Tuesday, January 2, 2007

This year, I dare...

Time for new year's resolutions! Like last year, I promise to take on some new challenges, and I hope that this year, I dare to make the following:

1. Sushi. Shouldn't be so very hard, right? As my trusty readers have heard to death by now, my brother-in-law is a very talented sushi chef, and should be able to give me a few pointers - however, he just started his own restaurant (Hattori Sushi Devil) and it's wildly successful and I doubt he'll have the time! But I found a lovely website to help me out - Make My Sushi has some great flash illustrations for sushi making. And failing that, my neighbor makes her own sushi so I can possibly persuade her to come over for sushi night.

2. Chokladbiskvier. This is a sort of cream-filled chocolate macaroon - a bottom made from almonds and eggwhites, filled with a chocolate buttercream, then dipped in more chocolate. It's very popular here, you can find it at virtually any café. However, I'm scared to death of making them myself. I've tried once, and it was very unsuccessful. Let's hope it goes better this year.

3. Glace au four. Ice-cream, in the oven. How stupid is that? Yet, I know it can be delicious. My friend Cissi (who sadly has stopped blogging) made a wonderful version, and I still have her recipe. That's definitely one thing I'm trying this year!

4. A vegetarian week. Not a huge challenge, we already eat a lot of vegetarian dishes, but we'll have to think long and hard to make a weekly menu. Not giving up on eggs and dairy though! And we're NOT going to eat just pasta, I promise!

5. Swedish crisp bread. Really, it's supposedly not so very hard. I really should try. Will let you know how it goes.

I won't pass this on to any bloggers in particular, but if you want to join me in this endeavour to try new, slightly frightening things, please do! And feel free to link to any such promises in the comments - I can't wait to read them!

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