Monday, January 12, 2009

Lemon Sill


Sill. What's that? Basically, it's large herrings, and while they are also sold as they are, most people refer to pickled herring when they just say sill.

Sill is something very important to most Swedes. It's always present on Smorgasbords, and definitely a staple for almost all holidays - Christmas, Easter, Midsummer's... People think you're quite strange if you don't eat sill - believe me, because I'm not much of a sill-eater.

However, I'm learing. I now rather enjoy the creamy versions, but still have a hard time with the "clear" ones that are mainly just spiced. You can buy many versions at any grocery store, but it's very popular to make your own, and I tried out two kinds for christmas - both with really good results.

You have to have a neutrally pickled herring to start with, so I realize this will be useless to many of you out there. Maybe IKEA has it? It's a tin made by Abba called "five-minute sill".

Lemon Sill

50 ml thick yogurt (greek or turkish style)
50 ml crème frâiche
zest from one lemon
juice from one lemon
1 tbsp runny honey
salt, black pepper

1/2 tin Abba's Five-Minute Sill (about 200 g)

Cut the sill into thin strips (or leave them larger if that's your preference.) Mix all the other ingredients together, stir in the sill and season to taste. Serve cool, and keep in the fridge - it'll keep for a few days.

Recipe in Swedish:

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