Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Red Deer

We ate a really lovely red deer steak the other day. Tesse made this for our 13-course dinner, and it was so good we decided to have it a few days later. It was really simple, too - I let a whole small steak (about 700 g) marinate in a mixture of red wine, balsamic vinegar, some soy sauce, juniper berries, barbecue sauce and possibly something more - can't remember exactly, for about 24 hours. Then I cooked it in a warm oven (about 150°C) until it reached a temperature of 62°C. I let it rest, wrapped in foil, while I made the potato gratin, which was my usual simple recipe but with the addition of sliced carrots. Super tasty!

Red deer is really, really cheap in my local store, which makes no sense at all since it's imported from New Zealand. Not ideal, really, as I prefer to buy food that has not travelled the world, but still a very decent buy.

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