Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yep, a little Chef is on the way...

Baby Chef, 14 weeks

Most of you figured out my not-so-subtle hint yesterday. Yes, I do indeed have a "bun in the oven"! It's really very, very, very exciting, and feels very weird at the same time. Some of you might have noticed that I've posted a bit less, and definitely fewer recipes, and this is the reason. I have felt very uninspired to cook, and while I've been lucky enough not to have had any morning sickness (or anytime-of-the-day-sickness, really) I haven't been eating a whole lot, either. No cravings, as far as I can tell...

The baby is due in mid-May (actually, the tentative date is the same as my own birthday, May 21, but I'm sure it'll be any other day) so I'm about halfway there. So far, it's been really easy, except for a lot of hormonal roller-coaster mood-shifting - let's hope it stays as easy as this!

Anyway - I probably won't post a whole lot about this, but I really wanted to share with all my friends out there, across the world. Many hugs!

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