Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter Eggs

Today is the last day of Easter - tomorrow it's back to work. It's been great to have five days of holiday in a row, and we've managed to clean out some stuff, and even pack a little bit for the Big Move. But, most of all, I've spent many hours on the couch, catching up on my favorite tv-shows (Gray's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Lost and The O.C.) and watching movies. And, even more importantly, eating candy. In Sweden, as in so many other places, Easter is really the big candy holiday. Everyone gets easter eggs - usually decorated cardboard eggs - filled with candy. This year, mine was filled with what you see in the picture - candy eggs by the Danish chocolatier Anton Berg. The large one are filled with marzipan, the smaller have almond centers and sweet chocolate inside their thin crunchy shell, and the purple balls are hazelnuts covered in dark chocolate and candy. Delicious, all of them - and very pretty.

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