Thursday, August 14, 2008

Coriander & Chili Yogurt


Here's the sauce I mentioned, that goes so very very well with the fruity bulgur salad. It also goes really well with other salads, or with something from the barbecue - almost anything, really. And it takes just a few minutes to put together, but try to do it slightly in advance, the flavors develop more if they're left to sit for an hour or so.

Coriander & Chili Yogurt

5 tbsp fresh coriander
1 tbsp fresh mint
1/2 chili (use your favorite), finely minced
2 tsp honey
1 lime, finely grated zest
200 ml thick yogurt (greek or turkish style)

Place the herbs and the chili with a little bit of the yogurt in a bowl, and mix using a handheld blender until it's well blended. Stir in the rest yogurt and the lime zest. Season with honey and salt.

Recipe in Swedish:
Koriander- och chilisås

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