Monday, August 7, 2006

EBBP #5 - package from Germany

I love blogging events! And some of the most fun ones include getting packages in the mail - Blogging by Mail and European Blogging by Post. The lovely Cook Sister - Jeanne - hosted this round, and I got a lovely package that was waiting for me when I got home today, from Meeta in Germany. Meeta blogs over at What's for lunch, honey? which was a new blog to me. (That's another bonus of these events, since you get to discover new delicious blogs!)

Meeta sent me a gorgeous photo that she had taken herself, and explained that to her, summer is all about berries and fruit. So, I also got a jar of her home-made pineapple-yellow plum preserves with ginger (yum!!) and a big log of honey cake that I will eat with the preserves. Also in the package was an incredibly tasty bar of chocolate with almonds and chili. I've already eaten some of it, and I can't help feeling sorry that I can't have more. It's delicious - the crunchy almonds and the almost not-there-but-still-is-present heat of the chillies just go so well together. Maybe it's a good thing I can't have it very often - although if I'm in Germany, I'd be sure to stock up!

My own package went out a few days ago, and is heading for.. well, I won't tell you. But I hope the recipient gets it soon! It has, among other things, some lavender chocolate biscotti that I'm planning to tell you about in a few days.

If you want to join in, Stephanie is hosting the next round of Blogging by Mail!

And if you're a Swedish blogger, or just happen to be in Stockholm - we're having a foodie picknick on August 23. It's open for everyone, so just come and join in the fun! We'll be in Humlegarden, from 17.30. E-mail if you want to know more!

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