Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Yesterday, I started my day by standing in line at Systembolaget, Sweden's only chain of liquor stores (state-owned) for half an hour. Why on earth? Well, it was time for release number two of Mackmyra. Mackmyra is the first Swedish-produced malt whiskey, and while it's still very young, they are releasing six different "Preludium" versions. I bought number one a few months ago, and now I have number two safely resting in my (overfilled) cabinet.

What's so special? Taste-wise, I have no ideas as we haven't tried ours yet. But the idea is fairly special. They only use Swedish raw materials of high quality, everything from water to barley, yeast and peat. And as whiskey aficionados - Per more than me - it was imperative to get a bottle. They only released a few thousand, and they sold out in a few hours. (In a few minutes, for most of the stores.)

Wanna know more? Head over to Mackmyra's very informative website. You can also buy a whole cask here, and specify the way you want them to make it. Customized! That's pretty cool.

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