Wednesday, March 29, 2006

EBBP4 - treats from Spain!

Ah, I love taking part in food blog events. This community is such a nice one! And surely Blogging By Post is one of the best inventions ever - it's just so much fun to get a package from a fellow food blogger! And to put one together too, of course. I sent my package to Jenni of Pertelote - hope she enjoys the scary salty licorice! (And Jenni, if you don't - you're not alone.)

The host for this round is Andrew, who has an excellent round-up going on here. Thanks for hosting Andrew, I had a lot of fun playing!

And finally, my package! It was sent by the lovely Kel in Barcelona, of Green Olive Tree! She sent some really great goodies. I got gorgeous, gorgeous chocolate truffles, a jar of olives filled with anchovies - which happens to be my very favorite sort of olives. I'm not a huge olive fan - nor am I an anchovy fan so god knows how this works - but these particular ones - great. I also got a bottle of red vinegar from Jerez, Brazilian coffee beans that smell absolutely delicous, sushi rice mix and cuajada mix. This last is a special mix for Spanish desserts - I'm not so sure on the details, but Kel also sent a great looking recipe for how to use them. I hope to get around to that soon! (Inside pic - here.)

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