Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sourdough Tea Cakes


I'll be going away for a few days to visit my sister and family in Östersund in Northern Sweden. Titus and mý mom are going, too, but Per will be left at home. I'll do some blogging by iPhone, but I thought I'd leave you with a nice bread recipe until I get back home again!

Here's a recipe from a blogging friend, Carolina at Sisterfood. It's really easy - you can use rye or wheat sourdough starter, or fresh yeast (50 g) if you prefer that. (That will probably not need to rise for the same amount of time though, so watch it!)

These are very yummy toasted, and I prefer them with a sharp cheese and orange marmalade. A cup of tea is the perfect companion. In fact, these are called "tekakor" in Swedish, which translates into "tea cakes". And yes, they'll keep very well in the freezer!

Sourdough Tea Cakes
(printable recipe)

300 ml rolled oats
50 ml whole buckwheat
50 ml crushed linseed
600 ml water
200 ml sourdough starter (active, bubbling)
1 tbsp honey
3 tbsp neutral cooking oil
1 tsp salt
700 g strong bread flour

Mix oats, linseed, buckwheat and water to a porridge. Bring to a boil, and simmerfor about ten minutes, until nice and thick. Let it cool to room temperature.

Mix the porridge with sourdough starter, oil, honey and salt. Gradually add the flour and work for about 10 minutes in a stand mixer, or 20 minutes by hand. Leave to rise for 3-4 hours.

Shape into small balls and flatten slightly. Place on a baking sheet to rise for about an hour. Prick all over with a fork, before baking at 225°C for about 6 minutes.

Recipe in Swedish:
Tekakor på surdeg

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