Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh, crappy day!

I'm sorry, but I *have* to tell you about today. It was completely miserable. I had a seriously traumatic incident. I was at the dentist's, to get a root canal. In itself, not a lot of fun. The job went fine, and was done in about an hour. Then, the dentist drilled out most of the tooth, and started on the regular filling (on top of the root canal) and when she was done with that, and I had a major gap in my tooth... the building caught on fire.

Not kidding. On fire. So we had to run out. Me with my hole in my tooth, no jacket, nothing.

The dentists and nurses were very concerned - I was the only patient at the time, since it was normally lunch hour - and very friendly, but that didn't help me much. In fear that the tooth might collapse without a filling, they asked me to go to another dentist, immediately, so I got in my car (thank goodness I had the keys in my purse!) and drove there, completely in tears. (Mostly from shock, a little from pain.) They filled it with a very temporary filling that honestly feels mostly like very soft gum, I'm not trusting it one bit, and then Per picked me up and took me home.

It turned out that the fire wasn't very bad - the firetruck was already there when we got out, and they put it out fast, but there was a lot of smoke, and it took a while to secure everything. I got to go back later to pick up my jacket, and to set a new appointment to get the tooth fixed for real. And then I've just spent the rest of the day at home, watching Gilmore Girls.

Yeah, that was my day. Now I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich, and be careful not to chew with my hole-y tooth.

I promise to blog about food tomorrow, but I just couldn't today.

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