Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cherry Apricot Preserves


You just saw that photo, I know - but I don't have one of just the jam. I find it really hard to take decent photos of jam, marmalades and preserves by the way - I don't want to waste any for just a photo, and I never seem to manage anything that really showcases the jam.. Oh well, you'll have to make it for yourself and see how pretty it is!

I had some fresh cherries but not enough to just make cherry jam. I added fresh apricots, and some of the apricot stones for that subtle almond-y flavor. I removed them after cooking, but you can leave them in for a stronger hint of almond. I also added a lot of fresh vanilla, since I placed a massive Ebay order not so long ago, but feel free to omit it or to use less.

Cherry Apricot Preserves
(printable recipe)

300 g fresh apricots, de-stoned and cut into small wedges
500 g fresh cherries, de-stoned
8 apricot stones
2 vanilla beans
600 g jam sugar (with added pectin)
2 tbsp water

Mix everything in a large, wide pot and bring to a boil. Boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Turn off the heat, use a skimmer to remove any scum. Remove the apricot stones if you want. Pour into clean, sterilized jars.

Recipe in Swedish:
Körsbärs- och aprikosmarmelad

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