Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tesse's Carrot Cake

Thank god for an extra fridge.

Ok, sorry for not posting yesterday. I have good reason though - I was busy baking. A lot. Today is my brother's birthday party, and I had volunteered to make dessert for his 100-or-so guests. (What was I thinking?!) Anyway. So I did. I quickly scrapped my original plan of making cupcakes, and instead asked my friend Tesse for her awesome carrot cake recipe. I made a double batch of that, and then double batches of Earl Grey Cookies (recipe to come), Chocolate Chip Cookies and Cardamom Biscotti. I tried to make a double batch of Cinnamon Tosca Squares, but something went horribly wrong and most of it ended up on my oven floor. And eventually in the wastebin.


Anyway. I have to share the carrot cake recipe. It's really awesome, and I think part of the reason is that it uses butter rather than oil. Tesse always uses normal salted butter, but I used unsalted and instead added a small pinch of salt. You can do it either way.

I made twice this recipe (and three times the frosting) for the batch I made, but this is enough for a thick normal sized cake. (Use a 9-inch springform tin.)


Tesse's Carrot Cake

4 eggs
400 ml sugar
400 ml flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp baking soda
200 g butter, melted
600 ml (about 500 g) carrots, finely grated

Beat eggs and sugar until very fluffy. Stir in flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and baking soda. Then add the butter, and finally the carrots.

Pour into a buttered and floured baking pan, and sprinkle over cinnamon.

Bake at 175°C until the cake is baked through. Count on about 35-45 minutes, but depending on your pan it can take longer so keep checking it.

Let the cake cool completely before frosting it.

Cream cheese frosting
150 gram cream cheese
60 gram butter, at room temperature
250 ml powdered sugar

Beat all ingredients until it's really light and fluffy. Spread over the cake and place in the fridge to set.

Decorate, if you wish, with caramelized carrot strips.

Recipe in English:
Tesses morotskaka

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