Monday, April 3, 2006

Wild Meat

Wild meat - game - is sometimes so much tastier than regular, bred meat. I had a wonderful venison steak at my aunt's the other day - fabulous flavor and texture! And these wild meat patties, or meatcakes, are truly excellent. They include a little bit of bacon - ground game (this one a blend of moose and venison) is very lean and can be dry, so some extra fat does a lot for the flavor.

I like these served with boiled potatoes, gravy (I cheated and used a store-bought cream sauce this time) and of course, lingonberries. Every swede eats lingonberries with food like this.

Wild Meatcakes

serves 4

3 tbsp breadcrumbs
75 ml water
1 egg
500 g ground meat from game (a mix of venison and moose)
100 g bacon, in small dice
1/2 yellow onion, in small dice
salt, white pepper, dash of cinnamon
butter, for frying

Mix the breadcrumbs with the water and the egg. Let it swell for a minute. Fry the bacon and the onion. Mix everything - the breadcrumbs, the meat, the bacon and the spices - and form small, flat cakes. Place on a damp cutting board until you're ready to fry. Fry, a few at a time, in butter.

Viltfärsbiffar med bacon

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