Sunday, June 4, 2006

Potato salad with mozzarella and orange

It's been a super busy weekend, since the kittens have been ready to move out. We've been sending them off - Ida on Friday, Io and Ixion on Saturday, and today Ismene moved. Ikaros is staying for one more week, before heading off to his new home.

Today, we've also managed to finally go visit Dagmar and Fredrik, who recently moved to Stockholm. Dagmar had made an absolutely delicious chocolate coffee icecream cake, and we were thrilled to discover that they, like us, love board games.

This recipe is another one I tried for my birthday a few weeks ago. It's a great take on a classic potato salad, and very tasty. Do try it with some grilled meat!

Potato salad with mozzarella and orange

800 g small potatoes, peeled
large handful of fresh basil
100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
2-3 tbsp concentrated orange juice
100 ml olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
250 g mozzarella cheese
salt, pepper

Boil the potatoes until soft. Split larger potatoes in half. Cut the cheese into large dice. Using a food processor, mix the basil with orange juice, concentrated orange juice, olive oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Pour this over the mozzarella, and add the warm potatoes. You can leave this for an hour or two, the flavors will just intensify.

Potatissallad med mozzarella och apelsin

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