Monday, October 23, 2006

Chocolate Balls

A favorite confection for Swedish kids and adults alike - I hereby present to you: the chocolate ball. When I grew up, it was known other another name entirely - something which is now percieved as far too racist to mention. So I won't. (But I'm kind of betting someone will in the comment section.) Anyway. It's great stuff! I don't make them myself any more (but it's dead easy) since a store near me (Coop Konsum in Nacka Forum) has the Best Ones Ever.

My co-worker started buying them, and I would look disapprovingly at him. After all, this is something you make yourself, not something to buy. That was my very firm opinion. Until he bought me one. And that was the start of a very dangerous friendship, so to speak. Because these truly are the best chocolate balls I've ever tried. Such flavor, such texture. Yum.

Anyway. They contain basically butter, sugar, oats, cocoa and sometimes a little coffee. They are then shaped into balls and rolled in coconut. One of these days, I might make some myself, and then I promise to share the recipe.

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