Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Election day - coming soon!

Today is Wednesday, and the Swedish elections are on Sunday - just a few short days away. I don't normally write much about politics here, but I'll make an exception. See, politics is my job. I work, full time, for the Swedish liberal party - Folkpartiet. And in this election, I''m also a candidate. So - if any of you happen to live in Nacka, and you'd like to vote for me: I'm number 8 on the list. And if any of you who don't live in Nacka still would like to support me - a vote for Folkpartiet would be great!

It's been a hellish campaign season. We've had plenty of scandals in the press, plenty of dirty campaigning, and even some real dangers - yesterday, someone tried to blow up one of our campaign huts in Malmö! I'm sick again, bad cold, but it doesn't matter. It's almost over. And I hope that this time we'll manage to kick the socialist party out of government. The polls are very close, but it's looking somewhat hopeful.

And for those of you who don't care at all, that's fine, just ignore this post, and enjoy the food!

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