Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Quinoa salad with two cheeses

I love salads, especially foody ones with a lot of different things in them. And quinoa is a new discovery for me. So tasty! This is not an exact recipe, because once again I have forgotten exactly what I did. But the good news is, you don't need it. Just use whatever you'd like. It will be great. This one was something like this:

-quinoa (rinse well, boil in plenty of salted water, drain.)
-pan-fried halloumi with garlic
-thin slivers of red onion
-cherry tomatoes
-rocket (aragula)
-crumbled feta cheese
-salt and pepper
-olive oil

I think that was pretty much that, but you could of course add any veggies you'd like, and any cheeses you see fit. Or go carnivore and add bacon, yum. Or chicken. Or - well, yeah, I'm sure you see the point by now.

Want more salads? Gabriella at My Life As A Reluctant Housewife is hosting a summer salad event, so head over there and check them out!

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