Thursday, December 20, 2007

8 random things about me

Me, in december 2007

I was tagged by Helena (who's SO talented, she makes the most beautiful sketches and keeps a great blog!) for this fun little meme. So - eight random things? Shouldn't be so hard. But it is! I feel like I talk so much about myself that you all know me by now - but I realise that no, you probably don't. At least not all of you. So, well, here are a few little tidbits to get to know me a bit better.

-My interest in cooking didn't really grow until, say, 2000 or so. I wasn't really interested when I was younger, and it wasn't until I met Per and we moved in together that I really got into it. I think my biggest inspiration was actually Nigella Lawson's first two books, "How to Eat" and "How to be a Domestic Goddess". These are the first cookbooks I remember actually reading, like books, and not just like cookbooks. I loved her writing, her passionate way about food... and I still do.

-I hate getting my hands dirty. No sticky cookie dough for me! Thankfully, there's a very simple solution, that surprisingly didn't occur to me until fairly recently: plastic gloves. A lifesaver, indeed! (A fun thing here is that Per is just the same - his mom is fond of telling a story where he was asked to fingerpaint, in daycare many years ago, and he went to get a brush instead. So maybe *that's* why we're meant to be together?)

-I am not very adventurous. At all. Not in life in general, and not with food either. I am not one of those who will seek out strange things to try - no, not at all. In fact, when food shopping and asked to sample things, I frequently say no. Foodie, yes, food nerd, no.

-I love movies and tv shows. And I watch a lot. My favorite, all time favorite, is Buffy. Which I actually just watched last year. And I fell for it straight away. Lovely, lovely show. But I also enjoy Dexter, Heroes, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, The Shield and MANY more.

-Very few of you know this, but I've actually worked really hard this past fall to lose weight. And I have, for the first time in my life, been successful! To date, I've lost 20 pounds. My secret? I wish it was simple. Truthfully, it's hard work. It's eating less, exercising more. And a LOT of walking. Both Per and I have bought pedometers, and we now aim for at least 12.000 steps every day. I'm not very comfortable talking about this, but as long as we're sharing...

-I have three sisters and a brother, and all of them are quite a bit older than me. I also have two nieces, and four nephews. And one of my nieces have two boys of her own.

-One of my very favorite pastimes is shopping. Meeting a girlfriend for lunch, coffee and shopping is really one of the best ways to spend an afternoon. The very best shopping? Handbags. Oh, handbags...

-I don't listen to music. At all. Sure, the radio is on when I'm driving, but that's pretty much it.

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