Sunday, August 3, 2008

Strawberry Preserves


Nothing makes me feel as domestic-goddess-y as making jam. It's something about "making something to save for later" that just really appeals to me. Sadly, I'm very nervous about it, and I never think that it will actually keep. But, as long as you keep it in the fridge (if you don't use a lot of preservatives) and consume it fairly fast.. it should be ok. When I was buying strawberries for this, I told the lady at the shop that I was making preserves. She lit up and asked if I'd be using any interesting spices or combinations. She visibly shrunk with disappointment as I said that no, I'd go for a very basic kind... but really, strawberry preserves is something so perfect in the first place, it's hard to make it better.

This recipe is from a preview from Kinna's new book - which will only come out in Swedish for now. It's very easy really. Take 1 kilo of fresh strawberries. Place them all in a food processor and whirl a bit - they should not be mushy, but coarsely chopped. Transfer to a large pot. Add about 500 g of sugar, and some pectin. I can't really say how much since it will depend on the brand you're using, but follow the directions on the package and you should be fine. Heat, cook for a few minutes, skim off any foam, and pour into warm, sterilized jars. (This is another part that always worries me, but I heated the jars in the oven and I hope they're ok.)

Use more pectin for more of a marmelade consistency, or less to make it more jammy. Mine are quite loose. My favorite way to eat this? Umm, any way really. On pancakes. Stirred into yogurt. On ice cream. With sharp cheese, on a sandwich. Or just from the jar, with a spoon. (Yes, really.)

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