari since August 2008,[5] with the former All England champion and national coach Pullela Gopichand being her mentor.

Saina was born in Hisar, Haryana and has spent her entire life in Hyderabad, India. Her foray into the world of badminton was influenced by her father Dr. Harvir Singh, a scientist at the Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad and her mother Usha Nehwal,[1] both of whom were former badminton champions in Haryana. She is the top ranked player (women) in Indian Badminton history.[6]

* 1 Childhood and early training
* 2 Career summary
* 3 Career Record - Best Results
* 4 2008 Summer Olympics
* 5 2010 Updates (Her Path Breaking Year)
* 6 2011 updates
* 7 Record Against Top ranked Chinese Opponents
* 8 Record Against other top rated Opponents
* 9 Miscellaneous
* 10 References

[edit] Childhood and early training

Saina was born in 1990 in a Jat family from Haryana.

She has got brown belt in Karate. She quit Karate at age of 8, when she was asked to have a motorcycle run over her stomach.[7]

In December 1998, Saina's father took her to meet Coach Nani Prasad at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium in Hyderabad. Seeing potential in the girl, Prasad asked Singh to enroll Saina as a summer trainee.

Harvir Singh and Saina, who was 8 years old at the time, would wake at 4am every morning and head to the stadium which was 25 km away. After two hours of practice, Singh would drop Saina at school on his way to work. Sitting behind her father on his scooter, Saina would often fall asleep on these journeys which prompted her mother to accompany them for the next three months.

In order to keep up with the rising cost of her training, Saina’s father withdrew money from his savings and provident fund. The tight-rope walk continued until 2002, when sports brand Yonex offered to sponsor Saina’s kit. As her status and rankings improved, the sponsorships increased. In 2004, BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited).[8] signed the rising star onto their payroll, and she is also supported by Olympic Gold Quest.[9]
[edit] Career summary

Saina was the under-19 national champion. Saina created history by the winning the prestigious Asian Satellite Badminton tournament (India Chapter) twice, becoming the first player to do so.

In 2006, Saina appeared on the global scene when she became the first Indian woman to win a 4-star tournament, the Philippines Open.[10] Entering the tournament as the 86th seed, Saina went on to stun several top seeded players including number seed Xu Huaiwen before defeating Julia Wong Pei Xian of Malaysia for the title. The same year also saw Saina as runner up at the 2006 BWF World Junior Championships, where she lost a hard fought match against top seed Chinese Wang Yihan. She did one better in the 2008 by becoming the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships by defeating ninth seeded Japanese Sayaka Sato 21-9, 21-18.

She became the first Indian woman to reach the quarter finals at the Olympic Games when she upset world number five and fourth seed Wang Chen of Hong Kong in a three-game thriller. In the quarter-finals Saina lost a nail biting 3-gamer to world number 16 Maria Kristin Yulianti. In September 2008, she won the Yonex Chinese Taipei Open 2008 beating Lydia Cheah Li Ya of Malaysia 21-8 21-19.[11] Maria Yulianti had earlier lost her quarter-final match to Pia Bernadet, Saina's semi-final opponent, thus denying Saina a rematch.

Saina has been named The Most Promising Player in 2008.[12] She reached the world super series semifinals in the month of December 2008.[13]

On 21 June 2009, she became the first Indian[14] to win a BWF Super Series title, the most prominent badminton series of the world by winning the Indonesia Open. She beat Chinese Wang Lin in the final 12-21, 21-18, 21-9. Saina on winning the tournament said "I had been longing to win a super series tournament since my quarter final appearance at the Olympics". Saina is on the par with the likes of Prakash Padukone and her mentor Pullela Gopichand who both won the all England championships which are of similar status to the super series. In August 2009 she reached the quarterfinals of world championship losing to the second seed Lin Wang. Saina Nehwal was rewarded with Arjuna award in August, 2009 and her coach Gopichand was also rewarded with Dronacharya award at the same time.

Saina has been signed up by Olympic Gold Quest to support her in fulfilling her dream of winning the Olympic gold medal.[15] Saina has been awarded with Padma Shri award in January 2010. Saina is brand ambassador of Deccan Chargers, an Indian Premier League team owned by Deccan chronicle. She has also became one of the 8 brand ambassadors of 2010 Commonwealth Games held on New Delhi India

Her strategy, at the beginning of 2010, was to ignore ranking points and focus her energies on premier tournaments. That seems to be working as she has won three titles (including two in India), and has reached the semis of two majors. With the World Championships, Commonwealth and Asian Games coming up, her preparation couldn’t have been better. Saina has been awarded with the highest national sporting award given to players, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award on 29 August 2010.

On October 14, 2010 won gold medal against Wong Mew Choo of Malaysia 19-21, 23-21, 21-13 in CWG Delhi and made an unforgettable moment in India's badminton history.

On December 12, 2010 she won Hong Kong super series defeating Wang Shixian of China 15-21, 21-16, 21-17. Saina Nehwal won 2010 Commonwealth games gold in the women's singles badminton event held in the Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi, on 14 October 2010.

She was recently voted as the third best Badminton Player of the Year 2010 by readers of an international badminton magazine, Badzine. Lin Dan expectedly won the top spot with 30% votes followed by Lee Chong Wei with 26%, Saina winning 9% in the third place.[16]
[edit] Career Record - Best Results
Event↓ Year↓ Result↓
Czechoslovakia Junior Open 2003 11 Gold
2004 Commonwealth Youth Games 2004 22 Silver
Asian Satellite Badminton Tournament 2005 11 Gold
2006 Commonwealth Games 2006 33 Bronze
Philippines Philippines Open (badminton) 2006 11 Gold
Asian Satellite Badminton Tournament 2006 11 Gold
India Indian National Badminton Championships 2007 11 Gold
India National Games of India 2007 11 Gold
Chinese Taipei 2008 Chinese Taipei Open Grand Prix Gold 2008 11 Gold
India Indian National Badminton Championships 2008 11 Gold
2008 Commonwealth Youth Games 2008 11 Gold
2008 BWF World Junior Championships 2008 11 Gold
2008 BWF Super Series Masters finals 2008 Semifinalist
Indonesia 2009 Indonesia Super Series 2009 11 Gold
2009 BWF World Championships 2009 Quarterfinalist
India 2009 Indian Open Grand Prix 2009 11 Gold
England 2010 All England Super Series 2010 Semifinalist
2010 Badminton Asia Championships 2010 33 Bronze
India 2010 India Open Grand Prix Gold 2010 11 Gold
Singapore 2010 Singapore Open Super Series 2010 11 Gold
Indonesia 2010 Indonesia Open Super Series 2010 11 Gold
France 2010 BWF World Championships 2010 Quarter-finalist
India 2010 Commonwealth Games 2010 11 Gold
Hong Kong 2010 Hong Kong Super Series 2010 11 Gold
Switzerland 2011 Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold 2011 11 Gold
[edit] 2008 Summer Olympics
Stage Opponent Result Games Points
First Round Ella Diehl Won 2-0 21-9, 21-8
Second Round Larisa Griga Won 2-0 21-18, 21-10
Third Round Wang Chen Won 2-1 21-19, 11-21, 21-11
Quarter-finals Maria Kristin Yulianti Lost 1-2 28-26, 14-21, 15-21
[edit] 2010 Updates (Her Path Breaking Year)

* Saina successfully lead the Indian Women Team to the Quarter-finals stage of the 2010 Uber Cup finals.

* Saina became the first Indian Woman to reach the semi finals of 2010 All-England Super Series before losing to eventual champion Tine Rasmussen.

* Top seeded Saina reached the semifinals of Yonex Sunrise Badminton Asia Championships 2010 losing out to unseeded eventual champion Li Xuerui of China. Saina's Coach Gopichand advised her not exert too much pressure on herself due to the overwhelming home crowd support.

* Saina wins the 2010 India Open Grand Prix Gold, beating Wong Mew Choo of Malaysia in the final and thus justifying her billing as top seed in the tournament. She won a prize money of $8,280 for winning this BWF Grand Prix Gold tournament.

* Saina Nehwal, again seeded no. 1 in the Singapore Open Super Series 2010, entered the finals defeating World champion Lu Lan of China

* Saina won the second Super Series title of her career by beating qualifier Tai Tzu Ying of Chinese Taipei in the final of the Singapore Open 21-18, 21-15. But the fact that she won the tournament in the absence of all the top 5 ranked players (who all happen to be Chinese), takes a little sheen away from her path breaking victory. Saina won a prize money of $15,000 for winning this BWF Super Series tournament.

* Saina has reached a career high of world no. 3 in the women's singles badminton world rankings on 24 June 2010.[17]

* Saina defended her Indonesia Open super series title in three tough games against Sayaka Sato of Japan, 21-19 / 13-21 / 21-11.This is her third super series title and her third successive title following wins at Indian open, Singapore Super series.[18] She again won the top prize money of $18,750 for winning this BWF Super Series tournament.

* On 15 July 2010, with 64791.26 points Saina Nehwal reached a career high world ranking of No. 2 only behind Wang Yihan of China.

* 2nd seed Saina, a tournament favourite, crashed out of the 2010 BWF World Championships in Paris after losing to 4th ranked Chinese Wang Shixian in straight sets 8-21, 14-21. She although equalled her tournament best performance, as she was also a losing quarter-finalist in the last edition held in Hyderabad. She subsequently dropped a spot to be No. 3 in the world rankings.

* Top seed Saina, won the gold medal in the Women's Singles badminton event in the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi. She beat Wong Mew Choo of Malaysia 19-21 23-21 21-13. After her win Saina said, “when I was a match-point down, it was like a shock. It was a big match and winning it means a lot to me. Even many years from now, those present here will always remember how Saina won the gold. It is a proud feeling.”[19]

* In the BWF Super Series ranking for the year 2010 (which only considers the performances of players in the elite world super series tournaments), as on 27 September 2010, Saina has dropped to No. 7 from a high of No. 1 after giving a miss to 2010 China Masters Super Series and 2010 Japan Super Series due to her preparation for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.[20] As on Dec 5 2010, for the first time in the year Saina Nehwal dropped out of the top 10 best performers in the 2010 BWF Super Series rankings.

* Saina Nehwal confirmed her participation for the 2010 Hong Kong Super series to held from 7 Dec to 12 Dec, 2010 and is also the penultimate super series tournament of the year. This would be Saina's first super series tournament after a gap of more than 5 months since her win in the 2010 Indonesia Super Series in June 2010.

* On 12 December 2010, Saina Nehwal defeated Wang Shixian 15-21, 21-16, 21-17 in the final of the 2010 Hong Kong Super Series to win her fourth career Super Series title.

[edit] 2011 updates

* After recovering from a ligament injury, India's ace shuttler Saina Nehwal will return to the international scene in her season-opening Korean Open Super Series in Seoul starting on 25th January 2011.
* 4th seed Saina Nehwal crashed out of the 2011 Korea Open Super Series Premier on 27 January, 2011 in the 2nd round. She was defeated by the Japanese Sayaka Sato in a tight 3 set match with score 17-21,21-19 and 21-11.
* 5th seed Saina, was disappointed when she was defeated by Eriko Hirose of Japan at 2011 All England Super Series Premier on 11 March, 2011. She was defeated in straight sets with a score of 21-11 and 22-20. It was her second early exit of the year after being defeated in Korean Premium Super Series earlier in January.
* One week later, on 17 March, 2011, she met Eriko Hirose again (in the second round of the Wilson Badminton Swiss Open), but managed to win this time in three games 21-15, 17-21 and 21-11 - on her birthday.
* 2nd seed Saina Nehwal beat Ji Hyun Sung of South Korea 21-13, 21-14 to win the Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold badminton title on 20 March, 2011.

[edit] Record Against Top ranked Chinese Opponents

* People's Republic of China Wang Yihan 0-1
* People's Republic of China Wang Xin 0-2
* People's Republic of China Jiang Yanjiao 0-3
* People's Republic of China Wang Lin 1-3
* People's Republic of China Wang Shixian 1-1
* People's Republic of China Lu Lan 2-1

[edit] Record Against other top rated Opponents

* Denmark Tine Rasmussen 0-2
* France Pi Hongyan 0-5
* Hong Kong Zhou Mi 1-3
* Germany Juliane Schenk 5-2
* Japan Eriko Hirose 3-3
* Netherlands Yao Jie 1-2
* South Korea Bae Seung Hee 2-0
* Hong Kong Yip Pui Yin 2-1
* Russia Ella Diehl 6-0
* Bulgaria Petya Nedelcheva 4-2
* Malaysia Wong Mew Choo 3-2
* Thailand Salakjit Ponsana 3-0
* Indonesia Adrianti Firdasari 2-2
* Japan Ai Goto 3-0
* South Korea Bae Youn-joo 3-0
* South Korea Ji Hyun Sung 2-0

(as on 20 March 2011)